How to set up your BeliEVE account?

The ultimate tutorial to get you started

9 min readAug 13, 2019

I. Introduction to BeliEVE

BeliEVE is a Savings Management platform on crypto-markets. It is an all-in-one solution that will host your funds on Binance and from them, will conduct trading on its own. A short presentation is available here (scroll down the page).

To get a deeper insight of BeliEVE’s performances from April 2019 to June 2019 and its trading approach, I invite you to further read the two following articles, part I: Performances after 3 Months of use, and part II: BeliEVE’s trading style.

This new article is intended as a detailed step-by-step tutorial on how setting up your own BeliEVE account, along with some tips to help you along the way. It is divided in 4 chapters:

  • Creating your account on
  • Completing the onboarding procedure
  • Transferring funds to BeliEVE
  • And now what?

But before dwelving further into these different stages, let us recall the one golden rule in investment: never invest money that you can’t afford to lose.

II. Creating your account on

The first step is to create your account on

Setting up your account

The given link will direct you to a page where you will have to fill the blancks with your own information (the one shown on the screenshot is of course just an example :)).

Because a KYC (Know Your Customer) procedure will have to be completed during the next stage, make sure you provide your real first name, last name and date of birth.

The “Referer’s Email Address” field ought to be completed with my own address as I gave you my referral link. I will be grateful if you consider using it. ;)

After clicking on “Register”, you will then be requested to activate your account. This is done by clicking on the activation link you received by mail.

Confirming your account creation

Finally, you will be directed to this last page where PECULIUM will enquire wether you wish to receive any news and updates from them. A last click on “Activate” is then required.

Well, it seems you are done with this first stage, good job!

III. Completing the onboarding procedure

After logging in to your account, an onboarding procedure needs then to be conducted. This is naturally found in the “Onboard” tab, under BeliEVE section, as shown on below screenshots.

III. a. Indicating your investment intentions

Investment intentions

On the first page appearing, you have to specify how much you intend to put into BeliEVE and how you intend to carry out the fund transfer. These indications are informative only, and will not prevent you to modify the amount of your investment or to use a different transfer method later on.

Click then on “Submit” to get to the second page.

III.b. Determining your investor profile

Investor profile

The second page is a risk questionnaire from which your investor profile can be defined.

Take a few minutes to answer questions honestly. They are here to help you determine the investment risk level that suits you the best among “conservative”, “moderate”, and “aggressive”.

The investor profile that you will be assigned will then be used as a default profile to manage your funds. You will nonetheless be able to overide this parameter and assign a different risk level to a chosen fraction of your fund.

Click then on “Next” to get to the last page.

III.c. Know You Customer procedure

You’re nearly done with the onboarding procedure, only the KYC/AML step now remains. (KYC: Know Your Customer / AML : Anti-Money Laundering)

Onboarding procedure — KYC/AML

For this, 3 documents have to be uploaded.

  • A photo ID, such as for instance a picture of your ID card, or your passport, or your driver’s licence.
  • A copy of a proof of address, such as a utility bill no older than 3 months where its date, your name and address are clearly visible.
  • And last a selfie of you, holding your photo ID along with a message stating “I love Peculium projects” and current date.

Click finally on “Next” and you are done with the onboarding procedure, well done!

Some time will be needed by AIEVE & PECULIUM teams to verify the information you provided. Depending the time of submission (during the week or during the week-end), it may take less than one hour or as long as 2 days. Simply have some patience. :)

Once verified, you will receive an email confirming it, and inviting you to deposit your funds so that BeliEVE can start working for you.

IV. Transferring funds to BeliEVE

Before presenting this last stage, let’s recall that your deposit needs to be larger than 100 USDT equivalent to get BeliEVE operating with your account.

Fund deposit — Chosing the transfer method

To deposit your funds, head to the “Deposit” tab, under BeliEVE section.

Obviously, no deposit is yet visible, and you can chose among different transfer methods to operate the first one.

Here are some tips to help you retain the most appropriate one depending their advantages, drawbacks and your own profile.

a. EURO deposit

This is certainly the easiest method for non crypto people. You simply have to organize a SEPA bank transfer to AIEVE LTD company using provided information.

EURO deposit

One should however highlight that the processing of your EURO funds implies the transfer & conversion from your bank account to the AIEVE LTD bank account and then to AIEVE USDT wallet on Binance exchange. The whole process will thus require 2 to 3 days, and will be charged 10€ to compensate conversion fees. Make sure that your deposit includes this additional amount.

Finally, your fund will be assigned the investor profile resulting from the risk questionnaire you have filled during the onboarding procedure.

Modifying and splitting your funds between the different risk profiles (conservative, moderate or aggressive) is of course still possible, but requires an additional and manual 2-step process to be carried out later on, once your portfolio is running. First you will have to transfer your free funds from the asset under management to your sweet pot. Second, you will then have to re-invest , and this time allocating a chosen amount of your fund to a chosen risk profile.

b. USDT deposit

This second method requires the user to already have a wallet with ERC-20 USDT, such that you can have on Binance exchange for instance. Please, make sure to check this.

USDT deposit

To operate the transfer, send your ERC-20 USDT to the USDT deposit address indicated on the deposit page.

Once done, 4 information will have to be provided in this same page.

  • First the amount of USDT you have transferred.
  • Second, the transaction ID.
  • Third, a screenshot from the account that has been used to operate the transfer, where this same information is visible, USDT amount & transaction ID, along with your account username. This screenshot needs to be uploaded using the “Add file” button under “Deposit Claim Screenshot”.
  • And fourth (optional), you can chose to allocate different fractions of your funds to different risk profiles.

After all information is provided, click on “Submit” and you are done!

This method is more complex than EURO deposit, but 3 advantages can be highlighted.

  • First, transfer is processed much more quickly than with EURO deposit and your BeliEVE account should start to operate within the next 24 hours (in some cases, in less than 1 hour).
  • Second, you can manage precisely the amount of USDT with which your account starts, which is precisely the amount of USDT you have decided to transfer. There is indeed no conversion and no additional fee.
  • And third, as indicated above, you can directly define the fund allocation between different risk profiles.

c. BTC, ETH & LTC deposit

These methods are very similar to USDT deposit method and only the 2 following specificities appear to me to be highlighted.

An advantage of a BTC, ETH or LTC deposit is that you will be able to send these crypto from any exchanges, on the opposite to ERC-20 USDT which is not as common.

A slight drawback is that you don’t manage precisely the USDT amount your account will start with, as conversion rate can change sometime noticeably during the time required to operate the process.

d. Which risk level should I consider?

The risk level you obtained after filling in the risk questionnaire will be proposed by default for the fund deposited in BeliEVE.

You may however be tempted to overide this parameter to increase your earning ratio. For instance, according an earlier review of BeliEVE’s performances over 3 months (from April to June), the full aggressive mode appears to present the best results.

It should be highlighted however that these performances have been obtained in a quite favorable market. Since beginning of July, market conditions have changed, and so have the performances of presented portfolios. This article will thus be updated accordingly to reflect this.

Without waiting this update, it is good reporting that distributing one’s asset among the different risk levels appears to be a relevant strategy to ensure steady performances despite changing market conditions.

For this reason, I do suggest to start first with the safer moderate and/or conservative profiles, for instance allocating 70% of your asset to conservative & 30% to moderate. Only after having checked by yourself BeliEVE’s performances should you consider switching a fraction of your asset to aggressive profile. An example of performance for such a mix is given by C6M3A1 portfolio (60% conservative, 30% moderate and 10% agressive) as shown in above mentionned article.

V. And now what?

Once you have submitted requested transfer information, you don’t need to do any other action. As soon as funds are received, they will be processed and queued, waiting for new trading slots to be available.

When your asset is running, an email will inform you so. You will then be able to track your portfolio’s performances through the “Portfolio” tab, under BeliEVE section.

Portfolio synthesis

This interface presents you several information.

  • Your sweet pot is basically your earning. When reaching a minimal amount of 50 USDT, you can chose to re-invest it or to cash it out. For this last option, you will need to have an ERC-20 USDT wallet.
  • The total asset under management is presented in the central area. The graph illustrates what fraction of it is currently locked in on-going trades (red), and the complementary fraction that is free, awaiting for new trades (yellow).
  • At the bottom of the page, the numbers of on-going trades and cleared trades are also indicated.

All this information can be accessed easily from BeliEVE app available on Androïd here and iOS here.

VI. Last words

This tutorial may seem a bit long, but the number of steps to get started is actually rather limited. I hope that the different tips given throughout the chapters will help you during the onboarding process.

Once this is done, you can now rest. BeliEVE will work for you 24/7. :)

But you may want to know more? You can now start reviewing BeliEVE’s features thanks to this 2nd tutorial.

Finally, would you still have some more questions, I invite you to further read or ask on one of Peculium social media.

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