My Husband and I Have Become Roommates (How to Get Out Of Roommate Phase of Marriage)

Nolan Ezra, Ph.D.
6 min readMar 30, 2024


Photo by Somnox Sleep on Unsplash

Are you feeling like you and your spouse have transitioned into a phase where you’re more like roommates than romantic partners? It’s a common struggle that many couples face at some point in their marriage journey. I often hear from individuals who are worried that their relationship has lost its spark and intimacy, leaving them feeling disconnected and unfulfilled.

Recently, I received an email from a client named Tania who was feeling exactly this way. She described how she and her husband had fallen into a routine of living parallel lives under the same roof. They were great at managing household responsibilities and coordinating schedules, but the passion and intimacy seemed to have faded away. Tania expressed her longing for the days when they were deeply connected, shared dreams, and spent quality time together without distractions. She was eager to find ways to break out of this roommate dynamic and rediscover the love and closeness they once had.

Tania recounted in her email how their evenings had become predictable: dinner in front of the TV, a brief chat about logistics, and then each retreating to their separate corners of the house — him to his office for work, and her to the bedroom to unwind with a book. Even on weekends, their interactions felt more functional than romantic, focused on chores, errands, and the occasional social obligation.

She shared a poignant memory of a recent anniversary when they had planned a romantic getaway but ended up canceling due to conflicting work commitments. Instead, they spent the day running errands and catching up on household tasks. Tania couldn’t help but feel a sense of loss for the romantic gestures and spontaneous adventures that used to characterize their relationship.

Despite her best efforts to initiate deeper conversations or plan meaningful activities together, Tania felt like she was hitting a wall. Her husband seemed content with the status quo, and she struggled to find ways to bridge the emotional distance that had crept into their marriage. At the end of her email, Tania posed a poignant question that many of us might find ourselves asking at some point in our relationships: “How do we get back to being more than just roommates, and reignite the love and excitement we once had?”

If you find yourself nodding along with Tania’s experience, know that you’re not alone. Many couples go through phases where the passion and excitement seem to fade, replaced by routines and responsibilities. But fear not, because there are practical steps you can take to reignite the flame and move beyond the roommate phase of your marriage.

1. Reflect on Your Relationship Dynamics

Take some time to reflect on how your relationship has evolved over time. Think back to the early days when you first met and fell in love. What drew you to each other? What were the qualities and interests that initially sparked your connection? Reflecting on these memories can help you reconnect with the foundation of your relationship and remind you of the love and passion that brought you together.

Additionally, consider the changes that have occurred in your lives since then. Have there been major life events, such as job changes, relocations, or additions to the family, that may have shifted your dynamics? Reflecting on these changes can provide valuable insights into how your relationship has evolved and what adjustments may be needed to reignite the spark and move beyond the roommate phase.

2. Engage in Open Communication

Communication is the cornerstone of a healthy and thriving relationship. Make a conscious effort to create a safe and open space for honest conversations with your spouse. Set aside dedicated time to talk about your feelings, concerns, and desires without distractions. Practice active listening by fully engaging in what your partner is saying and validating their emotions. By fostering open communication, you can address any underlying issues, bridge emotional gaps, and strengthen your connection.

Furthermore, ask thoughtful questions that encourage deeper conversations and mutual understanding. For example, you could ask your spouse, “How have you been feeling about our relationship lately?” or “What are some things we can do together to enhance our emotional connection?” By initiating these conversations and actively listening to each other’s perspectives, you can work together to navigate challenges and revitalize your relationship.

3. Reconnect Emotionally

Building and maintaining emotional intimacy is crucial for moving beyond the roommate phase in your marriage. Look for opportunities to reconnect on a deeper level with your spouse. This could involve setting aside regular quality time for meaningful conversations where you share your thoughts, dreams, and fears openly. Create an environment of trust and vulnerability where both of you feel comfortable expressing your innermost feelings. By fostering emotional intimacy, you can strengthen your bond and reignite the emotional spark that may have faded over time.

Additionally, prioritize activities that promote emotional connection and closeness. Engage in shared hobbies or interests that bring joy and fulfillment to both of you. Whether it’s exploring new places together, attending a workshop or class, or simply enjoying quiet moments of togetherness, find ways to nurture emotional intimacy in your relationship. By investing time and effort into reconnecting emotionally, you can rediscover the depth of your connection and move beyond the roommate phase.

4. Prioritize Intimacy

Physical intimacy plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy and fulfilling marriage. Make a conscious effort to prioritize intimacy in your relationship. Set aside dedicated time for romantic moments, whether it’s cuddling on the couch, sharing affectionate gestures, or engaging in intimate conversations. Create a sensual atmosphere that encourages closeness and connection. Plan regular date nights or weekend getaways to reignite the passion and excitement between you and your spouse. By prioritizing intimacy, you can enhance the physical aspect of your relationship and strengthen the emotional bond you share.

Furthermore, communication is key when it comes to intimacy. Be open and honest with your spouse about your needs and desires, and encourage them to do the same. Explore new ways to spice up your intimacy, such as trying new experiences or incorporating small gestures of affection into your daily routine. By nurturing physical intimacy and maintaining open communication, you can revitalize the passion in your marriage and break free from the roommate phase.

5. Rediscover Shared Interests

Take time to rediscover shared interests and activities that bring joy and excitement to your relationship. Think back to the hobbies or passions you both enjoyed early in your relationship and find ways to incorporate them back into your lives. Whether it’s cooking together, going for hikes, attending concerts, or pursuing creative projects, shared experiences can reignite the sense of camaraderie and connection between you and your spouse. Make a concerted effort to prioritize these shared activities and create new memories together. By rediscovering shared interests, you can infuse your relationship with fun, laughter, and a renewed sense of closeness.

Remember, every marriage goes through ups and downs, and it’s normal to experience periods of disconnect. What matters most is your commitment to working through challenges together and nurturing your bond. By taking proactive steps to reignite the spark, prioritize intimacy, and communicate openly, you can move beyond the roommate phase and cultivate a thriving, fulfilling marriage.

If you’ve found the insights and advice in this article helpful, and you’re looking for more guidance, then it’s time to take the next step. Click here to discover additional strategies and tips on how to revitalize your marriage and move past the roommate phase.

Click here to access a comprehensive guide that dives deeper into the strategies discussed in this article. This guide offers a step-by-step approach to reviving the intimacy and connection in your marriage, with actionable tips and personalized exercises tailored to your unique relationship dynamics. Whether you’re just starting to notice the roommate phase or have been struggling with it for a while, this guide will empower you to make positive changes and rediscover the joy of being truly connected to your spouse.

Don’t let the roommate phase of your marriage define your relationship any longer. Take action today to reignite the passion and connection with your spouse. Click right here to discover practical tips and insights on how to get out of the roommate phase and build a more fulfilling marriage.



Nolan Ezra, Ph.D.

Marriage and Family Therapist. I am passionate about helping couples navigate the challenges they face and strengthen their relationships.