Are You Living Life on the Surface?

Purusha Radha
6 min readDec 21, 2023


Slowwww down. If you’re tap dancing through life you’ll miss out on its sacred codes and Light. These codes and Light exist to help you become. They exist to ascend you. But you have to be able to consciously reach out and bring them in to your being.

A woman’s tattooed arm outstretched to receive a multicolored butterfly on the top of her hand

It’s been awhile since I was a big time tap dancer. I wanted to participate fully in my spiritual group of the time. So I had my fingers into lots of things.

But when you spread yourself that thin you’re not truly participating. You’re skirting the surface in just about everything you do.

And like what happened to me, you end up exhausted having truly only given half of what you could have. You may be giving to others but you haven’t given to yourself.

You end up depleted instead of replenished by the very Life Essence, energy and wisdom you’re after. And so your gifts may only be shadows of what you wanted them to be.

You come first and you must give back to yourself as deeply and as well as you possibly can. You have to slow down and nurture yourself. This is how you’ll have a never-ending supply to give to others.

Have you had the experience of talking to someone who wasn’t really keyed in to you?

Their mind and focus were somewhere else. That doesn’t feel good.

But when someone really and truly listens to you, it’s almost, if not, a holy experience. Their eyes reflect the soul within and you feel like you matter. What a gift that is.

When it’s always hurry up, hurry up, you don’t really listen to people. And you don’t really listen to yourself either.

All the while your soul begs you to listen to its cries. On some level you do hear these cries. But you think you have to keep on tap dancing. If you don’t slow down, your soul will eventually make you.

Other people, you, your soul, the cosmos all deserve to truly be heard and felt by you.

Without pausing to listen, appreciate and feel, you can’t possibly give your 100% to anything. You’re only pretending you are.

The profound beauty of life escapes you because you’re never really looking at it. Your sight is always cast somewhere other than the Now.

You’re living on the surface.

Life will still be there waiting for you even if you slow way down. Even if you pause to profoundly enjoy the sweetest little thing for several moments, life will still be there waiting for you when you’re done.

A gold and white diffused light sacred geometry symbol of the Flower of Life
The Flower of Life sacred geometry symbol

The programming of this world has us believing we’re always short on time.

Seize the moment, yes, but with the intention to dive into the moment’s deeper meaning.

If you react to third dimensional messages believing life is short, your life will be short indeed. And you’ll keep living on the surface.

If you dive deeply into moments so they can reveal their contents of wisdom to you, you’re already wise. You are a conscious person.

Look beyond what your five senses perceive. Develop your multidimensional unlimited sensory self.

Five sense perception is linear, limited and very basic. It shows you no more than one percent of reality. Everyone thinks they’re seeing mostly all of it, but they’re not.

To become the multidimensional perceiver and receptor you are — which is your birthright — slow down. Know that nothing you perceive is one, two or even only three dimensional.

Embrace the multidimensional presence—beyond the third dimension—of every thing and creature.

Pause often and take Life in. Receive it. Let it permeate your being.

Now you can begin to approach perceiving the rest of reality. This is the true 99%.

There’s meaning behind and permeating everything but you’ll never get it unless you start zeroing in.

There are messages waiting to be heard by you. These messages are whispered to you by the objects of your appreciation, your Oversoul, spirit guides, galactic companions, and from God the Infinite Itself.

Mystical experiences are there for the receiving — encounters of the unusual that will enlighten you.

But you can’t hear or experience any of them if you breeze on past them.

Slowing down enough to tune in, listen and feel leads you to a sense of oneness with all life. This is what we’re here for.

It doesn’t mean you have to be a slowpoke about life. You just have to intend to be more conscious and to live more deeply. In a sense, you live with your ear to the ground.

Don’t relegate receiving Divine messages and codes only in your prayer and meditation sessions.

Open yourself to the natural world. Stop and appreciate the flora, fauna, celestial heavens and people. Give them your attention and go beyond the surface to receive their codes of Love, Life and Light.

I went for a nighttime walk with some people the other day. I was excited to show them the magnificent live oak trees exquisitely decorated with Christmas lights.

I’d had a mystical experience on another night alone by myself in this little park of truly special oak trees. And I hoped my friends could feel a touch of what I’d felt. But they were caught up in fast stepping and thinking of the next thing.

It was, “Yeah, okay. Let’s cross the street now.”

What’s the point in taking a walk if you don’t deeply take in and appreciate everything around you?

What’s the point if you don’t hear the trees’ counsel or see the messages in the sky’s clouds overhead?

You’ll get your steps in and your body will probably benefit. But your walk could be truly multidimensional — a way-beyond-the-surface healing and enlightening kind of walk.

If you’re always looking ahead in anticipation, you’re never going to get the most from your present moment.

You’re going too fast through life. And the day will come when you wish you would’ve slowed down and appreciated more.

A walk, an encounter with another person, a meal — all are multidimensional stargates for wisdom.

This is how we uncover the secrets to life and living. And it’s what gives meaning to life.

It’s all laid out for you like a banquet table. But if you sail on past the banquet table you can only grab an apple as you go. And you’re doing yourself out of the banquet’s full nourishment.

Once you slow down or pause, here’s what you do next.

When you do slow down you’ve got to key in to the experience you’ve finally allowed yourself to have. You have to get present to it.

Consciously intend that every cell of your being is open and receiving.

The world is a little too full of people thinking only with linear minds. So many of us are chained to the clock and third dimensional demands.

Really, not all that many people pause to feel anything through. In survival mode, too many of us accept to live by rules handed down by people in so called authority.

Unconscious living is living on the surface, mostly just doing what it takes to survive.

Intend to live more deliberately. Dive in. Open the cells of your being to receive the invisible gifts life has waiting for you.

This is conscious living.

There are layers to life. It’s multidimensional. It’s not a one note kind of a thing. There’s depth and layers of meaning in everything.

Mirror that depth of meaning back to every thing and every being you encounter by being a deeply present person yourself.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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