Stay Humble

Mike McKanna
2 min readMay 6, 2024


This is part 3 of a 14 part series describing my professional philosophy. Part 2 can be found here.

For anyone that knows me well, they may chuckle when I say the next point of my 12-point philosophy is to be HUMBLE.

man staring at sunset on horizon
Photo by Karl Fredrickson on Unsplash

Yes, humility. I do have it. I have been knocked down enough times, lost enough battles, been called a loser many times, and have wallowed in the agony of what I felt was perpetual suck-i-tude.

I’m not the best with humility, but I do know that I am not where I am today without a ton of help from friends, family, and many others I will never know.

HUMILITY — you do nothing in this world by yourself.

Everything you’ve done came with some support from individuals or groups. Recognize it and don’t overestimate your capabilities as a loner.

What does this have to do with project management?

A lot.

As a project manager, do you execute the project all by yourself?


You have a team.

You have a group of individuals working as a single entity to meet a shared vision or goal, hopefully.

You are LEADING that group.

They could still do the work without you — although maybe not as well or as quick — but they could.

The point is — remember that YOU ARE PART OF THAT TEAM and not the ‘most important’ one on the project.

This is extremely important, because without the humility up front — the remaining points will fall on deaf ears or over-inflated egos.

Stay humble my friends.

The 12 points can be read on my GitHub page (for now). The next story can be found here.



Mike McKanna

Human being trying to make sense of it all and writing as a cathartic process towards inner health. I have an imaginary friend and I call him - The Walking PM