Our work — 3 billion Indian users have no credit score!

Client: CreditVidya

3 min readApr 26, 2019

Project: Website UX/UI design

About the company

Creditvidya is a fintech company that provides lenders with AI and big data technology and empowers them to underwrite and provide loans. It assesses over 10,000 data points which n turn helps lenders to extend credit to first-time borrowers. The designs had been created by me, Dhisti, during my tenure with the company.

The challenge

CreditVidya’s vision is to create a unique platform that uses AI to assess customers and provide loans. This concept is extremely powerful and complex to be portrayed. Our idea was to portray this intricate process in a simple and seamless manner. The idea was to enable the users to visualize the concept effortlessly.

Our process


While recognizing the avenues for change for the website, we discovered that the brand did not portray the vision for the company on its digital mediums. After continuous interactions with the team, we noted the goals and the process followed by the team to simplify it further.


We defined the target audience for the users that visit the website. CreditVidya being a B2B company had an audience of financial executives from banks and NBFCs seeking for loan products to enhance their current process of underwriting. However, since explaining AI processes can become complex, they had to be defined in laymen terms for every visitor to relate to them, from tech to business oriented audiences.


Simplicity in explanation accounts for higher visuals and therefore the website includes information that is paired with illustrations and graphs which makes it visually stimulating. Case studies and demo buttons have been portrayed at multiple stages to provide clarity and improve conversions. Information hierarchy has been set to compliment the structure of each product which parallelly improves the retention rates.

The culture of the company has been explained neatly which incentivizes the “job seeking” audience to apply for open positions leading to better and stronger job applications.

The typeface “Gotham” is utilized because of its clarity. It helps display comprehensive text bits in an easier and more approachable format.



Responsive mobile designs

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