Embrace Your Unperverted Light Essence — Your Ka.

How the Ancient Egyptians worked with their Ka has meaning for you now.

Purusha Radha
8 min readNov 27, 2023

In the higher realms Ka is known as the unperverted Light of our beings. More even than the soul, Ka is our Eternal Essence. And if you want to be truly alive with health and vitality — physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually — it’s crucial you develop an intimacy with your Ka.

A papyrus depicting glyphs from a wall in the Valley of the Kings burial place for Egyptian pharoahs
From the Valley of the Kings burial place for Egyptian pharoahs

Ka is found recorded in the glyphs of ancient Egypt. But the term actually comes from the future Pleiadian Elohim.¹ They visited the Egyptians² and gave them many advanced understandings for their evolution.

From these teachings, the ancient Egyptians believed the person is composed of five aspects:

sheut • the shadow

ren • the name

ib • the feeling heart

ba • the soul

kathe spiritual essence of Light; the Divine Double.

The Ba (soul) and the Ka (Light Essence) were important to them for full life (ankh).

Ka Ba Ankh!

This ancient Egyptian decree affirms a soul (Ba) united with one’s Ka for abundant and good life.

For them and for us now, more than the the soul, Ka force is what actually and truly animates the body.

And even though a body may have deceased, the body still retains its vibrational genetic code. This Ka code in the flesh and bone is like the computer’s backup memory disk.

The Pleiadian extraterrestrials instructed the Alatians (ancient Egyptians) on how to preserve their Ka even after death.

They’re the ones who instructed the Alatians on how to mummify the body with herbs and spices.

The ancient Egyptians ensured Ka preservation as they buried great pharaohs, priests and priestesses of Alatia.

By mummifying their bodies they deliberately preserved their incredibly vital Ka Essence.

They didn’t mummify their bodies to prevent rot or foul smell. Preserving their Ka held all their memory across all time intact.

They mummified their bodies for when they’d reawaken in another life many thousands of years in the future.

Preserving their tissues through mummification practices would still render much of the body to paper consistency or dust. But they stored organs and connective tissue in alabaster jars with herbs, ointments and spices to keep connective tissue intact.

The intact connective tissue still held the person’s vibrational blueprint — the Eternal Essence.

Then far into the future, Future Selves that they became, would return to their mummified bodies in the past, take a sample of their Ka and reignite it within themselves.

The Future Self reactivates the Ka preserved in the mummy. The entity brings full multidimensional memory of their Isness across time back into being.

Blueprinted to your individuality, memories and experiences from every lifetime you’ve ever had all the way back to the memory of your being a Creator God — the retrieved Ka reawakens all of it within you.

These are wondrous and deep memories worthy of preservation and worthy of being restored.

In the depths of this memory is enlightenment, illumination and the knowing of all things. The codes in the Ka give the holder of that Ka complete omniscient knowing of life itself.

A great future Pleiadian Master once said:

It is in the Ka that you liberate yourself into that which is termed to be knowledge, illumination and enlightenment.

Ka not only vibrates in the tomb or grave, it first vibrates in the bone marrow of the living body.

In my just previous article, Starseed Blood Is An Electro-Spiritual Phenomenon, I wrote:

The bone marrow is the factory of our electrical energy — crystal pyramids³ of Light on the quantum level that flow through the Starseed’s blood.

Light [Ka] is created in our inmost bone marrow.

And within each crystal pyramid exists a pyre — a fire or ignition point.

That ignition point is your Ka.

If the body is burned after death, unless you’re supremely intimate with your Ka, you will lose this valuable blueprint memory.

Ka is carried by the soul as it enters the mother’s womb. It is manifest power gifted to you by God the Infinite.

Ka is the true you, your Oversoul, your Divine signature, and Divine Double.

It’s the creation, the memory force and the very substance of your being.

Aeons ago, many people who are Starseeds on the planet today preserved their Ka. Perhaps many of them were those ancient Egyptians.

They did it so they could retrieve their Ka at some point in the future whether it was here now or on other planets yet to be discovered.

So what does all this mean for you? Here’s the reassuring part.

Ka realized is your Future Self thousands of years hence in an advanced dimension far beyond the third.

Your Overself of the future takes care of you here in 3D. You go about your life and service on Earth as a hologram projected here by your very advanced future self.

And all the while your Future Self is working with you to awaken your Ka.

While you’re sleeping, your Future Self traverses time to visit you. In those moments, it takes Ka from your current experience and exchanges it for Ka from the future. This is so that both simultaneous existences can be enriched with knowledge, wisdom and upliftment.

Your thought is also Ka.

In my previous article, I also shared this about how thought and Light are not just closely related. They’re near one and the same.

Once the translucent pyramid crystals move into the bloodstream they begin graduating themselves into higher frequency but only based on our predominant thoughts. If our thoughts are high and impeccable they vibrate accordingly.

Ka is vibrational frequency, Light and Life Force. Ka is actually thought in the form of Light impregnated into all tissues and bone of the flesh body. This is why we need to be so extremely mindful about the thoughts we think.

Ingee vibration feeds the Ka.

Ingee is an extraterrestrial term. It’s nourishment for your Ka. Ingee feeds and amplifies your Ka.

In the pineal gland, Ka is further uplifted in Ingee vibration. There in the Ingee vibration, the Ka transforms into Merkabah⁴ energy which flows outward. Merkabah serves as our transport vehicle across space and time.

The Seven Rings of Light in the Oversoul Higher Mind of Ka

There are many ways to nourish your Ka with Ingee. And you can work with your Ka for healing.

What you eat
First, you should know that eating the Ka of an animal confuses your body’s own Ka message. Animals with bones have their own sort of Ka.

This is probably the most important reason why very many Starseeds don’t consume animal flesh, instead choosing Light-filled produce. You can eat from the insect kingdom (lobster, shrimp, scallops) because they don’t have electrically possessed Ka. There will be no confusion there.

Eating light-filled green produce brings a special Ingee nourishment to the Ka. Ingee can be especially derived from lake harvested greens like aphanizomenon flow aquae edible algae which are harvested in northern Oregon. This is one example.

Prana intake and meditation
As you practice conscious breathing (swara yoga),⁵ do more than breathe. Imagine the body of Light you desire to construct.

When in meditation, know that your sahasrara⁶ or crown seal of Light will uplift the vibrational frequency of your bone marrow, blood and organs.

Reject dogma. Live in sovereignty.
Ka expands within you when you live in fluidity and flow. When you participate in repetition and patterns that your soul cries to you shouldn’t be in your life, you diminish your Ka.

Dialogue with your Oversoul Higher Mind of Ka.
Mind of Ka dialogue is a higher level of Light communication. You’re using the Higher Mind of Ka of your Oversoul.

The Higher Mind of Ka is encompassed by the Seven Rings of Light that ignite and focus electromagnetic activity in your physical body’s brain.

As input for the computer aspect of the brain, the Higher Mind of Ka with its Seven Rings of Light listens intently.

Your Oversoul Higher Mind of Ka will activate your body’s brain tissue and provoke you into immediate dialogue with it. And it will take your thoughts and affirmations to a higher part of your brain — the part that actually initiates manifestation.

You’ll notice you’re dialoguing with your Oversoul Higher Mind of Ka about what you’re going to accomplish with your body, for example, and where you’ll begin. You may be accepting feedback from your Oversoul without even realizing where the wisdom is coming from.

Use your Oversoul Higher Mind of Ka to work on your Body of Light — the Soma-Ka — for healing and wholeness.

  • Speak to your body’s Ka. Speak to the Light within you.
  • Invite it.
  • Become one with it.

With your Oversoul Higher Mind dialogue, begin recreating your body exactly as you want it to be. Ask your Higher Mind of Ka to help you zero in on a part of your body or your life you desire to heal.

This is a beautiful process of manifestation few people know about or understand.

You have now entered into an incredibly rich, rewarding and great partnership with your Oversoul.

Align to your Ka.
On the opening of the seventh seal at the time of the Grand Shift, Starseeds aligned to their Ka will receive the reinforcement of their twelfth dimensional existing selves.

We will become omnipresent and do the final work of God the Infinite on the planet and leave.


I am aligned to my Ka.

I am the Mind of Ka.

Ka I am. Somo Ka.⁷

How precious is this Ka!

Starseeds and lightworkers throw the phrase Light Body around almost flippantly. I think, most of the time we don’t even realize what we’re actually speaking of. It’s only because we haven’t fully understood it.

You can see how your most precious Ka is not a thing to ever ignore, discard, waste or destroy.

The Ka is beyond important to a Starssed and should be nourished, amplified, honored, respected and revered.

Embrace your unperverted gift of Light. Become truly one with your Ka.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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¹ Elohim, the Starseed heritage, are known as creator Gods and Divinity creations of Yahweh. They are direct sons and daughters of God Itself. By extension of the God the Infinite, the Elohim created the human race and many universes. They reside in and serve from the seventh dimension or plane.

² The future Pleiadian Elohim also visited and enlightened the Hopi as the “Blue Star Kachina” who are prophecies to return again at the time of the Grand Shift of the planet.

³ Nucleotide blood salts: nucleotides are molecules that form the basic structural unit of nucleic acids such as DNA.

⁴ Mer’ means spinning; ’Ka’ is our spirit essence of Light; ’Bah’ is the soul. Merkabah is the diamond vehicle sacred geometrical transport construct formed by our muliple bodies of consciousness that encompasses our entire being. It remains beautiful and intact as long as we continue to evolve and expand in our spiritual growth and service to others. It not only transports us in our self-projection practice across the planet but through wormholes, warps and other dimensions. By your intention you activate and extend your plasma light Merkabah vehicle — your living organic lightship — and travel within it across time, space and dimension.

⁵ Swara yoga is a type of yoga that emphasizes the study, control and manipulation of breath as a means to achieve self-realization.

Sahasrara is from the Sanskrit language and Vedic tradition, meaning ‘out of which blossoms a thousand petals;’ also known as the seventh/crown seal.

⁷ Soma is the body that possesses the Ka energy of Light; it’s the greatest aspect of you; not the flesh body.

