Udacity Design Sprint Foundations Day 2

4 min readJan 29, 2018


This is a continuation of Day 1. Let’s get to it!

Sprint Day 2 / Itinerary

#1 Heatmaps

Also known as silent voting. Team members walk around the Sprint room looking at newly created concepts from the day prior and get to check out all the great ideas. The four below were generated by Udacity to bridge the lack of team concepts of the course.

Here’s a close up of my amazing drawings:

  1. EcoFriendly — Pitch: Taking a ride with other users saves time, CO2, energy / 3 mobile views (Screen 1 — people close to you (app suggests people users have in common) | Screen 2 — Give a ride and make friends | Screen 3 — Eco-report: how much CO2 you saved the environment this week)
  2. You’re Never Going to Be Late Again — Pitch: Decreased time spent and you get rewards! / 3 mobile views (Screen 1 — map of a 3 min walk from scooter dropoff to work | Screen 2 — Get money dropping scooters off! | Screen 3 — Points for tasks: Free meal, $20 Amazon card, 3 months free Spotify, free coffee)
  3. The Task Maker — Pitch: not super clear… / 2 mobile views (Screen 1 — Do this task-you’ll be rewarded: Invite friends, deliver package | Screen 2 — Free Burger Day Sponsored by McDonalds!)
  4. Ooup Store — Pitch: Don’t want to go to Ooup charging station? You’ll get something free! / 1 mobile view (Stores: cars, stars)

Step 1) Take a pack of dots and everyone gets a sheet. Team members walk around and vote. You can put a dot on the entire idea, on a specific part of a concept, and such. It will become obvious which parts of which ideas are favored.

Step 2) Moderator presents their interpretation of the concept. No team members should speak until moderator completes that concept’s presentation, at which point she asks “is there an area I miscommunicated?”. Then a team member can say “Actually I voted on that because…”.

Note: Moderator pays more attention to the heated areas. While moderator talks, note taker writes brief notes and sticks them above concept.

Step 3) Straw Poll — 10minutes. Team members write their initials on a large dot (EF). They will decide on which (part of a) concept to present as their case for a solution. They write on a post-it WHY they’re choosing that part. After 10minutes, everyone will have 1 initial’ed dot and post-it of reasoning. Then everyone puts their dot down at once (so no one is influencing anyone else).

Everyone will remind themselves of the goal, sprint questions, map, etc. Then, moderator goes through team one by one listening to WHY they made their dot+post-it decision.

Step 4) Moderator has 2 dots — they can put them on 1 content piece, maximum 2. That moderator can talk to team members if they want.

Sample Decision w Reasoning: Task Maker (#3 above ^)

  1. concept gives benefits for users. Rewarding them with points to exchange for goods in the future for easy tasks.
  2. Extra revenue stream with partnerships
  3. One task can be “returning bike”
  4. Extra users because free benefits!

#2 User Flow Map

Step 1) 8min — Team members take 6 post-its and write out 6 steps (one per post-it) of how the user would test out this product/service/business model. 1 step per post-it.

My excellent walk through above states:

  1. Googles laundry service {zip code}
  2. Clicks on Laundry.io
  3. Downloads Laundry.io app
  4. Sign in
  5. Chooses service type
  6. Defines pickup

Step 2) Each person puts their post-its on the wall without discussing! Decider makes “perfect timeline” by choosing one timeline with the possibility of adding post-its from other timelines.

#3 Storyboard

Purpose: Create 1 consistent story! Very detailed! Make the board as clean and self-explanatory as possible.


  1. Moderator
  2. Artist (chosen from team)

Step 1) Draw 10 empty cells

Step 2) Put 1 post-it per cell to map out general direction of each cell

Step 3) Draw a quick outline of what each cell might look like

Step 4) Detailed out line!

Note: Don’t create anything new in the storyboard! The moderator has to be careful that not too much new stuff is being created. Use any of the concept drawing points.

Be cognizant of time. This storyboard drawing should take you 45min + break + 45min. At the end, you should have a storyboard that does not need to be explained!

Now onto Day 3




Written by Elizabeth

Founder @ EMO (Easy Mobile Onboarding). Product Teacher @GA. Co-founder @WomenWhoCodeNYC. Ex-software engineer @ Time Inc.

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