Trump-Russia Corruption Database

Peter Grant
11 min readOct 22, 2022


These articles are excerpts from my book, While We Slept: Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, and the Corruption of American Democracy, available here.

Putin’s Russia, Global Corruption, and the Road to the 2016 American Election

This series covers the historical events leading up to the Russian intelligence operation targeting the 2016 American presidential election.

It describes the development of the Russian and Soviet secret police and intelligence services, the biography of Vladimir Putin, the development of the the post-Soviet kleptocracy, and the geopolitical and diplomatic events that soured US-Russian relations to the point that Putin ordered the attack.

Donald Trump, Corruption, and the Insidious Influence of Organized Crime

This series covers Donald Trump’s numerous connections to organized crime, both the American and Eurasian variety. It analyzes Trump’s early connections to the Italian-American Mafia in the Manhattan real estate market and later while operating casinos in Atlantic City. It then explores the many connections Trump and his businesses have had over the decades with organized crime elements from the former Soviet Union.

From Nixon to Trump: Roger Stone’s Politics of Deception and Division

This series covers the life and career of the Republican political consultant and convicted felon Roger Stone up to the 2016 election.

It describes Stone’s work for Richard Nixon and and his career as a lobbyist during the Reagan years. Stone’s early relationship with Donald Trump is explored, as is his regular employment of trickery, deception, and division. After a sex scandal exiled him from mainstream politics, Stone became involved with New York State gubernatorial races and the local politics of Broward County, Florida. The life of Stone associate Michael Caputo, and his links with various global intelligence agencies, is explored.

Sins of the Father: the Manafort Family and the Gambling Syndicate

This article describes Paul Manafort and his father’s interactions with organized crime and the gambling syndicate in Connecticut and beyond. It chronicles how political corruption in the past echoes through to the current day. The article further reveals the genesis of Manafort’s relationship with Roger Stone.

Paul Manafort, Russia, and the Struggle for Ukraine

The following 9-part series offers an in-depth examination of Paul Manafort’s activities in Ukraine from the period of 2006 to 2014.

The series describes Paul Manafort’s early career, introduces the organized crime-linked oligarchs who provided him an entrée to Ukraine and Russia, provides historical context for the political situation in Ukraine upon his arrival, and goes on to shine a light on Manafort’s corrupt activities in country.

The articles end immediately prior to Manafort joining Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Russian Intelligence, Disinformation, and the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election

This series covers the activities of Russian intelligence, in particular Russian Military Intelligence (GRU) during the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. It also covers the history of Russian intelligence and cyber operations targeting the United States. Finally, it covers the disinformation and propaganda activities of the Internet Research Agency during the 2016 election.

Disinformation, Social Media, and the 2016 Election: The Internet Research Agency Explained

This article covers the origins and activities of the Internet Research Agency, the St. Petersburg-based online troll and propaganda farm paid for by the infamous Russian oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin. The IRA supported the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, and manipulated Americans of various political persuasions to protest in the streets.

Dark Triad: Russian Intelligence, Eurasian Organized Crime, and the Trump Tower Moscow Project

This article covers Donald Trump’s secret quest to build a Trump Tower in Moscow before and during the 2016 presidential election.

This effort, which was consciously concealed from the American public as it was underway, brought Trump and his emissaries into contact with senior Kremlin officals, former Russian intelligence agents, and prominent figures with connections to Eurasian organized crime.

Black Caviar: Paul Manafort, Russia, and the 2016 Trump Campaign

This series covers Paul Manafort’s activities immediately prior, and during, the 2016 presidential election. Manafort served as Trump’s campaign chairman. He provided internal polling data to, and held private meetings with, the alleged Russian intelligence officer Konstantin Kilimnik.

It further provides an in-depth exploration of the enduring mysteries and the questions that remain regarding Manafort, his potential involvement in the GRU’s hack-and-leak operation, a series of suspect real estate and financial transactions, and Manafort’s interactions with organized crime-linked Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs.

Collision 2016: Russian Military Intelligence, Wikileaks, and Roger Stone

This series covers Roger Stone’s activities during the 2016 presidential election, including his interactions with the Trump Campaign, his involvement in the the first “Stop the Steal” disinformation movement, and his interactions with Wikileaks and Russian military intelligence.

Mysterious Misfits: The 2016 Trump Foreign Policy Team and the Russian Election Interference Campaign

This series covers the numerous intersections between the 2016 Trump Campaign’s Foreign Policy Team and individuals and organizations connected to the Kremlin and Russia’s intelligence services. It specifically focuses on the activities of George Papadopoulos, Carter Page and the campaign’s interactions with the Russian national Dimitri Simes.

Kremlin Influence Campaigns and the June 9th Trump Tower Meeting

This series describes the infamous June 9th, 2016, Trump Tower meeting between Trump’s son and top campaign leadership with a group of Russian’s claiming to possess compromising information on Hillary Clinton. It provides an extensive description of the events that led up to the meeting, casting it as but one part of a complex, multifacted Kremlin influence operation targeting multiple branches of the US Government, as well as the known details of the meeting itself.

Cambridge Analytica, Steve Bannon, and the Bad Boys of Brexit on the 2016 Trump Campaign

This article series describes the shadowy origins of the political consulting and data analytics firm Cambridge Analytica, which served as a core between the the 2016 Trump campaign and key individuals involved in the Brexit movement. It describes the role Steve Bannon and billionaire arch-conservative Robert Mercer played in the establishment of Cambridge Analytica.

The series also describes the intelligence and Russian connections of Cambridge Analytica’s parent company, Strategic Communications Laboratories, as well as the work Cambridge Analytica did on behalf of Russian interests.

The series describes the involvement Cambridge Analytica had with Brexit, the Russian connections of the top proponents of Brexit, and finally the activities of the so-called “Bad Boys of Brexit” on the 2016 Trump campaign.

Convergence of Shadows: Israel, the Gulf States, and Erik Prince in the 2016 Election

This series of articles explores the role Israel, in particular the Israeli private intelligence industry, the Gulf monarchies of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirate, and the infamous billionaire mercenary Erik Prince, played in supporting the 2016 candidacy of Donald Trump.

Michael Flynn, Information Operations, and the Search For Hillary’s “Missing” Emails

This article covers how Michael Flynn went from being a central figure in the Global War on Terror, to developing connections to Russia, to ultimately becoming a key supporter of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. It also covers his various connections to the Israeli private intelligence industry and potential involvement in voter suppression activities. Finally, it covers his involvement with Peter W. Smith in an effort to find Hillary’s “Missing” emails from her time as Secretary of State.

