Dial Up the Stargate, Starseed.

Purusha Radha
7 min readNov 22, 2023


Stargate. Stargate SG-1. Stargate Atlantis. The SG franchise is quite the cultural phenomenon.

Dial up the Stargate. It locks onto a chevron and takes you to a place and point in time. Something about the silvery liquid plasma Stargate gets people’s attention. The drama of walking slowly up the plank and curiously dipping a finger into the plasma intrigues us.

A woman sits in a meditative stance with a Stargate portal of blue and white Light behind her.

Maybe the SG experience speaks a message that goes far beyond the adventures of the episodes. It could be that people are subconsciously responding to truth veiled as entertainment.

The SG audience finds Stargates really cool. And they are. But almost everyone looks at Stargates as no more than an amazing sci-fi oddity. They see Stargates as unreal having nothing to do with them.

Starseeds. Stargates. Time Travelers.

It’s been a long haul for planet Earth and the human race. Aeons of control and oppression have made evolution slow and labored.

Starseeds have come to Earth from the future to help it along. We’re here to assist the human race to graduate into the higher worlds.

The best way we can do that is to remember and live our birthright. And part of our Starseed birthright is the ability to traverse space and time.

The Starseed’s Master Tool called Stargate requires us to be earnest authentic Starseeds.

Seeing the Stargate as a sci-fi oddity shouldn’t be the case for a Starseed.

For awake Starseeds, the truth isn’t veiled by entertainment. It’s right there so plain and clear for us to see.

Starseeds are blueprinted for the ability to travel the very real Stargates. These portals of Light are the vehicles for traveling through time, space and dimensions.

The earnest Starseed lives the life. It’s one thing to call yourself a Starseed. And it’s quite another to live like one.

Living earnestly as a Starseed isn’t glamorous, but it’s magical. It’s not easy, but it’s illuminating.

And it requires your steadfast focus and the ability to self-motivate and apply yourself. For that you need to create somewhat of a spiritual structure for yourself. Study, practice, learn, expand and become.

And you will also very much need to develop your own sovereignty. It’s required of Starseeds. It’s also necessary for safe travel through cosmic dimensions. Please read my article on sovereignty to understand this vital concept here.

If you lack confidence in your ability to live your birthright, know that everyone started at the beginning. Like everyone else, you can develop and remember your heritage. All it takes is to want to — to truly want to.

What else does Stargate travel require?

You must have enough emotional trauma cleared so your frequency aligns with travel through Stargate portals.

Stargate travel also requires simply the basic qualities or character coordinates any good person should have: Love, service-to-others, kindness and compassion.

Put all that together and you have the coordinates necessary for celestial journeys through Stargates.

A woman in a silvery blue spacesuit sits casually inside a craft as she travels through a blue and white Light Stargate.

Knowing how to project a Stargate and travel through it is encoded in our DNA.

It helps to have seen the visuals in the Stargate shows and movies. They can give you a point of reference, at least to start. (The Stargates I go through are pure Light.)

Starseed people on Earth are like stars, if not constellations! And just like there are no two stars alike with the same glory, each Starseed soul vibrates with its own uniqueness.

It’s your unique vibration that attracts various Stargates to you for travel. And since your vibration is constantly fluxing so too will your Stargates be constantly changing.

For as long as we Starseeds have been incarnating on Earth, we’ve used Stargates. We have an intimate memory of them far beyond what we see in the SG shows and movies.

Not only that, we’ve traveled Stargates for many purposes. Those purposes we may have forgotten but the memory is all right inside of us.

No one needs a time travel machine to journey though time and space. For those of us who know, upon our command, intention and projection we take the Stargates we project to visit any place in space and time.

Why travel through Stargates?

For the outrageous wisdom and spiritual acceleration.

I’ve found this practice to be nothing short of a most excellent spiritual therapy. It has developed me mentally, intellectually and emotionally, too.

In Stargate time travel you turn on an inner switch. You allow a whole new more enlightened geometry to move into place within you.

You move your consciousness through the Stargate and out of time where you merge with extra-dimensional entities and see through their unlimited eyes.

A never-ending stream of higher memories now flows into your consciousness.

Some of these memories are from your days in Atlantis. Other memories were embedded within you by benevolent extraterrestrial beings during your childhood.

Still others are indescribable but you’ve simply carried them within you forever.

Maybe you want clarity on how to serve the planet in a greater way. You’ll come to know what it is.

You’ll be reminded about who you are, why you’re here, and where you’re headed.

You may desire healing or greater wisdom and understanding. You shall have them all.

By traveling Stargates, whatever is for you to know and experience will be revealed to you.

You will become who you are in a more authentic way. It will lead you to Mastery.

An emerald green and royal blue Lighted Stargate travel portal

This practice humbles the practice of telepathy — an actually very dense form of communication.

With practice, intention and focus you’ll be organically deconstructing and then reconstructing time.

In fact, your whole concept of time will change. You’ll intimately understand what esoteric books say about time —

that it truly doesn’t even exist.

If you have some telepathic ability already, that’s a great starting point. But in telepathy alone you’ll never go to the places you’ll go in Stargate time travel.

Through no conscious intention but I believe in answer to questions I was having, I’ve landed in the most wonderful places and teachings. This is the Universal Law of Like Attracts Like in action.

I’ve found myself in front of the Great Central Sun–the Kolob,¹ Divine Mind,² the Ancient of Days,³ and my home world in the future seventh dimension Pleiades.

I’ve come face to face with many archangels and amorphous geometries in space. I was taken to a great hall of crystal skulls. The skulls communicated with me and gave me wisdoms. Once I rode the back of Pegasus⁴ through space.

I could go on with a long list but I want you to have your own pure experiences. These examples will hopefully show you a smattering of what’s possible.

By your will, intention, humbleness, and spiritual and emotional balance, you can travel Stargates.

You bring a certain vibration to Stargate travel but Stargate travel brings an even higher vibration to you.

The upliftment we receive by traveling Stargates elevates everyone else.

Whatever we do for ourselves we also do for all others. Starseeds are virtual homeopathics⁵ for the planet. Through our healing and expansion we pull the rest of the planet with us.

Our high minded actions and ever-increasing vibratory frequency all ripple out — throughout the planet, the cosmos, infinity.

Every day, we present the Essence of our lives as living gifts for all people on Earth. Let’s be sure the gifts we give are the most magnificent possible.

Open yourself to Stargate travel. Transport yourself through realms, dimensions, timelines and geometries to see, observe, receive and communicate with great beings.

You can find the methods I use in my book.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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My Conscious Time Travel Book

¹ The Great Central Sun–the Kolob: The central ‘sun’ of our multiverse but not our planetary sun; it had consciousness and spoke to me.

² Divine Mind is another term for God the Infinite; in my travel it told me to call it simply, ‘Mind.’

³ Ancient of Days: Like the Kolob and Mind, another aspect of Prime Creator; I found myself before the Ancient of Days in more than one time travel excursion where I was shown this entity is a record keeper of all karma incurred everywhere in our multiverse and is the dispenser or actual forgiver of karma when ‘contracts’ are fulfilled. Also consult the book by J. J. Hurtak: The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch for additional information on the Ancient of Days.

⁴ Pegasus: I’ve never studied mythology deeply enough other than to know Pegasus was a flying horse so I was rather shocked that after passing through a golden ‘moon,’ I found myself seated on the back of the white Pegasus, the equine supernatural being who is capable of everything and symbolizes the journey to ‘heaven.’

⁵ Homeopathy is the treatment of disease by minute doses of natural substances that in a healthy person would produce symptoms of disease; contrasted with allopathy or the treatment of disease by conventional means. In this case, to call Starseeds homeopathics means their existence is healing to the planet.

