I Feel So Lonely In My Marriage (What to Do When You Are Married and Lonely)

Nolan Ezra, Ph.D.
6 min readMar 31, 2024


Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Feeling lonely in a marriage can be an incredibly isolating and challenging experience. If you’ve ever found yourself sitting next to your spouse, yet feeling like you’re worlds apart, you’re not alone. Many couples grapple with loneliness within their relationships, and it’s important to address these feelings with care and understanding. As someone who has worked with couples for over a decade, I often hear from individuals who are struggling with this exact issue.

Recently, I received an email from a client named Carolina. She poured her heart out in the message, expressing her profound sense of loneliness within her marriage. Carolina painted a vivid picture of her evenings, where the silence between her and her partner felt deafening. She recounted the longing she felt for meaningful conversations, for moments of connection that seemed elusive. Carolina’s email captured the raw emotion of someone yearning for closeness, yet feeling emotionally distant in the very relationship that should provide comfort and companionship. As she concluded her email, Carolina asked a poignant question that echoed the sentiments of many in similar situations: “How do I bridge this gap between us when it feels like we’re living in separate worlds under the same roof?”

If you resonate with Carolina’s story or find yourself nodding along, know that you’re not alone. Loneliness in marriage can manifest in different ways, whether it’s feeling emotionally distant, missing shared activities, or yearning for deeper intimacy. Whatever form it takes, addressing these feelings is crucial for nurturing a fulfilling and connected relationship. So, let’s explore some practical steps you can take to navigate through loneliness and strengthen your bond with your partner.

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings

The first step in addressing loneliness within your marriage is to acknowledge and accept your feelings. It’s essential to recognize that feeling lonely doesn’t mean you’re failing in your relationship or that your partner is at fault. Loneliness can stem from various factors, including communication patterns, life changes, or differing emotional needs. By acknowledging your feelings without judgment, you create space for understanding and growth within yourself and your relationship.

Once you’ve acknowledged your feelings, take a moment to reflect on the specific aspects of your marriage that contribute to your sense of loneliness. Are there communication barriers? Do you feel emotionally disconnected? Identifying these underlying factors can help you pinpoint areas that require attention and nurturing. Remember, your feelings are valid, and addressing them is a proactive step towards fostering a more connected and fulfilling partnership.

2. Initiate Meaningful Conversations

Actively initiating meaningful conversations with your spouse can foster a deeper emotional connection. Share your thoughts, dreams, and concerns openly, creating an environment of trust and vulnerability. By initiating these conversations, you show your spouse that you value emotional intimacy and connection.

Meaningful conversations can range from discussing your day to exploring deeper topics like your hopes for the future or challenges you may be facing. Encourage your spouse to share their thoughts and feelings as well, fostering a two-way dialogue that promotes understanding and closeness.

3. Prioritize Quality Time

Making a conscious effort to prioritize quality time together can significantly impact feelings of loneliness in marriage. Quality time doesn’t necessarily mean elaborate date nights or grand gestures; it can be as simple as sharing a meal, going for a walk, or engaging in a shared hobby. The key is to create moments of genuine connection and intimacy where you can focus on each other without distractions. By carving out dedicated time for one another, you nurture the emotional bond that strengthens your relationship.

Consider establishing rituals or routines that promote quality time, such as having a weekly movie night, cooking together on weekends, or taking short trips to explore new places. These shared experiences create memories and reinforce your sense of togetherness. Remember, it’s not just about being physically present but also about being emotionally present and engaged in the moment with your partner.

4. Revisit Shared Interests

Reflect on activities or interests that you and your partner enjoyed together in the past. Rediscovering and reintroducing these shared interests can reignite the spark and sense of connection in your marriage. Whether it’s revisiting a favorite hobby, attending events together, or exploring new activities as a couple, shared experiences strengthen your bond and create opportunities for meaningful interactions. Take the initiative to plan and engage in activities that both of you can enjoy and look forward to.

Consider incorporating elements of surprise and spontaneity into your shared experiences. Surprise your partner with tickets to a concert or plan a spontaneous day trip to a nearby destination. These gestures show thoughtfulness and effort, reinforcing the value you place on your relationship. By nurturing shared interests and creating new memories together, you build a foundation of shared experiences that deepen your emotional connection.

5. Seek New Experiences Together

Exploring new experiences as a couple can inject excitement and freshness into your relationship. Step outside of your comfort zone and try activities or adventures that you both find intriguing. Whether it’s learning a new skill, traveling to a new destination, or participating in a joint project, new experiences stimulate bonding and create shared memories. Embracing novelty together fosters a sense of adventure and reinforces your connection as partners.

Consider creating a bucket list of experiences or goals that you want to accomplish together. This could include trying new cuisines, learning a dance style, or embarking on an outdoor adventure. Having shared goals and aspirations encourages teamwork and collaboration, strengthening your sense of partnership. Remember to approach new experiences with an open mind and a spirit of curiosity, embracing the journey of discovery together.

6. Set Boundaries with Technology

In today’s digital age, technology can both connect and disconnect us in relationships. Excessive screen time and distractions can contribute to feelings of disconnection and loneliness. It’s essential to set boundaries around technology usage, especially during quality time together. Designate tech-free zones or times where you focus solely on each other without distractions from phones, tablets, or computers.

Discuss how you can create a healthy balance between digital interactions and real-life connections. Consider implementing “screen-free” evenings or weekends where you engage in activities that promote face-to-face interaction and meaningful conversations. By prioritizing real-time connections over virtual distractions, you nurture a deeper sense of presence and intimacy in your marriage.

Feeling lonely in marriage is a common challenge, but it doesn’t have to define your relationship. By acknowledging your feelings, prioritizing quality time, and exploring new experiences together, you can nurture a deeper connection and rediscover the joy of companionship.

If you’ve found the insights and advice in this article helpful, and you’re looking for more guidance, then it’s time to take the next step. Click here to discover practical strategies and actionable tips to strengthen your marriage and overcome feelings of loneliness.

Click here to access a comprehensive guide that dives deeper into the strategies discussed in this article. This guide offers step-by-step instructions, exercises, and tips to help you navigate feelings of loneliness in your marriage and foster a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with your partner.

Don’t let loneliness overshadow the potential for a deeper, more fulfilling connection in your marriage. Take the first step towards rekindling your bond by exploring practical strategies and insights in our resource on fostering intimacy and overcoming loneliness in marriage. Click here to discover actionable tips and personalized advice tailored to your relationship journey. Your marriage deserves the investment of time and effort to thrive, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. Click here now to begin your journey towards a more connected and fulfilling relationship.



Nolan Ezra, Ph.D.

Marriage and Family Therapist. I am passionate about helping couples navigate the challenges they face and strengthen their relationships.