Are There Marriages That May Be Legal But Should Be Banned?

Do not support these cruel and inhuman marriages, please.

3 min readFeb 8, 2023

A recent conversation in my friend circle prompted this topic- Beyond “love made me do it”, are there marriages that may be legal but should be banned?

Oliver Li.

Maybe in your country, culture is meaningless. Maybe in your society, people will raise hell if someone marries in this way:

  • Parents “giving” away their daughter without adult cognitive abilities.

This happens a lot here in Africa. Your child (especially your daughter), is an adult only in age. Their understanding is a child’s.

Yet, many African parents legally give away these ‘children’ in marriage.

Many suffer abuse, neglect and how in the world, do the men who marry them, the parents who give them out, justify the fact that their children do not understand any of what they are doing?

This is cruel. This is inhumane.

Do not support this marriage.

  • Marriages that come about because of Rape

Depending on where you live, it may or may not shock you to know that here in Africa, parents will abandon their child at the doorstep of their rapist rather than live with the shame of a defiled child.

Especially if the girl ends up pregnant.

Talk about a double tragedy.

You get raped by a monster who sees you as an object for scratching his dirty balls.

His reward- YOU.

Do not support a marriage that comes about this way.

This is cruel.

  • Why will you get married —( legally, yes), just because you are pregnant?

You wanted a friend’s with benefit situation.

You do not exactly care for this person.

Okay, okay, okay- you do not believe in abortion.

What do you believe in? A lifetime of regrets?

Please do not invite me if getting married because I accidentally got pregnant, is the basis of your love.

There is so much dysfunction in today’s world and innocent children suffering because of (preventable) unhappiness in homes.

Please, I do not support your marriage. Do not invite me.

Mighty Portraits.
  • So you are barely an adult (17- 25) and now you have found love with a man twice or thrice your age?

I know there is no love like yours in the world. I know he is your world. I know he treats you like a queen but NAHHHH.

I am suspicious of a man who will leave his age bracket and go down to pick a literal child.

Many times, within years, the child grows up to understand how controlling, manipulative and (yes) dangerous, these men are.

My abuser did this. He watched a child grow. He would give her gifts she couldn’t afford. Give her gifts she really needed because he knew her.

She was in love.

His love is control.

I will always remain wary of anyone who cannot find love except with people who are barely adults.

You can justify it all you want but you will not get me to support you.

Just typing that made me sick to my stomach. This 60-something year old man was a senator and HE GOT SENATE TO BACK HIM.

Well, we have always had shit leaders. We are a third world country.

But, this will never make sense.

It is cruel to marry a child.

Do not support pedophilia.

Pedophilia is cruel and inhuman.

Do not support pedophiles.

So, beyond “love made me do it”, are there marriages that may be legal but should be banned?

Absolutely yes.

These examples are your reminder that we still have a long way to go.

Thank you for reading. Buy me coffee?

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Non-quitter. Writer. Speaker. Too tired for bullshit. Say Hi