Grow Stronger Through Embracing Resilience for Personal Development and Crushing Setbacks

Muhammad Ismail
4 min readAug 7, 2023


Do you want to be more composed, calm, and in control in challenging times to avoid further damage to your personal health and social circle, then my friend you have landed in the right place to appear a more motivated and satisfied soul while dealing with challenging setups.

The 21st century imposes many threats to human Psychological Well-Being (PWB) and dealing with it is more important than anything else because people with higher PWB are more effective personally, professionally, happier, and most importantly healthier.

How is Resilience nurtured?

The ability of resilience can be developed from childhood and is one of the parents’ utmost responsibilities to make their kids more resilient in the face of adversity. According to a finding published on from the book of Olle Jane Z. Sahler, John E. Carr, in (Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics) (Fourth Edition), 2009 resilience is influenced by external and internal factors.

External factors are people who are trustworthy, structure and ensure safety, inspiration (role models), motivation to be independent, and self-reliance.

Internal factors are the skills to consider themselves valuable, meaningful, and lovable, to do good for others be a profit giver instead of a profit seeker, to manage emotions, feelings, and thoughts, to speak confidently, and to establish relationships based on trust. It’s crucial for parents to focus on building resilience in their children to ensure a successful future.

It is imperative that people with high psychological well-being develop resilience since it assists them in recovering from stress and setbacks in their lives. Therefore, they are able to promote mental strength, accept challenges as opportunities to grow, and attain emotional well-being with grace and confidence.

Every human being no matter if he is poor and struggling for his butter and bread or the wealthy king, faces the ups and downs of life as life did not remain constant it keeps on changing. Sometimes life will be blessed with good stuff and sometime it will not give us what we want like the loss of a loved one, loss of financial assets, dealing with a bad relationship, poor health conditions, and so on…

Here I have collected all those tips and strategies to Embrace Resilience in challenging times, which laid down a road map for all those who face the harshness of life in the simplest possible way for better understanding to make everyone happy and successful in their respective lives.

Understand Resilience for Personal Growth:

Personal Development can’t fully blossom without understanding the role of being resilient in our lives. Resilience is simply defined as the skills and ability to recover from life’s adversity effectively without any further damage. Resilience is the quality to give power and courage in the face of challenges and setback face in life.

Challenges in life are important for growth and should not be avoided instead take them as an opportunity to achieve success in every field of life through developing the right mindset and skills to deal with. In the present time of pandemics, economic uncertainty, job uncertainty, and changing environmental impacts have increased the importance of adopting resilience and have occupied an important position in personal growth.

Resilience and Thought Process:

I will start this section with the famous line of Wasif Ali Wasif “The stress and hardship do not come from adversity but from our wrong and negative thoughts” To know more about mastering the thought process click here. When we face challenges in our life, it is not the challenge that makes us worried instead it is our thought process for example if we encounter any adverse situation in life It should not be considered a bad thing that compels us to give up and get depressed instead consider it as an opportunity to become more passionate, stronger and even inspire others to deal with it.

Resilience and self-Reliance:

Self-Reliance is a unique trait of human personality and when properly observed enables them more fortunate to be happy and independent in life. Tying any expectation to others makes one weak and dependent instead of doing something better for themselves and others through their struggle and hard work.

Resilience and self-reliance are interlinked with each other as when they face any adversity they try to sort out the solution instead of looking for others to help. Please be clear that self-reliance may not be mixed with making good relations with others.

There must be good interpersonal relations with others but never put your expectation on them instead try to sort out your problem on your own with high determination, confidence, and proper mindset. To better understand the role of Mindset click here. In this way, you will be more confident and will enjoy the true company of friends and family members as people like those who are not always looking to seek from others instead they like to be the receiver, hence we need to be among the givers.

In the face of life’s challenges, resilience plays the role of guiding light in the night, which shows the path to growth and success. By observing the above-mentioned yet simple but powerful steps we can navigate through the storms of life with unshakeable determination and commitment.

Role of Patience in Building Resilience:

Patience plays a significant role in developing the ability to be resilient. In challenging time patience give us the opportunity to manage our emotions in the right way and with the objective to guide them in the right direction or not allowing them to take control of our lives. When we are aware of our emotions we become more resilient when the adversity arises. Instead of reacting on the base of emotions, patience gives the opportunity to assess the situation and bring into consideration all the available options, which help to take the right decision. These measures improve our decision-making process and help us to be more resilient in challenging situations.

Final Note:

In this journey, we have uncovered that nature never wants bad for anyone instead things that we consider as challenges are here to make us stronger, more passionate, and risk-takers to achieve ultimate success and satisfaction in life gracefully. I am eagerly anticipating the bright and blessed journey to come in your life. Stay blessed forever…



Muhammad Ismail

Welcome to my world of explorations and empowerment. I invite you to join me in unraveling the mystries of self-discover, nurturing the spirit and wellbeing.