Mowing your Product Lawn

Nate Walkingshaw
1 min readJan 12, 2018


In early December 2017 I was asked to give an opening keynote at SaaSfest. The Price Intelligently team put on a wonderful conference and brought a really diverse group of people together to talk all things product, pricing and how to retain customers we love.

In the video tagged, I built a presentation to talk about a problem that I believe still haunts most if not all product and technology organizations today. How do we build for outcomes?

The inspiration was a morning run that I take nearly everyday and is completely made up but illustrates (via a lawn mower) my take on outcomes and how we all can solve this. Enjoy!

Enjoy what you’ve watched? Good, because there’s an entire book full of this stuff. I’ve been working with two masters of product Martin Eriksson and Richard Banfield on writing a book that all product professionals can benefit from. Partly out of curiosity and on the back of our own experience, we’ve interviewed almost one hundred product leaders. Their insights and experiences will open up the conversation and take the lid off the mystery of great product leadership.



Nate Walkingshaw

Family, Building Product, Running and Biking, CEO @torusrev