12 Life Lessons To ShakeUp Your Life In 2023.

Ignore them at your own peril.

3 min readDec 7, 2022
Pexels.com/Andrea Piacquadio

READ: I Ate 1Kg Of Mud Everyday For 15 Years.

  1. Answers to prayers don’t always look like what we prayed for.
  2. Joy and peace are the greatest treasures. I used to think one prayed, meditated or hoped one’s way into joy and peace but not so. Joy and peace begins with a decision and continues with intentional acts of practice. You see yourself outside them or you catch yourself spiraling, reign control of your thoughts and if you can, remove yourself from the conversation or situation. They will never be worth the price of your joy or peace.
  3. Don’t sweat. Don’t stress. Don’t fuss. When people go low, raise your standards. They belong down there, you don’t. Give pigs all the dirt. It will come to pass.
  4. God will always come Through and True. Forget the noise. Do you. Focus on your lane.
  5. God does not always give you what you want. Believe me- it is for your own good.
  6. If you want peace, prepare for storms. If you want patience, prepare for testing people and situationships. When you are not getting what you want, go back to your expectations and be realistic. Good virtues are built and the faster you grab them, the sooner they can work with you. If you keep failing on living with certain virtues, you keep going round and round the block- disappointed.
Waking up at 2AM in this mood is reason to shake it up Image: Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels.com

7. Be grateful. Learn gratitude. Look always for reasons to be grateful.

8. Not every energy is welcome. The sooner you stop entertaining toxic energy, the more positive you feel.

9. Believe in YOU. Believe in you strongly enough to let go of ANYthing and ANYone. Tolerance is a great trait. Tolerance is no reason however to expand for more bullshit because you are afraid to cut people out. You keep doing yourself a disservice. For me: I am good all by myself. I am enough all by myself. Cutting you out may hurt right now but I can’t keep you and after every cycle of you, I hate myself. Nahh, I’m good with me no matter who you are and what you can give me.

10. You can hold on to something so strongly that you kill it by choking the life out of it. If losing IT can kill you, IT can hurt you very much when IT dies- and IT may not die a death but IT can feel like death when IT eventually begins to evolve- and IT will evolve.

11. If someone hurts you and you want out, mourn and move on. Stop sitting around for closure. Stop sitting around waiting for people to realize they hurt you. Some know and don’t care. Some hurt you because it benefited them. Say as needed, “God saw it. I believe it will be equalized. My best days are ahead and I will keep it moving”.

12. So long as I am alive and willing to fight for all I desire, short term, you may delay my plans but long term, you will be irrelevant as you will never be the reason I don’t end up good.

Thank you for reading.

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Non-quitter. Writer. Speaker. Too tired for bullshit. Say Hi