Are You Living the Definition of Insanity, Getting Nowhere Fast?

Understand Why and What to do to Break Free of the Awful Cycle.

Purusha Radha
5 min readOct 11, 2023

Wake up! Are you mad?—doing the same things over and over again hoping for different results?

It’s an exhausting way to live and it drains the joy right out of your life. You’re spinning your wheels and you’re getting nowhere fast.

In fact, you’re reaffirming more of the same of what you say you do not want. You reinforce the cycle and keep on creating it.

And when you continue to affirm “what is,” what you see, you just keep holding it in place.

You leave no room to create anything fresh and new.

We can all identify in many ways with my friend.

I reconnected with a friend last night on the phone, but on her end the talk was a downer.

She gave me the same old tedious litany of everything that’s wrong in her life. I heard just one solitary positive statement.

No wonder I don’t want to hear from her very much.

We all waste a lot of time, maybe even years like my friend, doing two things:

  1. reaffirming what we don’t want and
  2. sitting on our butts doing nothing to change it.

We put it off and we hope. Hope doesn’t cut it. It’s a nice emotion and it’s certainly better than having no hope. And hope can lead us higher up the scale of emotion to more productive ones, but…

Hope isn’t a change maker.

So how do we think anything’s going to change? Is a magical fairy going to sprinkle fairy dust on us? I think that’s what my friend is waiting for.

Sometimes you can receive a kind of magical fairy dust. People call it grace but really and ultimately, all grace is earned. We merit it.

It means that in this cause-and-effect universe you always have to cause the effect.

Reinforcing what you don’t want with constant negative self-talk does two things:

  1. it holds the unwanted in place and
  2. it takes you even further down the negative spiral.

It’s like we wear earmuffs to keep us from hearing the truth about ourselves.

My friend doesn’t hear herself. Many people have pointed out to her many times what we all can so easily see.

She hears to a degree but then chooses to stay in the comfortable trap of only seeing “what is.” She creates no room for any sort of positive aspiration to arise. She just wishes and hopes.

And so her body continues to self-destruct. She gets lonely (people get tired of listening to her) and she’s creating almost nothing to brighten her life.

Why ever would anyone choose the trap of such tunnel vision, of not allowing ourselves to see beyond and far?

My friend does because she gets a payoff for every negative statement and every difficult pain she feels in her body.

And we all do this all the time.

It’s like an addiction. We keep a negative behavior pattern going that leads us to a payoff or climax. It’s a very temporary sort of psychological soothing. It might be a kind of sick reward but we get the climax just the same. And then we’re on to the next climax.

And this repetitive behavior manufactures chemicals in our brains that flood into our bodies giving them another sort of sick reassuring soothing. It becomes a vicious cycle.

It’s part of being human to have behavior patterns all our lives. I’m sure you’ve noticed them in yours. These are the patterns you wish you didn’t live out because they usually come to no good end.

Get with it. Jump in. Don’t dabble. SHIFT!

The point is to recognize them and then do something to shift yourself out of as many as you can. That’s called spiritual growth.

My friend is a great listener, I’ll give her that. She’s the best listener I’ve ever known. But does she hear?

So I took the opportunity to sprinkle some good ideas into our talk. I don’t do that very often because I don’t want to dishonor the journey another person has chosen.

So now it’s up to her to follow through or not so we’ll see.

Get with it. Jump in. Don’t dabble. SHIFT!

It’s absolutely what you’re here to do.

Follow through. That’s the key. And it often takes really shoving ourselves off our comfortable (though unwanted) perches. No one else can do it for you.

Life is waiting for you. It wants to give you every good thing. But you must create the space to receive its gifts.

How do you know if you need to get with it, jump in and shift?

Well, everybody does but also, simply look at your life. The outpicturing of your life will tell you all you need to know.

So if you see a life that’s not the one you feel in the belly of your soul, start by talking to yourself in a whole new way. If you want to understand how, read this post:

Or check out this one:

You really can do it. I wouldn’t say so if I hadn’t done it myself.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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