8-Digit PNS Domains Unlocked. Get Your .dot Domains NOW!

Polkadot Name System
3 min readJul 13, 2022


Today, you can register your own .dot name using GLMR and get your Web3Profile.

PNS, or Polkadot Name System, is building the DID infrastructure for the whole Polkadot ecosystem. It replaces long wallet addresses with human-readable names in Web3. It not only creates decentralized domain names, but also aggregates fragmented online identities, bringing one’s wallet addresses, digital collections, publication and DAO participation records into a unified profile page.

Now, the much awaited 8-digit domains are open for registration with GLMR! Register now to get your domain ahead of others. We also prepared registration tutorials for newcomers.

PNS is now deployed on Moonbeam. We are thrilled to be a contributing member of the ecosystem. Readable names help onboarding new users to Moonbeam and improve Web3 experience of the current users. Reverse resolution capacity has the potential to replace all long addresses with names. NFTs, voting records in DAOs and IPFS webpages will all have their own .dot names.

More importantly, we are honored to have the Moonbeam team getting the moonbeam.dot and moonriver.dot domains. It can be linked to any wallet or contract addresses that Moonbeam owns, generating an aggregated digital identity of Moonbeam. Thanks to the domain mapping service we provide, it can be accessed through https://moonbeam.dot.site/ and https://moonriver.dot.site/.

PNS can integrate not only Moonbeam but also addresses of different parachains and other blockchains. Soon, PNS will integrate more addresses and assets from multiple chains, and support identity verification on Web2 platforms such as Twitter and Github. Also, it will verify ownership of multiple chain addresses, supporting Polkadot cross-chain use scenarios.

Furthermore, PNS will support domain name resolution to NFT assets, so that owners can display their NFTs or collections neatly, instead of showing the contract address. Even better, with the help of subdomains, collectors are able to recognize who the bona fide creator is, simply by taking a glance of the NFT’s parent domain name. NFTs with subdomains will automatically appear in the creator’s .dot profile page.

Lastly, IPFS integration will be enhanced to support the deployment of decentralized websites, making searching and browsing in Web3 as friendly as in Web2.

Launched on April 26th. PNS now has nearly 10,000 domains registered and 4,500+ people owning their unique Web3 digital identity. We strive to help increasingly more users to create, manage and display their digital identities in the Polkadot cross-chain ecosystem.

About the Moonbeam Network

Moonbeam is an Ethereum-compatible smart contract platform on the Polkadot network that makes it easy to build natively interoperable applications. This Ethereum compatibility allows developers to deploy existing Solidity smart contracts and DApp frontends to Moonbeam with minimal changes. Like Moonriver, its sister parachain on Kusama, Moonbeam is expected to accumulate developer and user activity from the 80+ projects building DApps and protocols on the network. As a parachain on the Polkadot network, Moonbeam benefits from the shared security of the Polkadot Relay Chain and integrations with other chains that are connected to Polkadot. Learn more: https://moonbeam.network/.

About PNS — Polkadot Name System

PNS is a decentralized domain name system for Polkadot. You can use a .dot domain name to support smart contracts, domain names, wallets, NFTs, etc. With the application of PNS, you can create your very own digital identity for Web 3.0 with a domain name that you have full permission to manage and use.

Your support means so much to PNS development, should you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us by joining our community, you are always welcome to collaborate with us:



Polkadot Name System

PNS is an open, decentralized domain name system on the Polkadot blockchain.