How to master your BeliEVE account?

The ultimate tutorial to get the most of BeliEVE’s interface

10 min readSep 25, 2019

I. Introduction to BeliEVE

BeliEVE is a Savings Management platform on crypto-markets. It is an all-in-one solution that will host your funds on Binance and from them, will conduct trading on its own. A short presentation is available here (scroll down the page).

To get a deeper insight of BeliEVE’s performances from April 2019 to June 2019 and its trading approach, I invite you to further read the two following articles, part I: Performances after 3 Months of use, and part II: BeliEVE’s trading style.

Following a first tutorial to help get you started with BeliEVE, this new article aims at presenting most of BeliEVE’s web interface features.

  • Re-introducing BeliEVE’s basic functioning with a running portfolio
  • How to cashout my sweet pot?
  • How to re-invest my sweet pot, and have it being used for new trades?
  • How to transfer back the asset that is under management to the sweet pot?
  • How to increase my earnings? (the advised approach)
  • How to get detailed information about BeliEVE’s trades?
  • How to retrieve my PCLs in case I want them back in my private wallet?

Combination of BeliEVE’s features will also be tackled to answer the following more advanced questions.

  • How to re-invest an amount lower than 50 USDT from sweet pot?
  • How to change my asset allotment between different risk profiles? (an unadvised approach to increase one’s earning)

After this already long list, you may wonder about still missing features so far. I mention just here in the introduction three of them so that you don’t look for them. They have not yet made their way to BeliEVE, but a short email to the support, and they will confirm you these are identified priorities.

  • Buying PCLs directly from BeliEVE’s interface
  • Scheduling the transfer of one’s locked asset from the AUM to the sweet pot for when it is freed
  • Cashout of one’s sweet pot by SEPA transfer

Finally, as a last word before dwelving further into these different chapters, let us recall the one golden rule in investment: never invest money that you can’t afford to lose.

II. What is BeliEVE’s basic functioning now that my portfolio is running?

BeliEVE’s basic functioning can be presented simply by reviewing some key information displayed in its main interface. Among them, 2 main “accounts” can first be noticed in “Portfolio” page.

  • The “Sweet pot”, which is where your earnings are made available after each successful trade.
  • The “Asset Under Management” (AUM), which is the asset currently managed by BeliEVE for trading. It is the sum of the “Free” amount (yellow on the screen — asset available for new trading opportunities) and the “Locked” amount (red on the screen — asset currently used by BeliEVE in on-going trades). Right after your initial deposit in BeliEVE is confirmed and running, you will be able to check that the amount you invested matches the AUM (“Free” + “Locked”).

While deposit of earnings from successful trades in the sweet pot is automatic, re-investing one’s sweet pot to the AUM is made manually. This allows the user to decide alternatively to cashout.

BeliEVE’s main interface — Portfolio synthesis

USDT amount for each of these accounts is shown in the “Portfolio” page. In addition the total asset (sweet pot + AUM) is indicated.

Finally, let’s briefly mention a few other presented information.

  • The total amount of PCL available in user’s PCL wallet.
  • The estimated monthly & yearly profits (indicative).
  • The total number of cleared trades and on-going trades.

III. How to cashout my sweet pot?

While BeliEVE conducts successful trades, your profits will appear in the sweet pot. At some point, you may want to cashout these earnings. The interface to operate this is shown below.

Cashout dialog box

Before starting a cashout, you have to make sure you enabled the two factor authentication, and you set up your USDT ERC20 public address (which can be of a private wallet, or that of an exchange like Binance). Links are provided directly in the dialog box to direct you to the right pages if you did not already see to that.

You then only have to indicate how much you request to withdraw, and then to confirm. Transaction is usually conducted within the following hour. If it takes more than 24 hours, you should send an email to the support to enquire. Thanks to the switch to USDT ERC20, related transaction fees are now between 1 and 2 USDT.

IV. How to re-invest my sweet pot, and have it being used for new trades?

Alternatively, you can decide to re-invest your profits for new trades, hence possibly increasing even further future earnings. The icon to open the related dialog box is positioned close to the one for cashout.

Re-Invest dialog box

You will be first requested the amount to re-invest (which has to be above 50 USDT), and then the risk profile for this re-invest. For this last information, it is wise to follow the profile identified after you filled in the risk questionnaire. People don’t have all the same patience and taste for risk.

V. How to transfer back the asset that is under management to the sweet pot?

Inversely, you can transfer back the asset being handled by BeliEVE to your sweet pot. Two cases should be distinguished, either the asset is free, or it is locked.

a. Free asset

Transfer Free Fund dialog box

Transferring free asset is made directly from the corresponding dialog box, accessible using the icon below the chart showing the status of your free and locked asset, along with the amount in your sweet pot.

You only have to confirm the transfer, and it will be done in the following hour. If it takes more than 24 hours, you should send an email to the support to enquire.

You cannot chose (yet) the amount and the risk profile from which you would like the asset to be transferred. All available asset at the time of the withdraw will be placed in your sweet pot.

b. Locked asset

It is not (yet) possible to schedule of force the withdraw of locked asset through the interface. If you wish to operate this transfer, you have to request it by email to AIEVE support (support[at] As this asset is being used in trade(s), its current value can possibly be significantly different than that displayed in the interface. Support will inform you about the updated value, possible fees, and request confirmation of the withdraw.

  • If the updated value is similar or above the displayed value, 10% fees will be applied over the locked amount because of having to stop manually the on-going trade(s).
  • If the updated value is significantly lower than the displayed value, because of the loss it actually represents, no fee is applied.

Withdraw of locked asset can take up to 3 or 4 days.

VI. How to increase my earnings? (the advised approach)

As BeliEVE is making profits from trade, its performances are dependent of the market activity, both in terms of volatility and volumes. Sometime, the market is quiet, or worst, enters a bearish period (meaning rates are dropping). In this context, if BeliEVE does not spot trading opportunities, it will not trade.

During these periods, once in a while, some users would show up in Peculium Telegram channel, looking for advices to maintain steady and/or increase their profits.

The only relevant advice that can be given in this case is to increase one’s profits when BeliEVE is actually generating them, i.e. when the market is favorable. In such a period, each time a trade is conducted successfully, fees are taken by BeliEVE on the profits made. Standard setting is to pay fee with USDT, in which case, they arise to 25%.

Instead, you can reduce them by half using PCL token to pay fee, i.e. increasing your own profits by 12,5%. To do so, you need first to spare PCLs in your PCL wallet. Its amount can be easily checked in BeliEVE main interface.

Wallet page to configure your ETH public address before sending PCLs

Unfortunately, the process to provision PCLs is currently not so straightforward. You can buy them on Hotbit or IDEX exchanges. Once bought, you have first to send them to an ETH private wallet you own (not the one from an exchange). Make sure you have recorded the corresponding ETH public address in BeliEVE interface beforehand, and you can then send them safely to your BeliEVE account.

Settings dialog box

Second, you simply need to set up fee payment by PCLs through the “Settings” dialog box, accessible through the main interface.

VII. How to get detailed information about BeliEVE’s trades?

Transactions page

While an overview of most recent trades can be accessed from BeliEVE’s portfolio page, it is possible to access a more detailed listing by going to the “Account” section, “Transactions” page.

There, a lot of information is displayed for each trade, including the date when it was closed, the resulting profit or loss (column “Amount”), the crypto that has been traded with buy and sell price, as well as its quantity.

Other transactions are detailed in this page, such as your deposits in BeliEVE (USDT, PCLs…), your re-invests, cashouts, free fund transfers and so on…

All this data can also be downloaded from the same screen in csv format (wait that the “Click here” button appears, which may take some time).

VIII. How to retrieve my PCLs in case I want them back in my private wallet?

Feeling that you deposited too many PCLs in your BeliEVE wallet? Not a problem, you can withdraw them back any time you want to your own private ETH wallet (keep in mind PCL is an ERC20 token).

PCL withdraw dialog box

To do so, you have to head to the “Account” section, “Wallet” page. From there, you can open the “PCL withdraw” dialog box where you will be able to confirm the ETH public address to which sending your PCLs. After informing Peculium of the withdraw reasons, you only have to confirm.

At this time, it is not possible to withdraw a specific amount only.

IX. How to re-invest an amount lower than 50 USDT from sweet pot?

As indicated previously, BeliEVE only allows re-investing from sweet pot amounts that are larger than 50 USDT. You may however want to re-invest lower amounts so as to have your profits used in new trades more quickly.

A trick exists that can allow you to do so, assuming you have the complementary amount as free asset in the AUM. In this case, you can first transfer it back to your sweet pot, and then re-invest the total. And voilà!

To review these steps separately in more details, please refer to corresponding chapters (chapters IV, then III).

X. How to change my asset allotment between different risk profiles? (an unadvised approach to increase one’s earning)

Before discussing this option, it is important to mention that a change of your asset allotment to a more risky profile is strongly unadvised. Please, do follow the profile recommended by the risk questionnaire. Questions gathered in it mention scenarii that can happen, and actually do happen. As an example, if you know you will be uncomfortable to have your asset locked for several weeks, possibly months, then clearly the aggressive profile is not for you.

Now that this is stated, for users that do want to change their investment to a different risk profile or even that would like to diversify its allotment between different ones, the process is simply made in two steps.

  • You first have to transfer your asset from the AUM back to your sweet pot.
  • Then in a second step, when re-investing it, you will be able to specify for a given amount the risk profile of your choice.

To review these steps separately in more details, please refer to corresponding chapters (chapters IV, then III).

XI. Last words

This tutorial has been written in the form of a FAQ with the aim to introduce basic BeliEVE’s features, but also to give more “advanced” tricks. Hopefully, it will ease your experience with this cutting edge Savings Management platform.

New chapters / questions may be added in time as new features are released, or if existing ones need further explanations.

Finally, if this tutorial or the articles introduced at the beginning have not answered all your questions yet, I invite you to further read or ask on one of Peculium social media.

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