Bad Angel Smackdown

7 Events Satan Will Experience

Purple Lydia
4 min readJan 16, 2024
Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Tell Me Sweet Little Lies…

Satan is an excellent liar. It’s what he does.

In fact, Jesus called him the “father of lies.”

Don’t Believe the Lies

These days, many of us are super invested in what we can get and how far we can go in this world. So we end up spending little time considering what happens when we leave this mortal plain.

Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash

However, what we do or don’t do while we’re still above ground determines what we will experience and where we spend eternity after we die.

Of course, Satan doesn’t want you to believe that.

But there is coming A DAY…

The Endgame

Here are 7 unavoidable events Satan will experience:

  • An angel from heaven will grab Satan and bind him in chains.
  • The angel will toss him into a bottomless pit.
  • That same angel will shut the door of the pit and lock it. Satan will be trapped in there for 1,000 years. It’s a prison before the eternal flames kick in.
  • When the 1,000 years are up, Satan will be released. He doesn’t escape. God lets him out.
  • Satan will whip up an immense army to (get this) fight against God.
  • Fire from heaven will wipe out Satan’s entire force.
  • Satan will once again be manhandled. This time he will be thrown into the lake of fire. And he will suffer there FOREVER.

Do you see how utterly powerless he will be in the end? Why in the world would any of us chose to support the losing side?

You’re Not Good Enough (Neither am I)

Canva AI-generated image provided by Purple Lydia
  • It doesn’t matter how nice you are.
  • It doesn’t how much time and money you donate to charity.
  • It doesn’t matter how much people like you.
  • It doesn’t matter if you don’t lie, steal, kill, or commit adultery.
  • It doesn’t matter if you think you’re a good person.
  • It doesn’t matter if you are uber-rich.
  • It doesn’t matter if you’re spiritual.

None of us are able to stand before God on our own merit. We’ve all sinned. Because sin makes us sinners.

And God cannot tolerate sin because He is holy, righteous, and just.

Our sin separates us from God. It makes us His enemies.

And we will spend eternity right next door to Satan unless we can figure out a way to wipe our slates clean.

For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. — Romans 3:23 New Living Translation

How to Wipe the Slate Clean

Photo by il vano on Unsplash

There’s only one way to have our sins forgiven. There’s only one way to make peace with God.


He’s the ONLY way to do it. He is the only road. The only path. There is no alternate route.

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved. — Acts 4:12 New International Version

We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are. — Romans 3:22 New Living Translation

The Losing Team

Satan will never win because he’s already lost. He is destined for eternal punishment.

His time is running out.

And he knows it.

Which Team?

Anyone who refuses to submit to God and believe in His Son, Jesus, is an enemy of God.

That person is on Satan’s team.

Ya’ll don’t fall for his lies and get caught up in what this world offers. Join the team that’s already won.

Check out this article ‘God or Satan: Who are You Going to Serve?’ or ‘When a Stick Turned into a Snake’ here. Subscribe and follow so you’ll always know when I publish.

Thanks for your time. Thanks for reading.



Purple Lydia

Trying to be the salt and the light every day. Kindness counts. So does being grateful. Still learning...