How to buy Land Plots in Metafluence City

7 min readJun 26, 2022


By purchasing Land Plots & Metahuts, you’ll secure your own virtual properties in the Metaverse and become one of the first Metafluence citizens. But what are Land Plots and Metahuts, and how to buy them?

First of all, for those new here, let’s briefly introduce Metafluence City, an influencer-centric Metaverse for everyone who wants to rise & shine in the virtual world. Metafluence has 2 kinds of virtual properties that you can acquire: Land Plots and Metahuts.

Land Plots are 100M x 100M square spaces that offer numerous benefits, including hosting public events, receiving NFT airdrops, etc.

On the other hand, Metahuts are virtual residences consisting of different rooms such as NFT, Event, Shopping, and other customizable rooms, allowing the owners to engage with their audiences, friends, fans, and brands easily.

So let’s dive into how you can acquire your virtual properties in Metafluence City:

A Step-by-step Guide on How to Acquire Virtual Properties in Metafluence City

You can purchase Virtual Properties both on desktop and mobile via MetaMask wallet. We’ll elaborate on their step-by-step process below, but you can also jump to the part you need by clicking the links below:

  1. Acquire Virtual Properties on Desktop
  2. Acquire Virtual Properties on Mobile

Acquire Virtual Properties on Desktop

Step #1: Add a MetaMask wallet extension to your browser

To do that, open the website, click the “Download” button, and choose the suitable version for your device or browser. Even though the MetaMask offers apps for iOS and Android devices, you’ll only be able to buy Land Plots via a desktop browser extension. And it’s available for Chrome, Firefox, Brave, and Edge browsers.

Pro tip: You can also use Chrome extensions in Opera. You only need to download another extension called “Install Chrome Extensions” in Opera. Once downloaded, you’ll be able to use extensions made for Chrome in Opera too.

If you are using the Brave browser and unable to connect your MetaMask wallet, please follow the below instructions:

Go to brave://settings/wallet, then change “Default cryptocurrency wallet” to “None”. Done! Now you should be able to connect your MetaMask wallet smoothly.

If you need help setting up the MetaMask wallet, check out their FAQ and Community forum.

Once you install the Metamask wallet, you’ll see a little fox icon appearing in the top-right corner of your browser. Click on it, and sign in to your wallet.

Step #2: Go to the Metafluence City Map

After setting up the Metamask wallet, go to the Metafluence Map by either typing in your browser or clicking the “Buy Virtual Properties” button on the Properties Page on our website.

Then click the “Connect Wallet” button on the top-right corner to connect to your MetaMask wallet. Make sure your wallet is on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network.

Step #3: Check your balance

If you click the MetaMask icon, you’ll find your wallet balance. Remember that you can acquire Land Plots with $METO or $BUSD.

If you choose to use $METO, you’ll get a 10% discount on your land plot purchase; that is, to acquire one Land Plot, you’ll pay $METO tokens worth 95 USD.

On the other hand, in case you choose $BUSD as your payment option, you’ll pay 105 USD (105 $BUSD).

Additionally, you’ll need to have a small amount of $BNB for the transaction fee.

Step #4: Get $METO if you don’t have enough

In case you don’t have enough $METO to acquire your desired spots, you can quickly get them on four exchanges:

P.S. You can also check out this guide on how to buy $METO on PancakeSwap.

On the other hand, let’s say your $METO tokens are in a Trust Wallet or any other wallet. In that case, you can transfer your wallet to a MetaMask wallet by following this guide.

Step #5: Choose a spot on the Metafluence City Map

Once you have enough $METO or $BUSD and $BNB in your wallet, go back to the Metafluence City Map, zoom in on it, and select the places you want to acquire.

As you can see, Land Plots on the map are in 3 colors: Gray, yellow, and red.

  • Gray: empty Land Plots available for purchase.
  • Yellow: special districts not available for purchase yet.
  • Red: Land Plots already owned by someone else.

It’s important to know that the maximum amount of Land Plots you can acquire with a single wallet is 94.

Step #6: Buy your selected Land Plots

After finding the best spots suiting you and choosing the Land Plots, you want to own, click the “Buy” button in the bottom-right corner. As you see from the pic below, your selected Land Plots turn blue, and the total number of chosen Land Plots will be shown in the bottom-left corner.

In the opening window, you will see a summary of your cart before making the purchase. Here, you can review the selected Land Plots with their coordinates and choose your payment option (via $METO or $BUSD). As you see below, a 10% discount is applied for payments made with $METO.

When done reviewing, click the “Pay with BUSD” or “Pay with METO” buttons to initiate the purchasing process.

You’ll need to confirm two transactions in the opening two Metamask windows. In each of those windows, you’ll also see the amount of $BNB required for each transaction, and as you can see, you’ll just need very few $BNBs.

If you agree, click “Confirm” in each of the opening MetaMask windows to finish the purchasing process.

Acquire Virtual Properties on Mobile

Step #1: Open MetaMask

First, open your MetaMask wallet and ensure it’s on the Binance Smart Chain Mainnet. If you don’t know what it means, feel free to refer to this article by Binance for all the details.

Step #2: Open the City Map in the MetaMask

After setting your MetaMask wallet on Binance Smart Chain, go to: on your mobile browser (Safari, Chrome, etc.) and click on “Go to Metamask.” You can also directly enter in the MetaMask in-app browser.

Your Metamask wallet app will be automatically opened after you click on “Go to Metamask,” and you’ll land on Metafluence City Map website inside the Metamask in-app browser.

Step #3: Connect Wallet

Now, you’ll need to connect your wallet to the City Map. To do that, click on the menu button in the top right corner, then click on the “Connect Wallet” button. The new pop-up window will appear, asking for your confirmation; read the indicated information and click “Connect” if you agree.

Step #4: Purchase Your Properties

Done! Now you’re connected to the Metafluence City Map and can purchase your desired properties. All the next steps are the same as in the PC version, so feel free to refer to that section for the complete guide.

See Your Purchased Land Plots

As you’ve already bought your Land Plots, you’re now a citizen of Metafluence City! Welcome to our warm-hearted community. Whenever you want to check your virtual properties, you can enter the “My Lands” section on the City Map page, and see your owned Land Plots.




In our social metaverse, influencers, communities, and brands unite, growing together. $METO fuels our ecosystem, listed on MEXC, Gate, Pancake.