To Have a Long Great Life You’ve Got to Lead the Parade.

Purusha Radha
6 min readNov 10, 2023


It’s not about years. It’s not about age. It’s not about youth.

It’s about decline.

And decline is about alignment or not.

Decline is about: ‘In This Moment, which way am I forking?’

That’s all it’s about.

— Abraham¹

This quote explains our incumbent president who’s in very noticeable stages of decline. These days there’s certainly a lot of talk about it.

It’s not so much that the man is old. It’s that he’s in decline.

He came to a fork in the road, made certain choices and those choices have caused his now visible decline.

A brightly, joyously, graphically painted home alongside a road in a Vilcabamba, Ecuador valley
In the Blue Zone–Vilcabamba, Ecuador

Blue Zone people prove that the number of years is not the measure of a sharp mind and strong body.

There are many 80-year-olds and older people who are mentally sharp, quick with their step, and vibrant in their being.

Okay, I know they’re a little hard to find, but some do exist, just not so much in America. And that’s a sad statement to make.

A man named Dan Buettner² proved that healthy longevity is possible. He coined the phrase Blue Zone that describes areas of the world where people live far longer than average.

Blue Zone people who live in Ikaria, Greece, Okinawa, Japan and the Orchestra region of Sardinia live a certain philosophy.

  • They don’t smoke.
  • Neither do they take pharmaceuticals.
  • They put family first.
  • They’re physically active every single day.
  • They keep socially engaged.
  • And finally, they eat simpler foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Blue Zone people don’t have physical ills like we Americans do. Living such long lives they’re usually productive right up to the moment of death.

They just make really good and simple choices in life. These choices offer them the great benefit of quality of long and good life.

It really isn’t about the number of years. It’s about the mindset that causes us to make self-destructive decisions.

Whether we’re sharp and vital at age 80 is about the choices we make well before that age.

It’s about whether we take pharmaceuticals or not. No matter how much drugs may bring a certain relief, they only manipulate symptoms. You’re still left with the condition or sickness. And they slowly destroy the body.

In the Abraham quote at the outset of this article, the entity speaks about alignment. Traditional Chinese medicine would call the same thing balance.

Chinese medicine looks at it as balance within each and every system of the body. And then the discipline also looks for balance or alignment of the body with the mind and the Spirit or Higher Power.

An alignment with your Creator, God the Infinite or Higher Power, whichever is the name you choose, is the ultimate alignment or balance point.

Studies show that people do better recovering from illness when they’re spiritually oriented. These people have faith their Higher Power is supporting and loving them through their recovery.

This is why Alcoholics Anonymous bases its whole philosophy on a Higher Power. Without belief or alignment with this force, the road to sobriety is much more difficult.

To live lives that are free of physical suffering, to live well and long we must constantly intend it.

We should go to the doctor when it is necessary, this is true. Don’t make the mistake of pretending all is well when it clearly is not.

But we fan the flames of illness and decline when we:

  • constantly dwell on our illness in the privacy of our lives; and
  • feed that energy of sickness by telling everyone we know about what we’re going through.

You will find no solutions for healing in that consciousness.

You have to flood your being with thoughts of living long and well because whatever we focus on expands.

There was a point in my life when I felt suffocated by my husband. He was very domineering but I didn’t realize at the time I didn’t need to feel powerless.

I was miserable to the point of depression. It got to the point where every time I drove the car doing errands I wished I could lift the car up off the road and fly into the heavens never to return again.

I kept wishing for this so much, I became very ill and headed for death.

  • Our consistent thoughts fill not just our mind but the Akasha³ in our auric field. They can become so prevalent the subconscious has no option other than to begin fulfilling our wishes.

I hadn’t been my own leader. Instead, I had allowed myself to be pushed around, used, and disrespected. And it dishonored who I was inside myself enormously. My soul was crying for change.

In order to jumpstart myself back into life I had to go away from my husband for a while. I had to spend time collecting myself and flooding my being with new intentions of life.

That time in my life profoundly taught me how prevailing intention — constructive or destructive — fills your energy field. And then not only is your field full of your intention, it manifests.

So we need to hold thoughts of our ideal of life if we want to stay on an ascent trajectory rather than decline. That’s what I did to recover and restore myself to more personal power and happiness.

Make all your thoughts joy thoughts, love thoughts and ideal thoughts. Those kinds of thoughts are full of life.

And they’ll have you making the right decisions for your health on all levels.

Constantly think of the ideal of a young and perfectly healthy body. Hold it as your ideal. You need a young and strong body to be able to serve the planet to the fullest after all.

I am perfect radiant health.

I live and serve in absolute prosperity.

I am invigorated with life. I love my life. I appreciate my life, my body, my mind, my soul, my Spirit.

I love living here on earth in my physical body.

I love every cell of my body.

This is how all the Masters before us thought. They held an ideal steadfast in the mind. And they invoked power statements like these to help them achieve and ascend their flesh bodies.

By holding such an ideal in your mind you become the Lord God of your Being. The thought of possible decline doesn’t even enter into your consciousness any more.

Like the Masters before us, you become a Master yourself. And it’s entirely possible you shall never die but ascend into the heavens as a great and brilliant light.

A young woman in a cloud of multicolored flowers symbolizes the ideal of youth

Decline is falling back into the ranks. You’re no longer leading the parade.

I talk a lot in my articles about being free and truly alive. It’s important that we not fall into line only to take what’s dished out to us.

Instead of following and submitting to the agenda of others, you want to be your own leader. Stand up and take charge. You just may inspire others to be like you.

Be a consciously thinking for yourself kind of being. Stand in the courage of your convictions.

That’s what makes us fully alive, vital and on the ascent trajectory.

In the words of Abraham:

Intending for long life assures that you must be leading the parade. People don’t start diminishing their lives until they stop leading and start falling back into the ranks of the parade, trying to do what others are leading them to do.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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¹ Abraham is a group consciousness from the non-physical dimension;

² National Geographic Fellow and New York Times bestselling author; the phrase Blue Zone first appeared in Buettner’s November 2005 National Geographic magazine cover story, The Secrets of a Long Life.

³ Akasha or akashic records are the records of all your thoughts and experiences over all time.

