Starseed Blood Is An Electro-Spiritual Phenomenon.

Purusha Radha
6 min readNov 26, 2023


The blood in the human body of a Starseed is rather unique. Our bone marrow and blood are very tied in to our Light Essence. Understanding the mechanics of your bone marrow, blood and Light, it might motivate you to take better care of them.

A future seventh dimension Pleiadian Goddess features a crystalline heart.

We brought the crystal component of our blood with us from the Future.

We know that the bone marrow is the factory that produces new blood cells. The healthier the bone marrow the greater is anyone’s strength, vitality and immunity.

Bone marrow is so important to us we even use the phrase “to the marrow” to describe something that’s touched our innermost being. From the mid-fourteenth century bone marrow was associated with our inmost, central, inner substance or Essence.¹

Our bone marrow aligns with this understanding of Essence.

The bone marrow is the factory of our electrical energy — crystal pyramids² of Light on the quantum level that flow through the Starseed’s blood.

Light is created in our inmost bone marrow.

The Starseed’s blood has a prominent silica component to it.

Why is this so? It’s because this is who we are in the future — where we came from. There in the seventh dimension we’re quite crystalline beings. We have hearts of crystal with radiant sparkling ‘blood.’ (Read my other Starseed articles to gain more understanding of the future seventh and higher dimensions aspect of the Starseed.)

It’s all in our DNA. These physical bodies have no choice other than to reproduce this crystal silica in the 3D physical. But how much we have depends on many factors.

The crystal component of our blood is composed of countless three-sided quantum structures of Light.

These quantum Light pyramids are known as the Quark Quad Truth of our beings. They’re formed on a vibrational level within the bone marrow. Then they proliferate into the blood, connective tissues and organs such as the brain.

The blood’s pyramids of Light are infinitesimally small components at the atomic level.

On another level of understanding, the Quark Quad Truth is your power. It’s an energy that comes from your Light.

With this potent energy, you’ll place your hands on a glass of water to purify it. You’ll offer healing hands assistance to a person in need. Your eyes will sparkle with the Quark Quad Truth of your being.

A continuous cipher of creation and formation occurs in the bone marrow.

  1. The Quark Quad Truth pyramid crystals are generated in the bone marrow.
  2. The crystals coalesce to form the foundation or building blocks of the bone marrow structure.

Silica shaped, these crystal pyramids vibrate with the Light of the soul.

As we know, blood is the fluid synonymous with Joy pumped through the body to nourish it and give it life. It passes through our Love center, the Heart.

As if to mirror that action—As above, So below—the crystal pyramids function like tiny quantum heart chakras flowing in the blood and all pointing to the principle heart seal (chakra)³ — giving Light to the body and radiance to the heart.

These pyramidal crystals are the electrical seed of Light and foundation of the organic physical body. These Light constructs nourish both our physical and Light bodies.

Here’s an even deeper look into the pyramids of Light and how they flow in the bloodstream and body.

Each pyramid of Light created in the bone marrow forms, at its pinnacle, another translucent pyramid of Light. That translucent pyramid is spun off and moves into the blood plasma. The translucent pyramid of Light is finally sent into the bloodstream and throughout the flesh body.

This is an electro-spiritual phenomenon.

Once the translucent pyramid crystals move into the bloodstream they begin graduating themselves into higher frequency but only based on our predominant thoughts. If our thoughts are high and impeccable they vibrate accordingly.

These crystals create the shape, density and porosity of all the organs in the body. And since the Quark Quad Truth frequency ultimately aligns with our thought frequency, the pyramids essentially influence our level of health and vitality.

In other words, our thoughts dictate how the seed pyramid crystals function throughout and affect the body.

The bone marrow is the most important part of the physical body.

The bone marrow is even more important than the thymus gland⁴ for immunity and life. If the marrow fails, the entire body fails.

Sometimes chemotherapy or severe illness damages the bone marrow to the point it can’t support the body’s immunity and life any more. Doctors might push for bone marrow or stem cell transplants in the hope the new bone marrow will create healthy cells once again.

This proves just how important the bone marrow is to life and immunity.

Starseeds should probably be careful and very discerning about these procedures though.

The Sanskrit symbol OM against the background of red blood and red blood cells and crystal pyramids of Light floating in it.
The Sanskrit Symbol OM

The Light pyramids of Starseed blood vibrates to the tonality of OM—the primordial Sound of the Universe.

The Quark Quad pyramids of Light build electrical signals that radiate with Light (electricity) and Sound (tonality).

The sound of OM in the Quark Quad Truth of your blood and bone marrow constantly rings this vibratory tone within you.

These tones also respond to your thoughts. Place negative thoughts into the computer of your soul and the tonality of OM is weakened.

Think impeccable thoughts and the tonality of OM joyfully flows in your blood and elevates your vitality on all levels.

It’s a symbiosis of thought and tonality of OM.

Depending on the thoughts you place into your soul, the level of Light you advocate takes you to superconsciousness or the opposite.

Do you see why we must be so purposeful in living and not just live by default?

The purer the blood, the higher the concentration of these nucleotide blood salt crystals in the Starseed’s blood.

We want very pure blood as Starseeds because these pyramid salt crystals make us recognizable to our celestial counterparts.

Light is always seen in the darkness. And we certainly want to be found and seen!

This is one important reason why very many Starseeds don’t consume animal flesh, instead choosing Light-filled produce. It’s also why many Starseeds guard their thoughts very carefully because low vibration thoughts pollute the blood on the quantum level.

Become aware of the crystal pyramidal Light component to your bone marrow, blood, and organs. Contemplate the Quark Quad Truth of your being and you’ll realize just how much you’re made of Light.

You realize that with so much Light in you…

It’s Light that will heal you best should you ever need a healing;

It’s Light that will uplift you and

It’s Light that will increase you, carry you, and ascend you.

Respect, honor and nourish your bone marrow, blood, organs and Light. You’re a living, walking, breathing being of the Quark Quad Truth.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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² Nucleotide blood salts: nucleotides are molecules that form the basic structural unit of nucleic acids such as DNA.

³ A seal is a spinning vortex of energy which most people call a chakra. A chakra is actually the point where two lines of energy cross each other.

⁴ The thymus gland is physical counterpart to the heart seal or chakra and was found by the ancient Egyptians to be a fundamental activator of consciousness. It’s located in the upper chest behind the sternum and between the lungs.

