Lego Build 95 — Chaeronea Fighter

Francisco Duarte
3 min readApr 12, 2023


As I drive further into the current version of the compilation document for these builds (which I honestly hope won’t blow in my face for some reason) I realize I need to keep doing builds based on the Blake’s War AU, if nothing else because it will be heavily based on it. Hence, expect some odd yet exciting choices in the future, like the Chaeronea light aerospace fighter.

This was a fighter originally produced by Clan Mongoose in the early history of the Clans. With time it was surpassed by more advanced machines. However, not only were the original Chaeroneas manufactured in large numbers, but some poorer Clans kept producing them to complement their space forces. Thus, the model would survive to the 3060s, although having by that time lost the standing it once had.

Chaeroneas were piloted by either older or unexperienced pilots, eager to either die with honor or prove themselves. During the war against the Word of Blake (in my Blake’s War AU) these small fighters would be deployed by carrier dropships as fire-support for ground attacks and space superiority. This was done with the understanding that it would entail large losses, but the sacrifice of Chaeroneas and their pilots was seen as necessary in order to hold the line during those chaotic times.

However, despite the losses that would be taken by either these fighters and their carrier dropships, the undeniable truth was that they produced incredible results. The massed use of fragile units by the Blakists meant that they would take heavy losses when faced with a barrage of small, nimble fighters. Moreover, the dropship-based flights could be quickly refueled and deployed, even to new battlefields, in a quick fashion. This sheer flexibility meant that this combination would be given a new life and new machines produced. The Chaeronea/Carrier combination would last to the end of the war.

This model is easy to put together, using 44 parts plus the base. It uses Snow Raven colors, a faction that I haven’t used that much yet.

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Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: