The Quantum Trilogy Takes Shape — Community Powered Sci-Fi

4 min readJun 6, 2024


For over two years, the Explorers in the PlanetQuest community have taken part in shaping the multiverse through the interactive storyline. Every week, a new chapter presented a new choice that would change the course of PQ history. Now that the third Season has come to a close, our community has officially finished outlining the events that will be featured in the three novels of the Quantum Trilogy!

The first novel, Quantum Paradox, has been in the works for a while. Explorers got the chance to read the first four chapters in an exclusive community preview back in December 2023. In the months that followed, some of our community members even signed up as test readers, being able to experience the full novel before it had even hit the publishers. With the help of Explorers, much progress has been made leading up to the release of Quantum Paradox. Additionally, behind the scenes, the PQ Team has been hard at work on the two novels that will follow…

All things considered, we thought it was about time we lifted the curtain and gave you all an update!

Quantum Paradox

With our international community, it has always been part of our vision to have as many people as possible be able to enjoy our stories. So now that the second edit has been greenlit, we’re focusing our efforts on exploring translation options in a few different languages. We cannot make any promises about what languages it will be available in (besides English, of course), but we’ll be sure to keep you in the loop on any developments. In the meantime, we’re moving forward with getting the novel published, printed, and promoted before getting into the final phase of this exciting process: the worldwide release! Although we are still finetuning the last details of a release date, at this point, it’s safe to say that if you have some holiday plans later this summer, you might be able to bring a brand new sci-fi novel with you on your trip!

Quantum Divide

While our community was busy enjoying and giving invaluable feedback on the first novel, Quantum Divide successfully went through its first round of edits! We are very curious about what you all will think of it when we are finally able to share it with you. There is just one minor bump in the road… It contains some pretty intense spoilers for Quantum Paradox. For this reason, we are waiting for an upcoming exclusive community preview until after Quantum Paradox has been released. Allowing all of you to read the books as they were intended: in chronological order ;).

However, we might be giving an early access preview to those of you who took part in test reading the full version of Quantum Paradox. So, if you were one of our test readers, keep an eye out for that announcement…

Quantum Resolve

Although Season 3 of our interactive storyline only ended a few weeks ago, the first draft has already been completed! It seemed like our incredible writer, Justin Sloan, was particularly inspired by your involvement in the last few chapters that made PQ history! We are still doing some internal proofreading, but Quantum Resolve is almost ready to go to the editors! After this, we will likely follow a similar process as with Quantum Divide; we’ll wait until the second novel is out before kicking off another community preview.

With that, we want to take a moment to thank all of you who participated in the interactive storyline over the past couple of years. Collaborating with our community to create the first stories of the PQ multiverse has been an incredible experience. We cannot wait for you to see how over a hundred choices made by our community have shaped the course of PlanetQuest history.

It’s been a journey, Explorers. Stay tuned for more information, and in the meantime, don’t forget to continue shaping the PQ multiverse in our brand new storyline: Origin Era!




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