He Ticked Off the Queen and Got Decapitated

John the Baptist was a ‘Troublemaker’

Purple Lydia
3 min readJan 4, 2024
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Who was John the Baptist?

He was the miraculously conceived child of two senior citizen parents. As the divinely procured forerunner for the Messiah, John’s job was to announce that humanity’s Savior (Jesus) was soon to make an in-the-flesh appearance.

As an adult, he lived in the wilderness for a while, wore animal skins for clothing, and sustained himself on insects and wild honey. He boldly preached that people should repent of their sins and be baptized as a sign of repentance.

Photo by Jojo Wang on Unsplash
Photo by Meggyn Pomerleau on Unsplash

He Didn’t Pull Punches

John was a by-the-Old-Testament-book kind of guy. And he didn’t hold his tongue…even when confronting the king.

And that’s what got him into trouble.

A King with the Wrong Wife

Herod Antipas was the ruler of the region of Galilee. His brother, Phillip, was married to Herodias.

While his brother Phillip was still alive, Herod divorced his own wife. Then married his sister-in-law, Herodias.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

And John called him out about it.

“It is against God’s law for you to marry your brother’s wife.” -John the Baptist, Mark 6:18, New Living Translation

Herodias was ticked off. She wanted John dead.

But the king didn’t kill John because the people considered him to be a prophet. The last thing Herod wanted was a riot on his hands. So, he imprisoned the troublemaker instead of killing him.

But Herodias still wasn’t happy.

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On some level, Herod realized that John was a holy man. He respected and feared John. To his credit, he protected the prophet from Herodias. At some point, he even went and talked with John. But Herod didn’t repent of his sins and change his ways.

Herodias’ Payback

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One way or the other, Herodias was going to get John. The opportunity finally arrived when Herod hosted a birthday party for himself.

A young woman, the daughter of Herodias, danced as entertainment. Herod and guests were greatly pleased. So, the king promised to give her anything she asked for.

Prompted by her mother, she demanded the head of John the Baptist — on a platter.

Herod regretted that he’d made the promise. But his hands were tied. He had to keep his word.

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So, Herod gave the order for John to be executed and presented to her the prophet’s head on a platter. She promptly delivered the gruesome prize to her mother, Herodias.

If you enjoyed this article, check out this one ‘Is it Possible to Sell Your Soul?’ or this one ‘Cain and Abel: One Lied and One Died’. There’s always ‘When a Stick Turned into a Snake’ here. Subscribe so you don’t miss an article.

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Purple Lydia

Trying to be the salt and the light every day. Kindness counts. So does being grateful. Still learning...