Sex With A Nigerian Man

2 min readDec 10, 2022


Wham Bam, No thank you.

Not this couple.

Oh baby, I have missed you so much. Can you come over?

You are bored and so, you head over thinking that this time, will be different.

. You could take a walk around the neighbourhood but how does he do that with a boner?

. Talk about a book you just read or he just read. Nope. His functioning brain isn’t the one in his head.

. Discuss something that isn’t some corrupt politician, the new naira, next year’s election, his gamble loss or win, his travel for the holidays with his family. Nope. This is it. This is his playlist for sex.


Then he moves closer to you on the bed because of course, the guest room is always the bedroom. Sitting rooms were made for married people.

Your eyes fall on the small clock on the table beside the couch: 4:15:PM.

He places a sweaty hand on your thigh and gives you a sheepish smile.

You sigh.

What a Romeo.

For foreplay he pokes you with dirty nails and for kisses, he laps around your face with a tongue that reminds you of a wet rag.

Breathing ragged- his, not yours. He is pulling his trousers down. Your top is still on. But your breasts sting from furious mulling.


He pulls on your trousers. The sides of your thighs sting but they are off. Next fly the panties.

He is so fast and yet somehow finds a hole.

she has the right idea for this

You focus on the ceiling. Then your thoughts divert to how you thought this time will be different. Next you wonder if this is really the rest of your life. Then you wonder how someone who consumes as much porn as he does gets it so wrong. You sigh that the society has you so conditioned against your sexuality that you may never speak up just like you will never know what an orgasm is. You sigh again. He takes your sigh for passion and just as you are about to sigh again, he collapses on top of you.

You push him over. He has that same sheepish smile on. This time- of satisfaction. Your eyes hit the clock again, 4:18:PM.

“Was it as magical for you as it was for me? Wow. I saw stars” He says

Sure. You say. Whatever gets the ring.

Thank you for reading.

My name is Adaobi Okwy. Please turn on Email Notification for my next post. Also, Buy me coffee?




Non-quitter. Writer. Speaker. Too tired for bullshit. Say Hi