“Synergy” Defined: Why Synergy of Science & Self is the secret to achieving Success

The VICTUS Method, explained.

The VICTUS Method focuses on SYNERGY to achieve a whole, unified Self. © Marisa Victus

What does “synergy” mean?

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “synergy” as:

1. A combined action or operation;

2. A mutually advantageous conjunction or compatibility of distinct elements.

But, doesn’t that definition sound a bit boring and sterile to you?

“Synergy” — as I define it — means so much more.

“Synergy” can make you WHOLE.

If you’ve read my prior posts, you’ll notice an overarching theme in most everything I write:

The desire to unify our Self, to be whole and bring synergy and success to everything that we do.

Here, I dared you to aim higher, to be the HERO of your own life story. To take your pen in hand, to write, rewrite, refine, and redefine your story. Because we only have one life to live. So, let’s not waste it being afraid to become who we’re meant to be.

Here, I explained that the Mountain of our greatest dreams isn’t just ahead of us on the horizon. The Mountain we’re climbing is mostly in our minds. But, we’ve got formidable foes lurking in there: they’re the Limiting Beliefs that swarm in our heads, like wraiths whispering or yelling “You can’t!” whenever we gear up, to do the hard work we’ve got to do to scale the summit.

Here, I showed you how I used Better Words to “Flip the Script” to banish the Limiting Belief that we’ve got to be “Perfect,” to do everything right.

Here, I explained how important it is for us to build a Secure Attachment with OURSELVES.

And, here, I explained what we can do, to be happy, when who we are is not who we are meant to be.

In all, what’s the antidote to the misery of our unrealized dreams?

Happiness is Found In Synergy.

Happiness is the Wholeness That’s Inside of You.

— The VICTUS Method

“Synergy” can 10x your Life, the same way it is for me.

Because I define “synergy” as much more than the definition in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

“Synergy” means:

  • You STOP denying who you ARE.
  • You focus on being WHOLE, on expressing and sharing every part of you.
  • You refuse to be ashamed of past mistakes.
  • You take pride in lessons learned and wisdom gained.
  • You honor the Inner Child that’s still inside of you.
  • You feel safe, to become your highest, most authentic Future Self.
  • And, you don’t have to have all the answers to achieve greater synergy in your life.
  • You don’t have to be some guru or know-it-all.

Instead, you adopt the Identity that serves you best in each season of your life, and you THINK, DO, and BE your way to achieving our Goals.

You’re an Explorer, a Captain. Though you may not yet have a map, you’re ready to steer your ship through uncharted waters, knowing full well that there’s no such thing as a “Perfect” Captain when you’re out at sea, in the middle of a storm.

You’re a Lifelong Learner, ready to study your way to greatness, learning little by little, applying what you learn day by day, until you achieve your goals.

You’re a Creative Artist, no matter your chosen discipline. Because you have a creative spirit. One that thinks outside the box, beyond the lines that are meant to confine you. You see beyond perfectionism and welcome the messiness of life, where mistakes are only stepping stones to learning, and there’s beauty in the losses as well as the gains.

Most importantly, you’re your own Expert Scientist.

You become the Expert at what works for YOU.

Because synergy isn’t just a state of wholeness that we can achieve.

It’s also an investigative process that’s constantly evolving as we:

  1. Identify what works in our life;
  2. Study the science, so we can understanding why;
  3. Develop enough mindful self-awareness and curiosity to apply the lessons we’ve learned in one area of our lives, to other areas of our lives;
  4. Achieve small incremental wins that can compound into massive gains;
  5. And, we do all this, using the THINK-DO-BE practice, to find and test the best, most effective habits for us, using experimentation and constant iteration.

That’s why I’ve named this practice The VICTUS Method.

Because victus means way of life.

© Marisa Victus

It isn’t static or unchanging.

It’s as fluid as we are, as changing as life itself.

But, how can we feel whole when there are many changing, and sometimes competing, parts of our Self?

The VICTUS Method focuses on finding “Synergy” of Science & Self

Synergy allows us to adopt the Growth Mindset that we need to not only study, but apply the knowledge we’ve gained, to become a more complete, unified Self.

If you’d like to practice along with me, sign up for my Substack Newsletter, where we’ll take the scientific principles and concepts that we can learn from peer-reviewed scientific studies and experts in many scientific fields (biology, psychology, epidemiology, etc.), and apply it to all areas of our life.

Not just to benefit our chosen careers, but to:

• Enhance our sense of purpose;

• Pursue value-driven goals;

• Devote ourselves to creative pursuits;

• Cultivate a healthy mind and body, both physiologically and deep within our soul;

• Honor our aspirations;

• Achieve our dreams; and,

• Most importantly of all, become WHOLE, with a Secure Attachment to our Self.

So much so, that our sense of security isn’t theoretical.

It’s felt in our body:

The Sympathetic Nervous System that revs up the fight-flight-or-freeze reaction becomes less of a threat.

And the Parasympathetic Nervous System takes over, because we feel safe to relax into the new habits, routines, and systems that synergy can provide for us.

The end result isn’t just the achievement of some goal, but the peace it brings to us.

It’s the happiness we gain when we realize, one day, that we’ve overcome our fears and obstacles.

What once held us back, simply can’t anymore.

Synergy’s the secret to achievement.

To success in more areas of our life.

To doing what’s hard, with greater ease, more self-love, and significantly less anxiety and stress.

We don’t have to live with a Fractured Self.

We can be WHOLE.

We can bring synergy to everything we do.

So, let’s do this.

Together, we can unify our Self and embody what truly makes each of us special and unique.

The synergy in me honors and respects the synergy in each of you,




Marisa VICTUS: Synergy of Science & Self

Attorney. Author. Passionate for science of self-improvement. VICTUS: the practice to silence the inner critic, to be our true, authentic self. marisavictus.com