Discover the Hidden Truth Behind Making Affirmations Work — An Eye-Opening Revelation.

Purusha Radha
15 min readSep 9, 2023


All these years of making affirmations off and on and I was basically just wasting my time. But I finally stumbled on the hidden truth behind making affirmations work.

Self-improvement gurus fail to tell you about this because frankly, I think they don’t really know.

There are three basic keys for turning your affirmations into manifestation.

I’ll be right upfront with the Keys:

Key #1: You Need to Develop a Purer Mind to Make Quantum Shifts In Your Life: Train Yourself to Let Go of the Past. Then Affirmations Will Be Like Icing on the Cake.

Key #2: Understand Your Affirmations Are Germinating Seeds that Form a Powerful Root System for Your Life. They Literally Grow In the Dark of Night and the Light of Day So Vocalize Them Morning and Night.

Key #3: There Also Is a Way to Use Your Voice So Your Affirmations to Help You Make Quantum Shifts In Your Life. And It’s Not What You Think.

“I am fabulous wealth.”

Key #1: You Need to Develop a Purer Mind to Make Quantum Shifts In Your Life: Train Yourself to Let Go of the Past. Then Affirmations Will Be Like Icing on the Cake.

Self-help gurus are big on affirmations. But almost none give us anything more than a surface level understanding.

Even with this limited understanding, we can still have some good results. We often can see results manifest in our lives. Sometimes manifestations happen quickly but so often they take a very long time to materialize.

The words we utter are powerful. They’re the physical expression of our thoughts and desires. The greatest most advanced Masters all say that if we want something we have only to command it.

What they say is true but understand they’ve achieved a very high level of mind mastery. They have perfect purity of mind and thought.

First understand that there are very valid reasons for why your manifestations seem to lag far behind your commands. The mind and brain are cluttered with dirt and debris. These are thoughts in the background that immediately counteract what you truly desire in your life.

This thought debris includes negative emotions like fear, resentment and anger. And it also includes dwelling on past memories and holding on to victimhood.

In fact, the past is huge for just about everyone because we’re programmed to latch onto it. We blame it for our problems which makes us victims who won’t take responsibility for our lives. A lot of people also look to find their worth in the past especially as we get older.

Or we look back and feel resentment for the choices we made and the routes we took. A great deal our choices were based on our fears. We have to get honest with ourselves about all that.

Go in and find those resentments and then lay them on the altar of honesty. Call it what it is and step into the present once and for all and be done with it.

It takes discipline of the mind to let go of the past. We think recycling old memories and resentments is thinking, but it’s not. It’s not pure thought.

There are no A-to-Z or 1–2–3 steps for letting go of the past other than to no longer allow any past memory in.

Because what good is rehashing the past, really? How can anything actually be created in the past? It no longer exists and should no longer exist in the mind of a creative person. Things are only created in the present.

This new habit will be slightly challenging but you can do it. It’s a worthy habit. It’s a golden habit. If you don’t commit to it, the past just gets in the way of your creations. It prevents or slows the manifestation of your desires in spite of your very best intentions.

You have to get your mind to a place where it’s free of debris and muck. Then when you pass a thought through the frontal lobe of the brain it’s free. It gets to go through the frontal lobe purely rather than through a dirty filter.

In Key #2 below, I explain how you must vocalize your long list of affirmations in a very deliberate way, twice a day (at certain times).

This is another way to help purify the mind.

Essentially, you reprogram old neurons and thoughts into the new ones you really want. It becomes a discipline you love.

You rehearse your new thinking into rote. That rote then eventually becomes a new state. This new state of being results from an amazing neural process that happens when you sleep. (See Key #2 below.)

“My body is strong and powerful.”

More Than Mere Affirmations, You Will Create a Sacred Road Map for Your Life’s Journey.

It might take some time — perhaps several weeks or months — but you can move your mind towards purity. This investment of energy is so worth it for then you become master of your mind.

Wouldn’t you love to finally be master of your mind? Aren’t you tired of letting the monkey mind run roughshod over you all the time?

Write down a comprehensive list of all that you desire to be, do and have in your life. With this thoughtful body of affirmations based on your most heartfelt desires — about 200 or so — you will transform your old way of thinking.

Now you can run on a whole new set of thoughts that you affirm daily. These new thoughts soon become a vital and intrinsic part of your mind and being.

Keep affirming the new statements until they overtake the old dirty stuff from the past.

You have to be present, thoughtful and unlimited about composing your list of decrees. What you are doing is massive. You are creating a Sacred Road Map for your life from here on out.

Of course! A road map! Why didn’t I ever figure this out before?

If we’re going to take a long journey anywhere we’re going to follow a map. The smartphone voice tells us the route, where to turn, and proximity to our destination. It’s all very ordered and precise even though there are many potential routes to the same place.

When we use a road map we only have to know the destination. We ourselves don’t have to know how to get there. That’s what the road map is for.

Many of us do have life goals and how to achieve them mapped out on paper. But truly, those are really just our best guesses.

We may outline complicated paths to achieving a goal and sometimes it actually works. Many people design rigid structures for creating the life of their dreams. It works for those who enjoy control but that can be exhausting. And that approach probably only delivers a smattering of what could be.

Goal planning is mostly an exercise of the altered ego mind. It makes us feel better. It makes us feel like we have some control over our lives. The only thing is, things don’t always go according to plan and that gets discouraging.

Any time the ego mind is involved, the ideas it gives us are going to be based on past limited input. There will be no magic, no divine elegance to it. There will only be a rehashing of what is known—the past.

What we are doing here is allowing the Divine aspect of us to lead us the way. We aren’t relying on the computer aspect of the brain that can only make limited calculations based on the past.

“I have the abiliity to raise my frequency at will.”

Creating Your Sacred Road Map Is Consciously Recreating Your Life with Affirmations.

If life is a meandering journey full of flow and turns and attractions, then why aren’t we creating a Sacred Road Map to plot such a grand journey?

Why are we waking up every day and running through life unconsciously accepting whatever comes our way? Then we complain about the life we have which is actually our creation by default.

Think of this comprehensive list as a Sacred Road Map that gets you to where you want to go. You have only to affirm the end result. You never have to know how to make it happen. That is a job best left to the Mind of God which we will soon discuss.

But you must know how to use this Sacred Road Map.

There is a power in the affirmation that most people don’t realize. And that power comes not just in the words and the sentences that create thought-forms in our minds…

Key #2: Your Affirmations Are Germinating Seeds that Form a Powerful Root System for Your Life. They Literally Grow In the Dark of Night and the Light of Day.

When you vocalize your affirmations is just as important as the way you express them.

I’m not going to take credit for what I am about to share with you. I discovered these keys for the Sacred Road Map while reading a discourse offered by the transcendent Pleiadian Master Ramtha.(1)

Ramtha always uses nature as brilliant examples of life and how to live it. He was speaking of the tiny seed that requires soil and darkness to germinate. It eventually becomes a most abundant plant yielding countless more seeds and future generations of plants.

All of this magic happens first in the pitch black devoid of any intervention in its growth process.

Next, as the minute seed begins to sprout it is placed in sunlight and watered. And then we have the beginnings of a dynasty of plants that know only to live. They only strive to live and live well.

Picture the metaphor of the tiny seed which becomes a sprout and then a plant. The seed is unseen beneath the soil first in darkness only to sprout into light and warmth.

The seed is a metaphor for each of the affirmations on the list that you will write for yourself.

Each affirmation is itself like the tiny seed. You are planting not just one plant but sowing an entire magnificent garden.

Together each seed affirmation helps form a root system of new, what Ramtha calls “common thought” in our minds. Eventually and with practice, all these affirmations become the way of your mind and being. And then they begin to manifest.

So first, we declare these affirmations at night before we go to bed. We must let these seeds germinate in the Void and the darkness. Allow these seeds to enter the subconscious mind.

An open book with golden white light rays pouring forth from its pages and the affirmations at the top of the image that say: I walk with Masters. I am everything a Master is.

The Subconscious Mind Within You is the Mind of God and It Creates.

The subconscious mind is actually the Mind of God. It sits in the lower cerebellum of the brain. This Mind of God is ever so sweet. It does not judge.

Instead, it quietly and patiently waits for the battles waging in the frontal lobe of the brain, the monkey mind, to come to a resting place or a resolution. Then it will take the command and go into action to create it.

The conflicting thoughts that form these battles are what keep us from manifesting our desires. Ramtha likens this to passing clean fresh water through a dirty rag. You get dirty water as a result.

This is why we so often manifest a desire that is somewhat off or why we never manifest a certain desire at all. There is confusion in the mind. The Mind of God will and can only act on evenness and resolve.

The shaman of the brain is the pineal gland. It converts the hormone melatonin into the hormone called pinoline. And this pinoline conversion happens around one to three a.m. in our deepest sleep.

Pinoline is a hallucinogenic that forms the images of our dreams. And the subconscious uses pinoline to allow the brain to communicate with Point Zero.

Point Zero is another expression for God the Infinite. It is the ineffable place where all of creation has its origin and essence. Point Zero receives our creative impulses and materializes them.

Declaring your seed affirmations before you drift off to sleep is like placing them in darkness and soil.

You are placing them in Point Zero.

Now the mystical powers of germination may take place.

Once the subconscious Mind of God determines there is peace and equanimity, it simply creates whatever is commanded to it.

When we wake up in the morning we will again vocalize our garden of affirmations. Now we are giving sunlight which the newly sprouting seeds love to receive and bask in. Now the light of day warms and nourishes the seed affirmations to begin to create not just our day but our lives.

Key #3: There Also Is a Way to Use Your Voice So Your Affirmations to Help You Make Quantum Shifts In Your Life. And It’s Not What You Think.

I used to think I should declare my affirmations with force and great emotion. Now I discover while this may not be exactly damaging, it isn’t going to bring about the best effect.

So let’s for a moment refer back to the battles going on in the altered ego monkey mind. The Mind of God, the subconscious, patiently waits to receive resolution. When it perceives there is calm, it knows that all is well and a final verdict has been handed down.

There is no more conflict — only resolution.

The Mind of God now immediately goes into action to create from the seeds of affirmation. It causes these things, one-by-one, to make manifest in your life.

The erratic noisy monkey mind isn’t going to ever create anything you truly want. You have to silence it so your true voice can be heard.

So then the way in which you vocalize our affirmations is key. It must be of a certain quality that lets the Mind of God in the cerebellum know that there is peace and resolution.

You must vocalize your affirmations with an even, calm voice that issues that resolution. Slowly you must speak the affirmations in a voice befitting of a kind sweet God. You’re not speaking to a God of thunder or fury but a God of love, peace and equanimity.

You are matching your voice to the voice of the Mind of God.

You have passion for your desires, yes, but that passion doesn’t necessarily mean emotion. It is better described as an enduring zeal, as never giving up. It’s not described as emotional all-over-the-place but as balance and serenity.

“Everything I want I get.”

This Sacred Road Map Can Be Called by Many Names and It Is Indeed Many Things All At Once.

This road map is a List of Destiny — your actual destiny in life. When you think of it that way, words can’t even express the importance of your List.

Make your List of Destiny the most unlimited most elevated you possibly can create. As you arrive at destinations along the way you will replace them with new more lofty affirmations. The sky will not even be the limit for you.

The greatest Masters of all time have utilized this very technique to elevate and consciously expand their lives and service. They’ve become ascended Masters as a result of the commands they made from their Sacred Road Map.

The Sacred Road Map or List of Destiny Is One Big Giant Thought-Form You Design to Create the Life of Your Desires.

With your List of Destiny you create a whole new thought-form to occupy space in your mind.

The more you declare this thought-form the more you start to think like it in your everyday life. How powerful is that?!

For example, let’s say one of your affirmations demands you realize your Christ essence. “Christ consciousness realized I am.” When you authentically repeat this decree again and again, it’s only a matter of time and you will become that Christ incarnate.

Or let’s say, you wish to have a perfect body weight. “I am my perfect body weight.” You will soon find yourself gravitating to practices that strike the perfect balance of weight. Or just the right amount of weight loss may happen in another healthy way.

Here I will add an important note of caution.

Remember that each time you speak an affirmation you create a thought-form in the mind. It is important to keep any other thoughts from attaching to it.

You must hold the affirmation statement very purely in your mind as you speak it. Don’t let the thought of how it will manifest in your life creep in.

That is not for you to figure out. That’s for your Mind of God to cause to happen as only it can.

In fact, the Master Ramtha admonishes us to keep people, places, things, times or events out of it completely. Thoughts and images of people, places, things, times and events will only contaminate the pure thought.

It might take a little practice but you can achieve this purity of thought. You can do it especially if you bring yourself to a state of evenness, peace and calm. Intend your laser sharp focus.

By Working with Your List of Destiny, You Are Creating a New Timeline for Your Life and a Map of Your Enlightenment and Longevity. It Is Code and It Is Law.

You will body probably shift into a higher frequency of living, perhaps even a higher dimension of life. You will literally create a new timeline for yourself.

You are re-forming your life into one you utterly and truly desire.

See your Sacred Road Map as a map of your enlightenment and longevity.

Create affirmations that you have ceased to age and are an immortal being of unlimited power. “I am never aging another day.” “I am immortal.”

Craft affirmations about the powers you desire for the greater good of humanity and the planet. “My service pierces the consciousness of millions of souls with Light.”

These power statements are code for things most people would not even dare to conceive of.

Go for it. Go all the way. Let your imagination be your guide. Imagination is reality. It’s how all things in the universe are created.

See your List of Destiny as a series of code because it is. This code is activating your subconscious mind.

Know that your giant thought-form, your List of Destiny, is law in your life. It is law to your subconscious Mind of God. Law is law and it must be fulfilled.

“I know the future and make choices accordingly.”

With Diligence, You Will Recreate Your Life with Affirmations and Miracles Will Become Your Way of Everyday Life.

The Himalayan Master Emil in Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East² said this about making decrees:

You have all power to speak the word of authority… You have first spoken the word (God) which represents your true desire. Never go back again to the asking (this attitude engenders doubt); but go on, recall what you have done. You have put forth your Christ word; you are in command. The thing is finished and complete; it is in divine order.

Be diligent with your Sacred Road Map every night and every morning as the Masters have done. You will begin to see your affirmations taking shape in your life one by one.

You’ve repeated your affirmations so many times, you become more aware of yourself and your behaviors. You’ll find yourself stepping into the new you during the day simply because you’re now more aware and you consciously remember your purpose.

Miracles will become commonplace in your life. That is the way and the life of a Master.

Happenstance decreeing of affirmations can sometimes work. It certainly is better than nothing. But think about how much sense it makes to decree your new timeline as it’s described here.

I can tell you I’m seeing the evidence of my Sacred Road Map in my life. Every. Single. Day.

Make sure that every affirmation on your Sacred Road Map speaks to your heart. You’re going to be declaring this list every day twice a day. You must not become bored with them. If any don’t speak right to your heart, replace them.

You must have an enduring passion and love for your Sacred Road Map.

With consistent focus and application of these keys, you’ll learn to speak to the Mind of God. This Mind of God knows no way to respond other than to bring every good thing to you.

(1) Crossing the River. United Kingdom, JZK Publishing, 2002.

(2) Spalding, Baird T. Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Vol. 1. N.p., DeVorss & Company, 1935.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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