How Nebo 2.7 helps students achieve their full potential

4 min readOct 7, 2020


Here at Nebo, we base all our design on extensive research — and our studies show that students have distinct needs when it comes to note-taking apps. So with millions of people recently starting or returning to their studies, we used those observations to shape Nebo 2.7 and its central new feature: the freeform page.

With this in mind, here are 7 ways Nebo 2.7 can enhance your performance from the library to the lecture hall:

1. Faster note-taking

In lectures and seminars, most students prefer a distraction-free experience where they can scribble notes at speed. We thought about this when designing Nebo’s freeform page. It lets you write and draw freely, without interruptions, so you don’t miss vital information.

And when you need to clean up your content? You can copy freeform notes into Nebo’s regular page, ready for conversion using the world’s most advanced handwriting recognition engine.

2. Freer thinking

Nebo’s freeform page can accommodate ever-evolving ideas. You can pan around the zoomable, limitless canvas to create more space for your notes, or simply to get a fresh perspective. You can also illustrate your thinking with images and photos, and even add a freeform section to a regular Nebo page.

Our tip? In lectures or seminars, take a quick snap of a worksheet or other reference document, import the image into a freeform page and annotate freely.

3. Effortless editing

Whether in a freeform page or a regular Nebo page, you can edit and rearrange your notes as many times as you need. Freeform pages let you erase, move and resize content on the fly, while in a regular Nebo page you can use super simple gestures (like scratch-outs and underlines) to edit text, update formatting and adjust layout.

And remember, in a regular page, your notes stay 100% responsive, reflowing automatically with each change you make!

4. No more transcribing

Students who work on paper often spend time transcribing their notes after they’ve captured them. With Nebo, there’s no need.

Text, math or diagram content created in or pasted into a regular Nebo page converts to typed text and perfect shapes in a couple of taps. This slashes the time it takes to clean up your work. You’ll soon be the star of your study group 😉

5. Swifter sharing

Nebo makes it easy to share your notes with friends and collaborators. As mentioned above, it only takes a moment to copy content for reuse elsewhere. Handwritten text, math and diagrams will even auto-convert when pasted into other apps — including email and messaging services.

When you’re ready, you can export your notes in a range of popular formats (such as Word doc or PDF) or publish them via web link.

6. Paperless organizing

Nebo replaces loose (and lost!) papers with your own digital library of easy-to-organize notebooks. You can back up your content, sync your notes using a cloud storage service and search your entire library — including handwritten text.

There’s even a personal dictionary that lets you ‘teach’ Nebo specialized and custom terms in your choice of 66 languages and dialects.

7. Smarter learning

Writing by hand benefits learning. This is because writing activates more parts of the brain than typing, helping to boost memory, enhance understanding and stimulate the imagination.

Nebo lets you use handwriting, drawing, keyboard and dictation to create the exact notes you need, in any context. It’s also the only note-taking app to treat handwriting as equal to typed text. So with Nebo, you get all the educational benefits of handwriting alongside the power and flexibility of digital type.

Ready to try Nebo?

As of version 2.7, Nebo’s unique combination of freeform and regular pages can answer almost every note-taking need. Your notes will be more powerful and versatile than ever — and your time in the classroom will be more productive.

What’s more, Nebo 2.7’s recognition engine now understands a range of emoji and symbols — so you can personalize your notes with handwritten hearts or smiley faces, then convert them to true emoji. The supported icons are ❤️, 💔, ⚠️, 🙂, 😉, 😕 and 😐.

So whether you’re jotting down ideas in the library, capturing data in the lecture hall or using existing notes to create flash cards or thesis plans… give Nebo 2.7 a try. Take your notes (and your performance) to new heights!

Enjoy the new semester 😊

The Nebo team at MyScript

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Take smarter, more beautiful notes with the only app that makes handwriting as powerful as typed text. Discover how you can make the most of