Know Your Starseed Birthright and Live It.

Purusha Radha
10 min readDec 28, 2023


Birthrights — whether human or Starseed — are fundamental rights we hold simply because we exist. But having a birthright doesn’t automatically mean it’s active. We have to live it. When Starseeds don’t aim to realize our Birthright by living it, we’re Starseeds in name only. Moreover, Starseeds will never truly be happy unless we’re living our Birthright.

We make our Birthright real by demonstrating it in our lives. Without living it, it’s only a weak shadow of the real thing.

The basic human birthright may be freedom but in order for it to truly be ours we have to stand up for it. The same goes for the Starseed Birthright.

Universe of duality and free will that we live in, we always have a choice. Choose our Birthright or not.

And there will always be those who try to squash our Birthright—human or Starseed. Giving us something to push up against, they actually help make us stronger in our Birthright.

The Starseed Birthright is founded on freedom too. But it goes far further.

The challenge is we Starseeds are here in human bodies with egos. We go through life challenges just like everybody else. And life can really put you to the test.

With so many challenges of life, can we really get to our Essential Birthright and then make it real in our lives?

That’s a backwards way to approach it. We shouldn’t say, “Let me get through these things and then I’ll focus on living my Birthright.”

We can live resilient lives if we view them through the prism of our Starseed Birthright.

It’s in the living of our Starseed Birthright that third dimensional life on Earth gets easier.

Whatever your particular Starseed heritage — whatever your home world— our Birthright is the same. And it embodies many interrelated qualities, if not, powers.

There are many aspects of the Starseed Birthright.

The aspects of the Starseed Birthright are each so important I’m not quite sure which one to put first. I look at the list I’m about to share and for me, every single one of them holds the very same importance.

It reminds me of the truth about time where all ‘points in time’ converge upon each other in one single moment. There’s no point in time greater than any another. They’re all equal.

And in the same way, there’s not one aspect of the Starseed Birthright greater than any other except maybe for Love. Love just may have a slight edge.

So we’ll begin with Love — the Love that a Christ embodies.

*Higher Love. We must remember and bring into the here-now the Way of Love we live in our future home worlds.*

Much of the expression of earthly Love isn’t Love. True Love is much higher in expression and frequency than earthly Love. Human beings have a great capacity to love with that Higher Love, but most don’t do so.

Higher Love is far from superficial. It’s deep, meaningful, and multidimensional. It begins mostly in the mind and has nothing to do with genitals.

And it’s not anything like on Instagram either. There people incredibly enamored with the way they look take selfies and post #ilovemyself.

It’s not Love. It’s needy. It’s people begging other people to affirm them and their messed up idea of Love.

We have to get ourselves to the place where we’re not needy. Instead, we’re replete with Love. If no one else on the entire planet paid us any attention or gave us any love, we’d still be happy.

We must become the quintessential embodiments of Higher Love.

This one’s a journey to be sure. We’ve grown up in dysfunctional families and aspects of our psychology have been programmed into some sick thinking.

For many of us, our self-esteem is low even after many decades on the spiritual path. Many of us are still unable to truly love ourselves.

We point out other people’s defects all the time as we look through the filters of our own issues with ourselves.

In my article about being a Christ-in-the-Masses I mentioned Perfect Vision.

Perfect Vision is the way a Christ looks at other people. Christs love themselves and so they only see beauty in all peoples’ souls and even in their personalities.

Christs just simply embrace everyone with all the Love and Compassion in their hearts. And more than that, as a Great Master once reminded me:

Masters go beyond Compassion to Acceptance.

A Master sees the scripts others have written for themselves for their learning. And then the Master accepts it all without judgment. This is a form of Higher Love. It’s Compassion 2.0.

*Serving Others. Service to others is so well embedded in our DNA, we usually can’t help but serve others.*

And service looks all kinds of ways. It looks like the healer, bodyworker, and teacher. But it also looks like the person who listens with a present ear while a lonely senior tells you stories of his past.

Service looks like the ones who defer their place in line to other people. They send arcs of healing Light to the passing ambulance.

And through the conscious living of our lives we hold the space for Light to pierce dense consciousness. We create shafts of Light that not only pierce but increase in size and scope to affect the world as they ripple out.

*Dogma-free and sovereign. We’re the Masters of our own minds and lives and no one else.*

Dogma is a creature of the ego limiting controlling mind. There’s no heart and soul in dogma.

Strict rules that must be followed or you’ll pay a consequence are not the way of a Starseed. They’re the way of dogma and many churches, organizations, groups (including spiritual), creeds, and sciences.

Starseeds must be always free to fly. If we don’t feel free to fly it has an effect on us. It can literally make us ill.

Starseeds check in with ourselves before following any man-made rule or law. If we feel a rule comes with an insidious intent to control and manipulate, we keep ourselves sovereign.

In our future home worlds we live no such thing as humdrum, boring or incessant repetition. Life is always fresh and exciting and we bring those qualities to life here on Earth.

The Starseed Birthright is all about being unlimited and expansive.

We expand our minds to become the Supermind. And we learn to think with multidimensional unlimited minds as we do on our home worlds.

A young platinum haired woman dressed in blue and bold with the Pleiades in the background and starry lights sparkling all around her.

*We are Gods. And we know it. By our command, everything is so.*

A God doesn’t worry about whether he or she will survive or not. We don’t look to the future wondering if we’ll have a roof over our heads or food to eat. A God wouldn’t think like that.

If you worry like that, start thinking like a God, because you are one. Brush that old worrying 3D limited programming off your shoulder.

Know that you are God with the power to summon anything to you that you require.

By your command everything is so!

Ask any advanced dimension Master how to manifest a desire in your life and the Masters will all answer you the same way.

Command it…

and with a tone you’d interpret as saying, “This is so simple, why doesn’t she see this?”

It really is that simple. The greatest Masters from our future home worlds all often tell us simply to declare what we want.

It’s what they do. They say a thing and it is so.

We might as well get good at it because that Mastership is where we’re headed.

We have all power. This is our Birthright. Seize it.

  • If you don’t have immediate success with commands, keep with it. Success delayed only happens because you have much mental programming to overcome.

*We are immortals in the fullest sense of that word. We have the power to never die but ascend our flesh bodies.*

Starseeds are under no obligation to die. In fact, ascension of the flesh body human is our absolute Starseed Birthright.

Why then are so few of us doing it? Because of all that nasty 3D programming that keeps us believing in death and the karmic need for reincarnation.

A transcendent future Pleiadian Master once told a group of Starseeds that none of us in the room wrote to decease our bodies this lifetime. And since that moment, many in the room have died.

It’s not that the Master is wrong. It’s that we’re overly identifying with limitation that comes part and parcel with the 3D world. We overly identify with the way it always appears to have been — that we grow old, get sick and die.

We’ve got to believe in ourselves and our Birthright, Starseeds that we are. No one else is going to do it for us.

Another time, that same Master said this quote now seared into my memory:

Death is a blasphemy to an Isness.

An Isness is a realized God. And a blasphemy is a profanity, a slander, a lie.

Begin contemplating your God Isness and forever life. The more you do, the more you’ll feel both as one in your being. But you first have to at least begin contemplating this. That’s how all magnificent creations are birthed.

It’s true that if you do decease your body as most Starseeds still do, you can ascend. You’ll do so just on the other side. Essentially, you ascend your Light Body.

But why not give it your very best and aim to ascend your flesh body?

Let your desire to ascend the flesh body and realize your Birthright in totality be written all over your Akashic Records.¹ Any desire that’s predominant in your Records like that will indeed come to pass.

When a desire’s that strong and let’s say you come close, you’ll get help as you see’ll in the account below.

There’s a magnificent true ascension story of the man who was once Pontius Pilate in a previous life. The Great Masters, Jesus in particular, assisted him to ascend his flesh body because his desire was that great:

Then Jesus stepped forward to the couch and, raising both hands, said:

“Dear ones, will you just step through the vale of death with me for a moment? It is not forbidden ground as you think. If you will just step through as we have done and view it from the other side, you will see that it is only what your thoughts have made it. There is life there, the same life that is here.”

He stood for a moment with outstretched hands.

“Dear friend and brother, you are with us and we are with you and we are all together with God. The sublime purity, peace, and harmony of God surrounds, embraces, and enriches all. This perfection now manifests so vividly to you, our dear one, that you may arise and be received unto your Father. Dear one, you see and know that it is not dust to dust and ashes to ashes, but it is Life, pure Life, Life Everlasting.

Your body need not be left to mortal dissolution. You now perceive the glory of the Kingdom from which you come forth. You may now arise and go to your Father and the shout goes up, ‘All hail, all hail, the new born one, the risen Lord, the Christ among men.’”

This is a passage from Book One of Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East.² (Pretty much everything you need to know for your successful spiritual journey is in Volume One.)

The author, Baird T. Spalding, goes on to say the majestic ascension sight of Pontius Pilate is so outrageously beautiful, words to describe it would be a travesty.

I just want to emphasize that Pilate was not at death’s door. He didn’t ascend on just the other side of the veil. He ascended his flesh body on this side of the veil.

Jesus said to Pilate: “Your body need not be left to mortal dissolution.”

Our goal is to return to the stars intact having realized our Birthright in totality.

But to do this we have to stop thinking of ourselves as limited. We’ve got to remove from our psyches many of the beliefs we’ve taken on almost by default.

They don’t belong to us. So why are we hanging onto them?

I’m not asking you to take on any new belief you can’t get behind. But if you don’t believe or want to believe in your Birthright of all power, give it a look to see why not.

Is fear behind it? Fear of your power? Fear of going outside the programming that’s been drilled into you? Are you afraid of what others will think of you? If so, don’t tell them until you can get yourself to a place where you don’t care.

Or is it laziness? Is it that you don’t want to spend the energy to do the work? If that’s the case, it only means you don’t really want it… yet.

Just do your very best. Live as much of your Starseed Birthright as you can. Let that process unfold you and see if you don’t end up supremely successful — a Starseed in every sense of the Name.

Keep your Starseed Birthright front and center in your mind and heart. Let it guide you through your life. Honor yourself, be in integrity with yourself and live your Starseed Birthright.

¹ The Akasha or Akashic Records are an etheric repository within the totality of your being that holds knowledge/record of all things past, present and future.

² Spalding, Baird T. Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Vol. 1. N.p., DeVorss & Company, 1935.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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