Deadly Donations Part II

P.G. Barnett
Dark Sides of the Truth
5 min readJun 15, 2019


My name is Henry James and I’m a writer for Dark Sides of the Truth Magazine.

Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Conclusion

After four days of cruising the back roads of Oklahoma and Kansas I stumbled upon what I first thought was going to be pretty decent story. Seems as if a grandma named Harriett kept hearing ghouls screaming at her.

Turns out both of her hearing aid batteries died at the same time.

Okay, not all the stuff I find is story material. Unless you’re interested in the shelf life of hearing aid batteries.

If you are give Harriett a call. Maybe she’ll hear the phone ring. Maybe not.

I decided to take FM 4 through Nortonville and me and Willie were doing a duet on Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain when my car’s Bluetooth system notified me of an incoming call.

Love this technology crap. Didn’t even have to put my Slim Jim down.

“This is Henry.”

“Henry were are you?”

“Hey Rick. I’m in my car. Where are you? Please don’t tell me you’re in the shower or on the john. I don’t think I can stand the visual.”



P.G. Barnett
Dark Sides of the Truth

A published author enjoying married Texas bliss. Dog person living with cats. A writer of Henry James' stories. Featured In MuckRack. Top Writer In Fiction.