Tiny Warship 06 — Davion II Destroyer

Francisco Duarte
2 min readFeb 5, 2023


As I’ve said before, I’m on a roll in these wargame-scale warship designs. I really love how they are turning out, but eventually I shall return to Mechs, so don’t worry about that front either.

Thus, this week I bring you a slightly smaller design — the Davion Destroyer Block II, an escort-class vessel.

This vessel was built from an older design. The Block I vessels were undergunned, underarmored, and a product of a terribly corrupt system that caused more trouble than it resolved. In order to mitigate all of these issues, the Block II presented a thoroughly revised hull, with powerful broadside weaponry, reinforced armor, and support for dropship and fighter assets.

This powerful vessel would serve in the Federated Suns’ Navy for centuries, being its most numerous class. However, the Davion IIs ubiquity also meant that they would serve in every naval engagement involving that faction and by the end of the Succession Wars none remained in service.

A very simple model, the Davion II takes only 18 parts plus the base. Most people should have all the parts and I think it does look good.

Let me know your thoughts. If you like what I do, consider paying me a coffee at my Ko-fi account to help keeping the lights on and invest on future projects. Thank you!



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: ko-fi.com/metastablemachine