Skybreach tales. Episode8.

3 min readJun 21, 2022


⚠️ Skybreach concept is not finalised yet.
⚠️ ️This is just a bedtime story for my kid.

<Episode7 Episode9>

The Blind Guardian: give it to get it.

Walking around in the cavern for a long time, Greta detected a reflection of light. Was it a glimmer of hope? No, it was something real. Following the ray, she got into a cave full of gold and gems. Raging Stars were soaring in the air.

A magical source of light! It only does one thing: float in the air and illuminate things beneath it.

Above all this treasures was a blind bird with a body made of volcanic lava and gold. Clearly, she was not only blind, but also very old.

…she was not only blind, but also very old.

Greta greeted the bird with respect. Kanaria woke up from oblivion and pronounced:

— Hello, girl. I am the guardian of this place. What brought you here?

— I got here accidentally, — replied the small girl.

— Tell me your story..

Greta told everything: how she woke up in Skybreach, about Snailor and the Pirate, about Kevin and the quest, about Evilin and the chase. When she was speaking about the car crash, tears flowed from her eyes. Sobbing, she mentioned how Zombies showed her the entrance to this tunnel, so here she is.

— Yes, it is a long journey, — answered the guard — Since you got here, I can fulfill any of your wishes, but there is one rule: whatever you wish for yourself, I will get the same thousands times more.

Greta, was not ready for this course of events. She immediately wished what bothered her most of all:

— Please, dear guard, save my friend Jackson! I want him to be healthy!

The blind Kanaria was confused:

— Hmmm, the majority of the time I was visited by gold or eternal life seekers. So boring. You have already seen the seekers of immortality — Zombies are literally alive, but at the same time they are dead. Gold in this cave came from greedy creatures, who wanted riches. This is the first case when someone spent his wish on another person. And following the law, since you wished “nothing” for yourself, I won’t get anything either. Your friend is healthy now, don’t worry.

— I was waiting for such a desire since the beginning of this World. Only this type of unselfish and sincere action can open the secret passage. There you will get a reward for your innocence and pureness. I’m not the guardian of these particular riches — Kanaria grabbed a few golden coins from the air and blowed them back into a stream, — I protect that secret gate…

Suddenly, right next to Greta opened up the gate full of ultramarine light, and entering the Secret Cave, she remembered the prediction of the ball: “will give it to get it”

Mood: Eggs Hunt. I wish secret places (Easter Eggs) could appear in Skybreach from time to time. If the hunters couldn’t find them, they will disappear in a period of time.

All images in the text are made by RMRK team. Most of the texts beneath them are descriptions of these images on Kanaria site.
Translated by Botuver.




Big supporter and Russian Community manager of RMRK project.