Moonshot Farm Systems 🚜

Moonshot Baseball
3 min readFeb 22, 2023


Send your players to the Minors to boost players in your Moonshot Lineup

Baseballers Farm System

hint: click the 📑 emoji to view available players for a given team & who owns them

Moonshot Baseballers can be sent to the Minors to build your farm teams. Each farm team is based on the Background trait contained within each Baseballer’s metadata.

Send a full team (all 9 positions) of Baseballers to the Minors with the same team background and you will have completed that farm team!

Once you have a complete farm team, you will see that team shown above your team lineup page under Active Farm System Bonus Teams, and the Farm System Boost will be applied to all players with that team background in your lineup.

Farm System Bonus: (+1 Pitch Command / +1 Plate Discipline)

Frontyard Baseball (FYB) Kids Farm System

In the Same way as described above, FYB Kids can also be able to sent to the Minors to boost players in your lineup based on the attribute Favorite Team trait contained within each Kid’s metadata.

IMPORTANT: These FYB Farm Systems boost both FYB Kids AND Moonshot Baseballers in your lineup

Here’s how it will work:
- Each FYB Farm Team is also mapped to 2 Baseballer Team Backgrounds

- All Kids in your lineup with that Favorite Team receive the bonus
- All Baseballers with a matching Team Background receive the bonus

  • Same farm bonus applied (+1 Pitch Command / +1 Plate Discipline)
  • Because FYB Kids have no position, any 9 FYB Kids of that team can be sent to the Minors to complete the full farm team

List of all FYB Farm Teams (& Corresponding Baseballer Teams)

Blacksburg Blacksheep (BLA) -> ARI & SF
Cooptown Corn Dogs (COO) -> CHC & CLE
Dezton Donkeys (DEZ) -> SEA & COL
Hayville Honey Badgers (HAY) -> DET & PHI
Krypton Punks (KRY) -> KC & STL
Midtown Meerkats (MID) -> NYY & NYM
Montgomery Milk Maids (MON) -> CIN & ATL
Scriggsville Scarlett Stockings (SCR) -> BOS, CHW
Sheboygan Samurais (SHB) -> MIL & MIN
South Beach Salamis (SBS) -> MIA & TB
Tonillo Armadillos (TON) -> HOU & TEX
Trenton Taters (TRE) -> OAK & SD
Worthington Wombats (WOR) -> WSH & BAL
Yachtville Apes (YAC) -> TOR & PIT

Final Balance of Power

Below is an image that shows an overview of the maximum Plate Discipline/Pitch Command that each player type can be boosted to if all possible bonuses are active.

Read here for further details on the following topics:

Moonshot Baseball: Getting Started
Moonshot Baseball: Main Collection
Moonshot Baseballers

Frontyard Baseball Kids
Moonshot Baseball Simulated Game Mechanics
Moonshot Farm Systems
Moonshot Diamonds
Moonshot Seasons
Moonshot Voyagers PFPs

