Why you should watch the movie ‘About Time’

Meenakshi b
5 min readNov 17, 2022


Photo by Andrik Langfield on Unsplash

The movie About Time was released in 2013. It is directed by Richard Curtis and stars Domhnhall Gleeson (as Tim Lake), Rachel McAdams (as Mary), Bill Nighy (as Tim’s father), and several other extremely talented actors.

On his 21st birthday, Tim receives some surprising news. His father tells him that all the men of their family have the ability to travel back in time. The movie goes on to demonstrate how he and his father make use of this ability to change their lives and how Tim realizes the limits of this power.

Here is a list of reasons why you should watch this movie:

1. Richard Curtis

Curtis has written some memorable movies like Four Weddings and a Funeral, Notting Hill and Love Actually (he has also directed this movie). He appears to have a fondness for stories that leave the viewer with a warm feeling. Relationships and emotions play a central role in the stories of all these movies. And as my husband pointed out, the characters in these stories don’t seem to get into too many fights with each other. People get along, and even when they don’t, there is no melodrama.

Curtis has been scoffed at for making stories that are a bit too sentimental. He explains his point of view as follows:

“If you write a story about a soldier going AWOL and kidnapping a pregnant woman and finally shooting her in the head, it’s called searingly realistic, even though it’s never happened in the history of mankind. Whereas if you write about two people falling in love, which happens about a million times a day all over the world, for some reason or another, you’re accused of writing something unrealistic and sentimental.”

Curtis lost his parents, and as such a profound loss often does, it got him thinking about the meaning of life. Many of us will identify with this sentiment. The pandemic has helped to clarify many of life’s truths. While engrossed in these philosophical thoughts, Curtis came up with the idea of this movie.

2. The way Tim chooses to use his special power

The moment Tim realizes that he really has the power to go back in time, he decides, with absolute clarity, that he wants to use this power to find himself a girlfriend. He doesn’t say that he wants money, fame, or power. He doesn’t say that he wants many girlfriends, or a series of girlfriends, or a rich girlfriend, or a gorgeous girlfriend. He just wants to love someone and have someone who loves him. The men from previous generations had chosen other pursuits. Tim’s choice reveals who he is and what he holds dear. It sets the tone for the movie.

3. The pleasant family life

Tim is a happy, content, and kind-hearted guy. This is clearly the result of the environment he grew up in. His mother is a practical and straightforward woman but still makes people welcomed in her household. His father is warm and funny. He spends time chatting with Tim, and playing table tennis with him (while also providing a very humorous commentary), or taking long leisurely walks on the beach with him.

Their family life has a laid-back vibe. It is not as if the family members are lazy. Tim is, in fact, a student of law. Yet, life doesn’t revolve around work.

4. The bond between brother and sister

Tim’s sister is a whimsical creature. She has odd mannerisms and an absent-minded air. However, she loves people deeply, and shows her affection unabashedly. Tim, in turn, openly says how much he cherishes her. This is a welcome break from on-screen sibling relationships where the siblings are constantly competing or sparring, and realize their love for each other only at the end of the movie. I believe we waste valuable time when we do not let people know how much we love them and assume that our love is implied. It is worse still when we disrespect and disparage loved ones repeatedly and still assume that they will feel our ‘love’.

5. The strong ties between the father and the son

Tim’s father always makes time for his children. Having had the opportunity to re-live some moments of his life, he has gathered more than a lifetime of wisdom. From his experiences, he realizes how spending time with loved ones and living a quiet life trumps all other forms of living.

His relationship with his son became even stronger with time, as the two of them share this special secret. Tim’s father often watches quietly, but approvingly, as Time used his power to make minor tweaks in his life. He is a supportive and reassuring presence throughout the movie.

6. How life can be turned around even without special powers

Tim’s sister slowly goes from being a free spirit to a tortured and depressed young woman, all due to her wrong choice of a romantic partner.

Even people with the sunniest of dispositions wilt and fade away in the constant presence of callousness and neglect. With her family’s support, she is able to change her situation and regain her natural effervescence.

7. The kindness

The film also has many oddball characters. Tim’s uncle is a pleasant man who is completely oblivious to the world. This makes for several awkward moments during family conversations. Yet, everybody takes it in their stride. There are no demeaning comments. Everyone chooses to concentrate on his child-like simplicity and his harmless nature. Similarly, Tim’s colleague at work, Rory, is socially challenged. Yet he is invited to important events in Tim’s life and Tim offers him support at work.

It is sometimes exhausting to watch movies that are brimming with verbal and physical violence, betrayal, manipulation, and sarcasm. It is calming to watch characters who are warm and generous.

The movie reminded me that if I am constantly sacrificing the joys of the present moment in preparation for a better future, then I am living my life wrong. I already have everything that I ever wanted. If the future brings along something better, it will be a bonus. And if it doesn’t, life is good the way it is.

Previous posts about movies

1. Why you should watch the movie Larry Crowne

2. More for Po

3. The Slap: No not that one

4. “He’s exaggerating!” they say. But is he?

5. The quirks of the movie ‘Main Hoon Na’ that continue to entertain

6. It takes a village

7. Where’s the shark?

8. Why you should watch The Equalizer

