The Notebook: Powerful Tool and Record Keeper of Spiritual Growth

Purusha Radha
5 min readOct 14, 2023


Record keeper like the soul. Trusted confidant and confessor. Sacred container. That’s what a notebook can be to us who travel the spiritual path.

I’ve got bunches of notebooks. And they’re not just any kind of notebooks.

I choose hard cover spiral bound books with beautiful covers because that’s how important these books are to me.

My notebooks are sacred vessels for my deepest insights, journeys and reflections.

Create Notebooks for Some of Your Spiritual Practices

Some serve as registers for notes I take as I study (not just read) my spiritual books.

Others are like captain’s log books where I record the jaunts I take during conscious time travel. Many spiritual wisdoms are revealed to me during these travels. They completely deserve to be recorded.

I write down my dreams in these diaries and work out their meanings.

When I receive insights in meditation, contemplation or any time during the day, I get those into my notebook, too.

At other times, I’ll have experiences I definitely want to get down on paper like an encounter with an extraordinary person. When I experience the mystical in the course of my day, I tell the story in my notebook.

Meditation, Divination and Dreams Note-Taking

Full of insight and wisdom, so many of our noteworthy experiences are multi-dimensional. They’re about more than you see on the surface. Writing them down clears the way to see what else is there for you to know and understand.

Meditation and Divination
On many a nighttime meditation walk, I’ll look into the sky and sometimes see an outrageous cloud formation. It’s a divine message formation waiting for me to notice. Since clouds quickly dissipate I dictate what I see in voice memos on my phone so I can later memorialize it in my notebook.

I saw a massive eagle in a cloud formation just the other night. It was a totem message for me.

I came home and drew a picture of what I saw in my notebook. Insights bubbled up and I jotted them under my sketch. Now I more fully understood the clouds’ message for me.

There’s just something about writing it down.

Dreams can be so complicated. We know on some level they’re important messages from our subconscious—the Mind of God. By recording the events of our dreams on paper, we start the process of working them out.

Interpreting our dreams can be a process. There’s a lot to unpack in a dream. And once you start unpacking it, the wisdom will often be so profound, you definitely want to write it down.

Here’s a simple technique to help you understand all the elements of your dreams:

Memorialize Your Spiritual Experience

In notebooks, you’re making an important record you can refer back to. It eventually becomes a whole body of work.

When you go back to an entry in your notebook weeks or months later, you’ll see more than you ever did when you first recorded it. You’ll often get more flashes of insight.

And beyond that, you get to see your progress as you flip your notebook’s pages. There on white paper — and white is the symbol of purity — you memorialize your spiritual evolution.

You can’t always grab your journal right when the moment of inspiration or guidance happens. But you can dictate those moments into a note taking app on your smartphone. Later, when you’re in a quiet space, you can transfer those notes into your notebook.

I wouldn’t advise simply keeping notes in an app on your phone or computer. Unique to each person, there’s just something about the handwritten script. Your handwriting speaks in your particular voice and fills the blank page with your individuality.

Besides, hand writing your notes mentally reinforces the knowledge you receive.

That’s why I take notes when I read high spiritual books and texts. I don’t analyze by doing that. Instead, I bring the knowledge into my mind and my energy field on a deeper level.

And something amazing often happens as you write. You’ll often receive morsels of additional wisdom you didn’t get initially.

Whether it’s in a dream, meditation or flash insight, you receive packets of encoded information. And as you write the packet opens spilling its cornucopia of Light codes into your consciousness.

There’s always more wisdom than you first thought. But you have to record the initial insight or memory to get the expanded version.

Your divinely inspired record keeping will be many things.

Each notebook you author will be a dissertation, a study of a particular phase of your life. It will teach you and expand you in consciousness.

This is what they mean by the saying,

You are your own guru.

Every notebook begins as plain white pages patiently waiting to receive your insights and experiences. And as you write, it becomes a truly sacred vessel for it holds your most intimate spiritual experiences.

We all too often overlook and underestimate the simple notebook for the hidden treasure it is.

Go get yourself a beautiful notebook for your beautiful new inscriptions.

As you pour your heart and soul onto its blank canvas, you’ll embolden your Great Spirit. You’ll unravel the tangled threads of the aspects of yourself that still hold hurt and trauma.

The truth of yourself will come to Light — that you were never broken or less than. You’ll feel whole and Godly. You’ll understand why everything has happened as it has.

And you will utilize your power to transform your life from within.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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