Pelotrak 1.6.0 — Instructor Bingo

3 min readApr 5, 2022


Pelotrak is currently in beta. The install instructions can be found here. Previous updates here: 1.5.0, 1.5.3, 1.5.4, 1.5.5

Update: new Bingo enhancements have been added with 1.6.1.

Let’s admit it. The instructors are what make Peloton so much fun. And there are so many of them, so many wonderful personalities.

To help you discover new instructors and spice up your workout routine, I’m excited to announce a fun game within Pelotrak: Instructor Bingo.

Every week, Pelotrak creates a new 5x5 Bingo card with instructors on it and your challenge is to get at least 5 instructors in a row by doing at least one workout with each instructor that week.

How it works

Important: you have to open the app every week to generate and populate your bingo card.

Every week a new bingo card is generated when you refresh your data.

Each tile on a bingo card represents one or more instructors. You can tap on the tile to see the detail about the instructor, your workouts for that instructor that week, and classes taken recently by your friends.

If you complete a workout by that instructor that week, you get a check mark. If you get a PR on that workout, your tile also gets a little star.

You get a Bingo when you have five check marks in a row: horizontally, vertically, or diagonally from the corners.

You can select between 4 different card types: “all”, “cycling”, “runs”, “strength”. When you select cycling, runs, or strength, your card will only show instructors offering classes in that discipline.

By default, instructors only offering German classes are excluded. You can change this in the app Settings (“About Pelotrak” → “Settings”)

The number of weeks in a row that you accomplished a bingo become a Streak, displayed at the bottom.

Which workouts count for which card type?

Workouts less than 10min long as well as warm ups and cool downs are excluded from all cards.

  • All — all disciplines count except for stretching
  • Cycling — cycling and cycling boot camps
  • Runs — running, running boot camps, and outdoor runs
  • Strength — only strength trainings

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