found this on google but you can buy it here

I’m Happiest When…

I spoke about what makes me happy. But, what makes you happy? I’d genuinely like to know so I can try it out..


I’d love to know what makes you happy so I can try it out… or slide into my millsustwo insta DM’s

Our work is being promoted. I cannot express just how much this means in words so listen to my podcast to hear the juice secretion.

My feet are touching carpet that’s laid on top of concrete. You usually get this in big hotel. It’s so wow.

The 4–5:45am hours. All alone. Peaceful. Those are hours 25 and 26 of the 24 hour day that many people don’t utilise.

Waking on holiday, creeping out of room so as not to wake the family, finding a coffee at 5am when the sun is coming up and I’m all alone and I have a black coffee of any description in my hand.

Positive people who are not afraid to be humble, open and transparent.

I’m with inspiring driven people who are clearly looking to solve problems. Being around driven people is the most infectiously positive thing ever. I cannot get enough of it.

Someone goes out of their way to tell me I have inspired them. It’s almost always so hard to explain back to them how much it means to me.

Lightly chewing cocktail sticks. Every time I see one I feel strange inside. The feeling of having one resting on the lips and teeth is jokes wow.

Going all in. Nothing else matters. Becoming obsessed. (Then being bored and stopping)

Lis (my wife) leaves me to babysit (my own kids) and I just do absolutely nothing at all.

Cross branded collaborations. Love it when two brands collide to do something together. Something special about two worlds colliding to create a hybrid beast.

The 2nd or perhaps 3rd continuous day of wearing the same shorts, pants, t-shirt and my favourite Nike sweater (it means I’m in a passion mode where little things like fashion mean nothing to me (or hygiene!) I call this in the groove wear.

Being in a position to be able to amplify someone else’s success or achievement. I get so much satisfaction from seeing people thrive and go out of my way to promote and support people. It’s an ironic selfish thing because ultimately it’s helping me be happy. So I’m being selfish!

Giving thanks and praise to people who have inspired me. I don’t do this enough but every time I do I feel so incredibly warm inside. Telling people who are working hard or doing positive things how much it means to me is the best feeling. It makes me emotional as I write to them. Wanting to deliver a complimentary message of appreciation (please do this more often mills!)

Sitting on the toilet for at least 30 mins just being at one with myself. It’s my escape. (I do this about 3 times per day) I love the toilet time. And yes I do love sitting on my phone.

Behind the scenes. The output is always loved but I adore knowing how successful things were built. The stories behind the wow. (For example I’m watching a documentary on the behind the scenes of Juventus, the behind the scenes of Dre

Listening to the ‘Sunday Supplement’ podcast on Sunday’s while running. I don’t really like football but I love 4 journalists talking about teenager rumours, the Business of football and commentary.

Drinking coffee from very specific enamel mugs. The weight distribution, the lightness where you can literally feel the coffee weight, the immediacy if the coffee cool down. It’s perfect.

When people second guess me thoughtfully. For example if someone just brought me a coffee without asking me — disclaimer, in my 15 years at ustwo this has quite literally never ever happened.

Being structured. Ie coffee at 4:30am, podcast at 5am, Run by 5:30 etc. I never thought I was but I love structure (and love breaking it when I’m bored)

I hear a love song (it almost always has to be engineered pop) that immediately allows me to put myself into a really sad role play in my mind. Knowing that for the next few days that discovered gem will be my go to emotional trigger just excites me.

Being asked a question about building ustwo. I love ustwo so much and love nothing more than talking about it. (And using my learnings to help others) of the small but significant times I’ve been asked to speak about it I cherish every second. (I’d love Sinx and I to do more so please email me

Looking in the mirror each day and seeing that the work I am doing in terms of nutrition, health and fitness is visibly coming through in my appearance. It’s less about vanity and more about confidence. It’s about development.

Seeing me stay constant on the weight (12 stone) which allows me to occasionally let myself take a risk on a food I won’t usually eat. That weight mark gives me permission to occasionally play.

Running on my own (very very early in the morning before the world has woken) for hours on end, unlocking the endorphins that drive my creativity. Fuelled by a coffee for extra wowsers.

Walking with a enamel tin cup of coffee that’s been brewed on a gas burner on the grass of a campsite after probably not sleeping that well and once again wearing the same clothes you went to bed with. So so good.

Long socks (football type length but running equivalent) rolled slightly down. Ooh my days!

Seeing things get outputted from ustwo (projects, processes, ideas, opinions and initiatives) that I have not had any involvement in other than once upon a time having set out some deep routed values. (Case in point the other day I saw ustwo now has a new podcast series! I only knew this when I stumbled across it from a tweet celebrating its release!)

Belonging, knowing that the people around me are genuinely part of a community that cares. That gives me safety in my emotions. Thus being able to truly know the purpose of love I want to exude is going to worthy humans.

Hearing my kids repeating the words I use to describe things “I need to drop off some Dagobah” as a warming example.

Lis my wife telling me I’m her bestie.

Seeing bulldogs flat faces. Every time I see one I laugh inside.

The feeling of black coffee flowing through my body early morning when I am completely empty inside of food and I feel thin. Something about that combo makes me truly feel good.

Knowing I haven’t drunk alcohol, eaten meat, eaten sugar, pizza, burgers, fries, ice cream, bread, milk, cheese etc for nearly 1 year (it also kind of makes me sad)

Learning and getting strong. I never knew strength was important for the psyche but it is. I’m obsessed with running fitness but now I’m obsessed with adding in a daily ritual of 200 press-ups + sit ups and learning slowly how to be good at pull ups. Having a daily habit of this (which doesn’t require anything more than my own bodyweight) is so impactful.

Looking at my legs. I utterly love legs. I like them because I love the form. It’s the same feeling I get when I look at an F14 Gruman Tomcat fighter plane. The form is unreal.

Setting myself goals and immediately making them bigger once I start them. Ie never being happy with the now. I need to always doing more. I’ve recently realised this is ambition.

Ambition, wanting to wake as early as possible and stay up as late as possible because you want to focus on one thing. Ambition is what fuels me. When you can’t sleep because of excitement you know you’re in a good place.

Knowing that when I haven’t looked at my emails for a few days their is potentially an email in there that will really excite me. (Often the actual opening of emails doesn’t quite live up to the actual hope!)

Reading an email that is so exciting you can’t actually reply, you don’t reply.. you unread so you can read again shortly after and savour the knowing it’s in your inbox.

Being around and working with people who actually Do (I’m an enabler of doers but not actually a very good doer) thats why I have realised I actually love hiring ex management consultants! They actually love doing things I hate!

Real life craft workshops. I can’t make anything. As in physically but i live nothing more than seeing inside a makers workshop. The craft is what I admire.

Wearing shorts every single day. Always. Knowing that I don’t have to wear trousers ever again. So liberating.

Helping people who understand who I am and therefore appreciate my help.

Lying down after knowing you’ve just pushed your body to the limit of exhaustion or even better lying in a bath after the exhaustion watching videos on people who have pushed themselves. You feel like them!

Making up nicknames and words that stick. I hate normal and for me nicknames and new nomenclature helps to create community.

Starting to read or watch something that excites you so much that you have to stop almost immediately and think about how to achieve something big!

Shoulders actually down under the water of a freezing sea. That warm feeling that eventually numbs you is gold. Then getting out of the sea and all your skin is tight and the wind makes you warm cold! almost numb.. wow.

Getting a thumbs up from someone when driving (or giving it). It’s the ultimate in optimised power thanks.

Cold porridge that’s gone cold and clumpy, mixed with nuts, fruit and tiny dollop of ‘hard’ honey. Oh my days!

Coffee. Did I say I am obsessed with it. I love making it at home. I am currently obsessed with Breakfluid coffee and all it’s design. I love using my Aeropress.

Promotional build up to a big event. I love the hype game. I am the hype man. I like being hyper about it and brining the promo. I’m getting excited about our two completely new mobile games already!

Having my JFDI podcast channel. It’s my hype enabler. It’s for people who appreciate candour, honesty, irreverence, nonsense and JFDI attitude!

what makes you happy? I’d genuinely like to know so I can try it out.. love to know at

found this on google but you can buy it here

