The Supernova Within Every Starseed: A Supermind That Waits to Be Awakened.

Purusha Radha
7 min readNov 29, 2023


Starseeds have a birthright known as Supermind. The potential is there within us. It’s just that we’ve been programmed to limit the capabilities of our minds.

A beautiful mature woman with a slight smile on her face looks to the heavens as light dazzles from her mind

Brain and mind are slightly different. But to have a magnificent mind, you have to use and treat your brain rightly.

Most of us haven’t known just how powerful our own unique minds are and we haven’t bothered to develop them. We haven’t given the brain what it needs or let it really do its thing.

But once we begin to remember this awesome potential of mind and brain, we have to begin applying ourselves. We can’t just sit there waiting for the apple to fall from the tree on our heads.

Some might call learning to direct and sharpen the mind to allow the Supermind to take control Raja yoga.

Raja yoga is considered the highest and most challenging route you can take to enlightenment.

It is the noblest of yogas. Really, anything you do with heart, consistence and intent is a yoga. Yoga is any practice that makes spiritual union possible, including sweeping a floor with one-pointed presence.

The first way to apply yourself mentally is to abort any low-minded thought right on the spot.

Low-minded thoughts are the ones that judge, snivel, are intolerant and degrade. They make you anxious, fearful and worried. You feel less than and limited when you think them.

Low-minded thoughts aren’t creative. They don’t build and lift up.

And they’re going to come, that’s for sure. But hopefully they’ll come less and less when you get in the habit of immediately shutting them down.

And when you shut them down, do it simply. Don’t beat yourself up for thinking the thought on top of everything.

You can never become a great man or woman until you have overcome anxiety, worry, and fear. It is impossible for an anxious person, a worried one, or a fearful one to perceive truth; all things are distorted and thrown out of their proper relations by such mental states, and those who are in them cannot read the thoughts of God.

— Wallace Wattles

We can also include memories in the category of low-minded thought, however they’re not true thought. Memories are simply dredged up replays of past events.

Memories have the huge potential and near inevitability of provoking negative emotions in us. This is why recalling the past is actually damaging to us.

Even recalling wonderful past memories are damaging because they keep us trapped there in that reverie. Nothing can be created in recall. It’s only a replay of something that already was created, done, finished.

We waste our valuable thought energy when we get caught up in reverie.

Next, talk less and use that energy to focus on high-minded thought.

This is the kind of thought that’s pure and impeccable. Channel it for your personal power, upliftment and manifestation ability.

You have to train your mind — almost into rote — to think on higher levels. A superb way to do this — and I’m not kidding when I say that — is outlined in this article:

Thoughts we think don’t just remain in the brain. They generate electrical signals that travel throughout the body and into your blue corona (usually lavender in Starseeds). The blue corona is the field of light in the aura closest to your skin about a quarter inch deep.

When you get chills or your hair stands on end when you think a thought, this is evidence of electrical signals reaching and charging your blue corona.

As long as your thought was high-minded, the electrical signals wonderfully charge your whole auric field (aura). They also turn back to light up your brain/Mind.

When thoughts are low vibration, little or no Light is offered the aura and brain/Mind.

Speaking the Divine Names in the five sacred languages helps free you from limiting linear thinking.

When you invoke the Divine Names, you generate an energy that forms a crystalline network in the brain. Crystal is light, bright and pure — exactly what you need for Supermind nourishment and development.

The Divine Names energy creates crystalline channels of Light that form a pyramid of ‘jewel-crystals’ in the third eye.

You establish a harmonic between your crown¹ and third eye seals. And that harmonic of Light helps free you from limited linear thinking.

With focus on high-minded thinking you stimulate an intensified flow of electrical current between brain and pituitary gland.

The pituitary gland² is a major endocrine gland and Master Gland of the body. It’s very much connected to the seventh seal¹ and ultraconsciousness — the frequency band of God the Infinite.

In a way similar to how we tune in to a radio station, our pituitary gland is more able to tune in to higher frequency.

With that, the pituitary begins producing what we might call stargate hormones, not just maintenance hormones.

We call them stargate hormones because now that they’re flooding through our blood and central nervous system, they facilitate our ability to travel through time, space and dimension with a focused thought or command.

And it takes a mind well trained in high-minded thinking to be able to do that.

Now your pituitary gland is so stimulated it sparks the pineal gland… and more.

The pineal is associated with the sixth seal³ and hyper-consciousness and the frequency band of the gamma ray.

Spiritual and metaphysical traditions relate the pineal gland to the third eye, the gateway leading to inner realms of higher states of consciousness.

Swara yoga can help to clear the pineal gland which has been calcified by many of our current lifestyle habits. In Swara yoga we practice breathing while listening to the sound of our breath as the medium of cosmic Life Force.

A robust meditation practice — which is itself a form of high-mindedness — helps develop our Supermind. It helps uplift neural pathways in the brain replacing old debilitating thoughts with creative thoughtforms of Light.

Meditation can also prepare your pineal and pituitary glands for Supermind time travel. In meditation alpha state where you’re awake but your mind is resting and calm yet alert, you connect with the Divine Point Zero. With that, the outer grey matter of your brain, the cerebral cortex, becomes illuminated.

Neural transmitters travel to the brain’s frontal lobe to activate fusion of left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Now you’re no longer just a meditator. You’ve advanced yourself further into Supermind.

Now you can communicate directly with the Divine Unseen and receive knowledges and wisdoms not written in books.

A great hawk flying in a forest

Your Mind is now a much better receptor of quantum corpuscles of Light.

And your Mind steps onto the platform of Supermind. Your mind develops its own field of Light.

As you tune your mind, you become your deeper unlimited Supermind. You begin understanding on deeper levels what you couldn’t understand before.

Now you can look into your soul’s Book of Life and remember your reason for being here. You’re able to read your DNA encodes.

And you take on the sacred mind of the Christ.

You can develop an exceptionally sharp and brilliant mind.

Intend, command, and decree that your brain is open and firing on all cylinders.

Stomp on the entropic serpent — the ego mind and 3D programming of this world — that has you believing you must deteriorate with age. You don’t have to lose the sharp and brilliant mind of your birthright simply because you’ve been on the planet a while.

Become centropic like the Hawk who grips and squashes the serpent with its claws. Allow yourself the far-reaching sight and power of the Eagle.

The Heart is our impetus. The Supermind takes us there.

Allowing our Supermind to take center stage leads us to other supra-natural powers: scrying, remote viewing, clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance, shapeshifting, teleportation, bifurcation and more.

But we have to begin somewhere. And the mind is where it’s at.

I command from the Lord God of my Isness that the cellular structure of my brain is repaired and replenished in full, restored to its pristine and rightful state.

My mind is Supermind!

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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¹ The seventh seal is known as the crown seal or Sahasrara, a term from Sanskrit and Vedic tradition, meaning ‘out of which blossoms a thousand petals.

A seal is a spinning vortex of energy which most people call a chakra. A chakra is actually the point where two lines of energy cross each other.

² The pituitary is a pea-sized body in the midbrain and important in controlling growth and development and the functioning of the other endocrine glands.

³ The pineal gland is a pine-cone shaped gland the size of a pea located in the epithalamus in the center of the brain but slightly towards the rear.

