Here’s the Little Known Secret of How to Talk to Yourself to Create Abundance, Healing and Every Other Good Thing In Life.

Purusha Radha
7 min readSep 28, 2023


Too much of the time, how we talk to ourselves is damaging not just to our mental but physical health. But you can uniquely learn how to talk to yourself and create abundance, healing and every other good thing in life. There’s a practice that takes you beyond simply monitoring your thoughts like self-improvement gurus preach.

The elegant method I’m sharing with you here is practically a secret.

Monitoring your thoughts will benefit you but there’s more to it than that.

Listening to yourself honestly and objectively gives you motivation to make changes. And noticing and correcting your negative and disempowering self-talk is definitely important.

“Correcting your self-talk when it’s unconstructive can keep it focused on boosting you.” — Psychology Today in Self-Talk: Inner Voice¹

Self-improvement teachers say you must replace your old destructive messages to yourself with new uplifting ones. This is true.

The same Psychology Today article says:

“To overcome toxic self-criticism, pay close attention to your thoughts to detect negativity when it arises, and then either try to distract yourself or challenge the self-criticism by considering whether it’s even true — because often it isn’t. Then replace exaggeratedly negative thoughts with more realistic statements that move you toward self-acceptance and confidence.”¹

The only thing is, in your heart of hearts, you often don’t believe the new message — even when it’s more realistic.

And so the message doesn’t really take and you start lapsing. Before you know it, you’re back to where you started.

The ‘experts’ also say you’ve got to silence your inner critic by shifting focus away from yourself and onto others and the world.

Who is that inner critic anyway?

You’ve got two voices speaking inside yourself.

One is the voice of your Spirit — your subconscious Mind of God. I don’t have to tell you that’s the voice you really want to be listening to.

The challenge is that the other voice seems louder. And we allow the other voice to prevail most of the time.

The other voice — the one that gives us negative — comes from the altered ego mind. It’s the controlling, fearful monkey mind that originates in the frontal lobe of the brain.

Like a computer, the frontal lobe or neocortex creates messages based on past input. It cannot see or conceive of your potential brilliant future. It often can’t even conceive of you as perfect right now in this moment.

Thoughts coming out of the neocortex tend to be limiting and because they are they can be destructive. So unless you’ve completely shifted your disempowering self-talk, when you listen to yourself you’re listening to the chatter of a monkey mind.

Quite opposite are those thoughts arising from your Spirit and built-in Mind of God. These are nothing but pure and creative. They are truth and they lift you up.

You’ve got an enormous amount of negative programming inside your head your ego mind keeps recycling.

Self-talk guru Dr. Shad Helmstetter tells us our subconscious programming determines our life successes and failures. He says we’re groomed by environment and experience so we must create a new environment and experience.

Negative programming is not your fault. If you want a great unlimited life, it’s becomes your responsibility to reprogram it. You have to get accountable to yourself and shift your thinking.

First understand that millions of your brain’s neurons are dedicated to negative thinking. By now the trunk lines (neural pathways) they’ve formed are very thick and strong.

It’s been going on so long you’d better have a crafty way to transform this. You have to have a better way to repurpose those neurons to loftier more creative thoughts.

Here’s a brilliant way to help you bypass the ego mind, start speaking empowerment to yourself, and create the life of your desires.

First understand that with this simple practice, you’re not coaxing your monkey mind to shut up. Rather, you’re aligning with your God within and allowing It to take over.

You don’t have to consume yourself with monitoring your thoughts and replacing them with positive ones. Of course, whenever you notice them, you definitely want to give them no energy. But constant policing your mind can be exhausting and have you spinning your wheels.

You start creating new powerful messages that demand neurons get repurposed or ‘born again’ as they say.

Create a Sacred Road Map of empowering affirmations and vocalize them in a certain way and at certain times of day.

What an aha! moment I had when I finally figured this out. When you take a long journey anywhere you’re going to follow a map.

And you’re about to embark on another kind of journey so make your road map.

Key #1: Write out a Sacred Road Map of 200 or more affirmations that decree all that you desire to be, do and have.

These carefully conceived affirmations are a way to shift yourself out of damaging self-talk. This is positive self-talk to the power of ten.

By vocalizing your Sacred Road Map of affirmations, you are allowing the Divine aspect of you — your Spirit — to lead your life.

How? Because you are speaking directly to the Mind of God within you.

It bypasses the computer aspect of the brain that can only make limited calculations based on the past.=

There’s more on this in a more in-depth Medium article I’ve published here.

Key #2: Speak your affirmations with a calm, quieter, more even tone of voice.

This voice of serenity lets the Mind of God in the lower cerebellum know there is peace and resolution. There is no chaos or conflict occurring from the monkey mind.

As you read each affirmation, zero in on the present moment. Do not entertain any thoughts of how the statement will come to pass.

Also keep the thoughts of people, places, things, times and events out of it. If your mind drifts to any of these, you can do one of two things.

1) Either simply refocus and keep moving on, or

2) Gently go back and vocalization the decree again, this time without attaching any other thoughts to it.

It might help to take a conscious breath to ground you in the Now moment whenever your mind drifts to other or related things.

Staying in the Now without attachment of any kind is key. You cannot create in the past or future.

Slowly speak your affirmations in a voice befitting of a kind sweet God. You’re not speaking to a God of thunder or fury but a God of love, peace and equanimity.

And you’re matching your voice to the voice of the Mind of God.

There’s more on this in a more in-depth Medium article I’ve published here.

Key #3: The Sacred Road Map is to be spoken at certain times of the day and night.

When you vocalize your affirmations is just as important as the way you express them.

Decree your Sacred Road Map at night before bed and in the morning before you even get out of bed.

Your positive statements are seeds that germinate in the dark of night. They begin to form a root system.

At night in your sleep, the pineal gland converts the hormone melatonin into another hormone, pinoline. The subconscious uses pinoline to allow the brain to communicate with Point Zero.

Point Zero is another expression for God the Infinite. It is the ineffable place where all of creation has its origin and essence.

Point Zero receives our creative impulses and materializes them. This is how your newfound positive self-talk in your Sacred Road Map starts making change in your life.

And when you wake up in the morning, again vocalize your garden of affirmations. Now you are giving sunlight to the newly sprouting seeds. Now the light of day warms and nourishes the seed affirmations to begin to create not just your day but your life.

There’s more on this in a more in-depth Medium article I’ve published here.

With each passing day, your affirmations become your natural way of thinking.

Together each seed affirmation helps form a root system of new common thought in your mind.

You change. You become more of who you are.

Now you’re no longer negatively talking to yourself because you’ve got affirmations that say otherwise. You speak to yourself more and more as the incredible being you are.

And it all comes naturally to you. There’s no more fighting or resistance. You don’t have to police your mind any more.

And your desires begin to manifest.

Since I’ve been voicing my Sacred Road Map, many of my affirmations are manifesting in my life.

Here are only a few — all things I’ve desired and affirmed on my Sacred Road Map:

  • Two health issues resolved within a few days.
  • I’m remembering my lucid dreams. Every. Single. Morning.
  • My state of being is much kinder and I’m more at ease. (I had been experiencing anxiety attacks.)
  • Esoteric teachings from the celestial realm were presented to me in the wee hours of the morning.
  • My ability to create is much more prolific.

Oh… and I got a raise. :)

Get all the details on the Sacred Road Map in a more in-depth Medium article I’ve published here.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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My Conscious Time Travel Book

¹“Self-Talk.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, Accessed 28 Sept. 2023.

