What if your life is the same as the magical adventure heroes from your favorite stories have?

Octavian Bolocan
16 min readApr 23, 2018


In ancient times, there was a place that could only be found by the ones that are called. It was the best starting point for the most fabulous adventures, where guidance valued more than entire kingdoms was to be found: The Oracle of Delphi.

Upon the entrance to the inner sanctuary to the Oracle of Delphi was an inscription said to be older than time itself. It read: “know thyself”. So even before receiving the most precious guidance, the hero/heroine who got there got the most valuable advice ever given to humanity: get to know yourself.

Generally stated formulas that only works with the right tools and proper guidance:

  1. Everything we feel, do, think and experience is based on our unconscious beliefs. When you change your beliefs to match what you want, your life will automatically shift to that.
  2. Most people don’t know what they want.The shift is about knowing specifically what you want and (also specifically) how you want to get that.
  3. People make a change in their life only when they suffer more than they can handle. You can learn and get what you want without suffering, by consciously focusing on your growth.
  4. Sometimes, without meaning it, you get to do something amazing by using your special Gifts. There is a way you can learn to use and master the Gifts you already have in your DNA. (Hint: Gene Keys).

Before you go further: does anything here sound familiar to you?

  • I’m disappointed
  • I’ve done so much and nothing worked
  • I’ve resigned
  • I don’t know how or even if I can fulfill my true dreams
  • People get defensive or even angry when I tell them what I’ve noticed
  • I feel like I don’t belong in this family/ time/ world
  • I have to be like others and I can’t do it, no matter how hard I try
  • Anything that comes to me probably won’t work
  • I feel constricted and/or don’t feel free at all
  • I’m afraid of letting down the ones I care about

The Call to Adventure

Right now, as you’re reading this, you’re about to make a choice, whether to do something different or keep doing what you’re doing. Before that, let me tell you a bit about the Hero’s Journey.

Hero’s Journey is a concept perfected by Joseph Campbell. It’s about the fact that every story, every book, movie, myth ever created by humans follows the same pattern (or journey). The whole essence of Hero’s Journey is contained in 3 words:

“Follow your bliss”.

Here is a ten minute video explaining the Hero’s Journey:

If you don’t have the patience to watch it, here is the main idea:

Every story ever told from any book, movie or play follows the same pattern, identified by Joseph Campbell. It’s called “The Hero’s Journey” and it represents, in fact, the same story told over and over again. The content and the form changes but the essence remains the same.

The amazing thing is The Hero’s Journey tells, in fact, the story of every human being.

Caption from the video above

It’s a cycle that keeps repeating over and over in our lives.

Why we do people don’t live the life they want? Because they are more powerful than we imagine. It takes a huge amount of power to remain in the same patterns. It takes more power to remain in the same patterns than to change them. Why do people continue to do the same then? Because of the confort zone and because they are used to the current circumstances. This also applies to you and me at some level.

Our default “factory” settings are set on growth. “If you don’t grow, you die” (I think I heard this from Tony Robbins). Dying usually it doesn’t happen overnight. When you stop growing, not-so-good things start to happen. Why? It’s life calling you to resume growing. You don’t want to grow in your own direction? “Here are some traumas, tragedies or failures to grow through them.” Newsflash: Progress and growth can happen without drama, tragedy and traumas.

Some kind of suffering is usually what makes someone really heed the call to adventure

So how come most people change only when there is some kind of suffering? When the “Call to Adventure” comes, every hero/ heroine goes through:

The Refusal of the Call

You refuse the call to adventure (whether that is changing your workplace, going into a different domain, asking out that person you like, taking the course you dream of etc.). Think of the adventure as an important shift in your life, in any of its aspects. Refusal of the call is refusal of following your bliss: refuse to follow your heart, to live your dreams, to live your life like every human being has the right to: to live the most beautiful story you’ve ever heard of.

Why we refuse to follow our bliss?

We tried it once and it didn’t work. Because maybe you wanted to do something you really wanted and it didn’t turn out the way you wanted to. Maybe it even had some suffering attached to it. Whatever happened, you learned to be afraid. And I’m not talking only about the fear of dying (though it may be this one too).

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All those fears are the reasons that you refuse the call to adventure and do something different with your life to have something different in your life.

I’m sure you know only different actions lead to different results and doing the same things and expecting different results is the definition of madness.

It’s a small probability you have all those fears. But even having one of them and not dealing with it can hinder or even block you from living the life you want (going on that adventure your heart wants). You may not even be aware of it and that’s because it can be in your unconscious. Fears usually reside in the unconscious.

What’s the deal with your unconscious? You’ve probably heard a lot about our unconscious mind and its effects. It’s the place where all our memories are stored and our knowledge, reflexes, impulses and feelings come from. How does it work?

Picture this: wherever you are on Earth at a certain point in time, you can only see what is around you. Whether you’re in a small room or atop of a 62-story building, your view is limited. You cannot see more than the horizon. That’s your conscious mind. Your unconscious mind is the rest of the world and what happens inside of it. Which part do you think has more impact in the world (a.k.a your life)? What you see at a certain point in life (conscious) or what happens in the entire world (unconscious)?

Life doesn’t stop. It can’t. It’s always in motion. The call to adventure will always be there for you. It will take different forms, come from different situations and persons. As time passes, every refusal will bring an increase in the power of the call. At first the call is like “follow your dreams”. Then it will be like “I don’t like my job, maybe I should do something different”. If you still refuse it, it will come like your job being terminated, a decrease in your income, an illness, a couple’s separation or even losing someone dear to you. These things may or may not happen anyway but there can be a critical difference on how you go through them and what you become after.

You may have heard stories of people who said being fired was their greatest opportunity. Or that losing a loved one made them completely change their whole life. Some people even said that if they didn’t get through cancer they couldn’t live their life to the fullest. And of course, there are people who didn’t get through or never really gotten over what they’ve experienced.

Do you know what all these examples have in common?

All those changes came through pain — physical, emotional, spiritual pain — and suffering. They also happened in the circumstances in which change came as a hurting last resort and by paying a bigger price.

I’m not saying you can’t go through these painful experiences. I strongly believe that any human can overcome anything they experience in their life — the scariest monsters and the biggest dragons.

You want to climb your mountains as a pleasurable sport or by trying to survive?

There is a question that bugged me: “If most people go through a lot of problems in their life, how may are able to actually have the time, the resources and the emotional availability to actually have a joyful and beautiful life?”

I also strongly believe that there might be a way to avoid a lot of suffering and pain. This way you would actually have the time and resources to follow your bliss and live the life you want.

How is my job connected to this?

Well, you spend most of your time at your job. Most of your time equals most of your life. Here is a simple demonstration:

So, by focusing the area you invest most of your time, there are treasures to be found both in your professional life, inside yourself and beyond.

How can you go on the adventure of a lifetime and follow your bliss?

It will look something like this:

I’m letting you know right now, it only feels easy and fast after you go through this way. It takes some time; it may be confusing and requires perseverance and commitment. Kind of like a life a true heroine/hero, where you also get to solve what bothers you and have money and sex (or whatever else you want).

You start with really knowing yourself, your Gifts, your shadows, your Genius and the things you’re not made for. You continue by letting the past in the past, making peace with it and healing anything there is to heal. Also, deciding what you want for yourself is a key element here.

Take this into consideration: how much did you consciously decided how you want your life to be?

After you got to know yourself, you start moving towards what you decided you want to be in your life and you use your Genius and talents in order to get that more easily.

Any adventure focuses on the main character. Even when it’s about interacting with other supernatural forces, it’s about the interaction and the way our main character (you) responds to them. You think the outstanding circumstances and finding that sword in the stone is something that happens just in stories?

And even in the stories, it’s the choice that our hero/ heroine (you) makes to seize that sword, that magic wand and use it. Everybody has this choice, but not all of us seize this opportunity. Taking that magic power and using it is, again, about the choices we make every day — the choices you make every day.

Being a hero/heroine — the basics

Welcome to the Oracle of Delphi. Here you learn how to know yourself.

What does knowing yourself means?

  • How to find the inner truths and answers for any doubt or confusion you might have
  • To have the best ways to improve yourself
  • How to find the concepts you can be sure of
  • How to make the best out of your emotions
  • What to do to be free from Stress
  • How to know when to stop and when enough is enough
Feeling like following your bliss yet?
  • Consciously focusing on using your unique Genius
  • Knowing your ideal work role and the easiest way of expressing yourself
  • Learning how to make your patterns work for you, not against you and how to transform and enjoy every challenge you face
  • Always knowing what you need to have physical, emotional and mental health (beyond the ordinary stuff)
  • Get to easily live your true purpose in this life
  • Learn about your patterns of thinking, expressing yourself, self-value and will power, direction and love, instincts, emotions, energy and life force, pressure and stress
  • Learning how to make sure you make the right decisions every time
  • Last, but not least, finding out what you want and making sure it’s not something you were conditioned to want (by old patterns coming from parents, teachers, people around you etc.)

The easiest way I know for this is using your Gene Keys and Human Design profiles to learn about your specific challenges and Gifts and then having sessions of Theta Healing and coaching to upgrade yourself to the best version of what you can be.

I’m telling you this because I personally went through these kinds of sessions and I currently work with others on the same. It can be done. It’s possible. And now you know about this. And you will know about much more.

Have you ever wondered why people don’t actually go out and live their adventures and lives to the fullest?

Remember the refusal of the call to adventure? Why do you think that refusal comes?

Because of past experiences and the beliefs formed after (after!) you go through those experiences!

You might tend to see only the left side of the road because of few experiences.

And I’m not talking about any experiences. I’m talking about the reasons people refuse the call to adventure: those experiences that brought pain, disappointment, anger, suffering, separation. And from these kinds of experiences comes fear of not going through the same again.

The thing is — People want (they actually do!!) to go on adventures! It’s just that sometimes we live through moments that we don’t know how to handle/ manage/ reflect on/ let go/ learn from them/ understand very well and we start to think every experience similar to the one we had will be the same. And then we jump to some destructive conclusions.

Maybe throughout your life you encountered many situations when things didn’t work out. And you learned to feel a kind of disappointment and/ or resentment that made you think your dreams can’t come true.

Sometimes learning something about yourself can be a very healing experience.

You know those moments in the stories that our hero/heroine experiences some sort of healing? It may be by (finally!!) finding out the truth, healing the battle wounds or becoming aware of their true power that was hidden?

In your own story, this is the moment where you heal your past and transform your pain into valuable wisdom, without the suffering. And this is the hidden part of really knowing yourself.

What does going on your own Hero’s/Heroine’s Journey looks like?

Always start with yourself.

Your own Journey: Part 1 — You

Which road to take? Which path to choose? Why am I here? Do I really have special powers? Can I use them whenever I want or something has to happen to use them? How this magical suit I have works?

There is a catch here. You know, some special powers, if not trained properly, can cause dysfunction in your life. The same energy that gives you purpose may lead you away from it. The biggest challenges in your life may make you feel like resigning. Refusing the call to adventure makes you lose your touch with your true self.

Your special powers help you overcome any challenge that comes your way. The magical suit always indicates if you’re on the right path or not.

This is the part where you find out what is your purpose and what you are here to do. Yep, this can be found way easier than you think. Finding the answers to the questions on which path to choose and why am I here.

Finding out those things is pure growth. It gives your life more meaning, clarity and understanding. And joy. Never forget you’re here to have joy in your life.

Also, to the purpose of living your purpose and doing what you are here to do, there are 2 more aspects that can help you. The special power to overcome your challenges and your body, your magical suit, which, based on your health and how you feel tells you if you’re doing something right or not and if you’re in the right place or not.

What do you get in this part?

  • Finding out what you are here to do and how to express yourself easily
  • Learning how to overcome any challenge by transforming your self-sabotaging patterns into constructive ones and getting rid of what not work for you
  • Knowing if you’re doing it right and if you’re in the right place and the ways your vitality is nurtured
  • Becoming aware of your purpose and living it

Your own Journey: Part 2 — Relationships

Every heroine/hero had friends, lovers, adversaries, competitors, people who had power over her/him and vice versa. Luke Skywalker had Han Solo and Leia Organa. Snow White had her seven dwarves and her Prince. Hercules had Gods that helped him and Gods that were totally against him. Aragorn had Gimli and Legolas. Paris had Helen of Troy. Harry Potter had Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Daenerys Targaryen had Tyrion Lannister and Jon Snow. Don’t forget the villains: The Joker, Darth Vader, The Evil Twin, being alone, natural disasters, Sauron, Count Dracula, Voldemort, White Walkers, orcs, the Grim Reaper, Wrath of the Gods, curses, rival families, the Evil Empire and STAIRS! (the reference is in the video below)

We always have some conflict between Good and Evil, light side and dark side, Yin and Yang, survival and death.

Relationship over relationship over relationship. Stories can’t be lived without relationships. They are crucial. And where’s a relationship, there is friction. All kinds of friction.

All your relationships mirror a part of yourself. Every interaction, every action and reaction and every choice you make about the way you treat others is how you treat yourself. Here, you’re going to find out how to actually use this to your advantage and happiness.

It can be very easy for you to relate with others. Here are some of the reasons why you don’t:

  • Thinking something like: “they don’t understand and I’m not going to waste my time to explain it to them”?
  • You compare yourself with others
  • You cut/distance yourself from others
  • Focusing on what doesn’t work for yourself and other people

Also, remember that in even these patterns, there are some lessons for you and some wonderful powers that wait for you to discover them.

What do you get from taking this part of the Journey?

  • Knowing and experiencing your relationships with ease and joy and having healthy boundaries
  • Loving yourself (didn’t expect to see it in relationship work, did you?)
  • Turning your mind into your ally
  • Managing your emotions with ease
  • Easiness in relation to others physically, emotionally and mentally
  • Living safely with an open heart
  • Transform your most vulnerable point into your greatest strength

Your own Journey: Part 3 — Your professional life

Here, our heroine/hero battles the dragon, goes through impossible decisions and challenges and it’s gets a reward that could not be available otherwise.

Different story? Nope, just real life.

The main difference is that we can go through so called “dragon battles” every day. Or even more than once per day. And because of this, we think we are not like the ones in the stories.

We’re not like the ones in the stories. We’re way more powerful, have more resources and way more magic powers. This is why real life is better and offers us many stories not just to enjoy them, but to take part as the main character in every one of them.

“A story could take years to unfold and minutes to tell”.

Here we find the biggest differences in our perception between the stories we like and our life.

In most stories, the working part takes around 5 to 10 minutes, or a few words, like “months/years passed…” Even in some series that focus on people being at their job (doctors, firefighters, police force), the actual working and doing the job is around 10% of the screen time, and even those parts are focused only on peak moments.

(To be read in Yoda’s voice:)

It’s all energy, yes?

We’re divine beings having a human experience, yes?

We are all supported by the Universe, yes?

Attract love, money and health, yes?

What about taxes, rent, credit cards, utilities, food, transport, hygienic products and so on? They not covered for the characters in our story. At the end of the story, our characters live happily ever after. We always start another story. For us, real people, it never ends.

That’s why procrastination, lack of perseverance, fear, suffering, our past experiences can be greater challenges than what’s actually in front of us.

What do you get from taking this part of the Journey?

  • Getting the courage to find and start following your vocation authentically by offering valuable products and/or services to people
  • Overcoming your main block in manifesting prosperity
  • Design and implement your professional life around your desired life style
  • Find the best way for you to communicate with others, whether in person or business-wise
  • Find and use your own personal definition for prosperity and learning the difference between what you can control and what to do with the things you can’t
  • Get over procrastination, improve your time management so you can have time for what matters to you
  • How to be productive
  • What to focus on when you want to make more money (hint: it’s not focusing on making more money)
  • Learn what to do so that others see that what you’re offering is valuable
  • Get the a constructive perspective around money, work, sales, marketing and administrative tasks
  • Have clarity in what you want and how to get what you want in your professional life
  • Get the kind of job or business you want
  • Delegating and what to do when people don’t do what they we’re supposed to do
  • How to avoid disappointment
  • The easiest way to grow in both your professional and personal life

On every one of those parts, there is something I always take in consideration: there is one thing to “know” what to do, how and when to do it and another different thing to actually do it.

You might know, theoretically, a lot of stuff. What would your life look life if you actually apply what you know?

Think about it ;)

If you do want any of this, if you do want to answer the call to adventure, you can contact me at octashift.com or read about How to find more joy in what you’re doing.

P.S. — How will your life look if you don’t answer to the call of adventure?

It will be on the same trend it is now. . You haven’t come to this place on the internet for no reason (“There are no such things as coincidences”).

And then, life will continue to call for you to grow. You want to climb your mountains as a sport or by trying to survive?

You actually have a chance to live a passionate life where you can feel like you belong and turn your vision into reality. You want this?

And, if you think that’s impossible, ask yourself, how come you’ve come so far reading this? (Hint: your soul knows it’s possible).

You know where to find me.



Octavian Bolocan

Bringing relief and understanding so that we have more authentic joy in this world. Founder @ octashift.com. ThetaHealing Practitioner. Gene Keys guide.