Your Akasha: Storehouse of Records, Sanctum of Divine Creative Substance

Purusha Radha
6 min readJan 7, 2024


We are living universal databases — magnificent repositories of our own recorded history. Each one of us is a virtual Living Library holding what Edgar Cayce¹ called, God’s Book of Remembrance the Akasha.

This ‘Book’ of Remembrance lives within the center core of your being — the space of profound Isness—your Zero Point. Here is where you’re aligned to God the Infinite, the I AM Presence and your Christ–the Lavender Flame.

A dynamic yet mystical Lavender Flame

This ‘Book’ is an etheric repository that holds the records of everything you’ve ever done, thought, intended or felt.

These are the Akashic Records.

Upon time and space is written the thoughts, the deeds, the activities of an entity — as in relationships to its environs, its hereditary influence… the record is God’s Book of Remembrance…

and each entity, each soul — as the activities of a single day of an entity in the material world — either makes same good or bad or indifferent, depending upon the entity’s application of Self … — Edgar Cayce Reading 1650–1 ³

What Akasha Means

Akasha is a Sanskrit word. Hindu sources tend to offer a limited linear definition of the word. For them, the word means ether or space/sky.

Theosophy founder Helena Blavatsky² knew Akasha was far more than ether. She said that Akasha:

is to Ether what Spirit is to Matter… the Universal Space in which lies inherent the eternal ideation of the Universe ….

In ancient Egyptian the root ka in Akasha means Eternal Light Essence. Light is Divine information we receive and create in the form of Light codes.

So Akasha is much more than ether. It’s Divine Eternal Light. You hold this Light repository within your being.

Theosophists² and others also see Akasha as Primordial Creative Substance. It’s the Substance God the Infinite used to bring creation into being.

Akasha is even more than a storehouse of the past, it’s a creative element. In fact, some spiritual philosophies see Akasha as the fifth element — an energy that unifies all the others.

The Timelessness of Akasha

There are times when I’ve been fortunate to directly perceive my Akasha, rather seeing it as I fly through the Stargate corridor in my conscious time travels.

This is because in Stargate time travel you see and experience things which so happen to already exist in your Akasha.

In other words, you’re traveling to the future, yes. But everything already exists and has already been recorded in your Akasha.

You get the sense that, as you’re passing through the Stargate corridor as I call it, all of your timelines and simultaneous lifetimes — your Akasha — are recorded there. This and so much more. They’re recorded right there in the ‘walls’ of the corridor.

In conscious time travel, wherever and to whatever point in time you travel, you go in your Akasha.

A corridor of Light representing the space within the Akashic Records

Creative Substance Akasha

With your permission, good healers and Lightworkers will access your Akasha to more deeply understand your condition. They access the River of Knowledge in your Akasha. This helps them know how to proceed with the healing work.

You’re not only the center of attention because you’re receiving a healing. By allowing the healer to access your Akasha it makes you a full participant in the healing.

We can also become aware of another’s Akasha when we have close intimate contact with that person. This is why it’s so important to carefully choose who to be intimate with.

It’s also why we might feel so connected or so social towards other people. And it helps explain why we sometimes feel certain emotions with another.

In our mutual intimacy, we become privy to the other’s Akasha. We may not be aware of the records translated into words but we might see flash visions or get feelings and insights.

A very adept Akashic reader, and they’re rare, can know everything about you by looking into your Akasha.

In another article, I tell how a Great Master looked into my Akasha decades ago:

I was terribly miserable in my life and depressed. And it got to the point where every time I went out to do errands I wished I could lift the car up off the road and fly into the heavens never to return again.

I wished for this so much, I became very ill, barely able to put one foot in front of the other.

Our consistent thoughts fill not just our mind but our Akasha. The Akasha becomes so filled with these thoughts the subconscious is compelled to make good on our wishes.

The Great Master who read my Akasha at the time said to me:

“Why all these thoughts of leaving the planet? They’re all over your Akasha. If you don’t do something to turn this around you will surely die.”

Self-Exploration Through Our Akasha

Our Akashic Records have a tremendous influence on our lives, relationships, feelings, belief systems, and the potential realities we draw to us. We learn so much about ourselves and our place in the cosmos when we become intimate with our own Akasha.

As the Sleeping Prophet Cayce said above and I’m paraphrasing:

Your activities of even just a single day creates records in your Akasha that are either good, bad or indifferent (uplifting, destructive or null). It all depends on how you apply yourself.

Become aware of your Akasha and feed it the Light that it is. Feed and flood it with genuine creative uplifting thoughts. And your Records will, in turn, lift you higher.

Akashic Oneness

Collectively, we are the universe’s vast computer database with the capacity to record Light codes of an infinite number of multiverses.

This database called Akasha is Universal Mind. And it’s Universal Mind that connects each of us with every other one.

These records connect each and every one of us to each other. They contain the essence of every archetypal symbol or mythic story which has ever deeply touched patterns of human behavior and experience. They have been the inspiration for dreams and invention. They draw us toward or repel us from one another. They mold and shape levels of human consciousness. They are a portion of Divine Mind. They are the unbiased judge and jury that attempt to guide, educate, and transform every individual to become the very best that she or he can be. — Edgar Cayce’s A. R. E.⁴

We tend to think that we’re here on the planet left vulnerable, without all the means to succeed. But when we stop and think about the vastness of our Akasha, how All-Knowing exists right within us, how can we ever say we’re alone, powerless and assailable?

When we focus on what’s within us, right down to our I Am Zero Point, our Akasha, there is where we find all we need.

The River of Knowledge flows quietly yet gushingly there. And it has the answers to all of our questions because everything has already happened and our Akasha has recorded it.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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¹ Edgar Cayce (1877–1945) was a clairvoyant trance medium often called the “Sleeping Prophet” because he trance oracled his Oversoul and other Master Beings.

² Theosophy comes from the Greek term θεοσοφία (Theosophia), from θεός (Theos), “God”, “Gods” or “Divine,” and σοφία (Sophia), Wisdom. It’s variously translated as Divine Wisdom, the Wisdom of God or the Gods, or wisdom in things Divine. Theosophy Founder Helena Blavatsky (1831–1891) said that “theosophia properly means not a knowledge of ‘God’ but of Gods, i.e., Divine, that is superhuman knowledge; Helena Petrovna Blavatskya was Russian born woman who became interested in spiritualism in New York in 1873, and in 1875 together with Col. H. S. Olcott and W. Q. Judge founded the Theosophical Society.

Theosophy, Accessed 6 Jan. 2024.

³ edgarcayce dot org “Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records.” Accessed 6 January, 2024

⁴ A. R. E. stands for Association for Research and Enlightenment although now the Edgar Cayce studies community simply goes by A. R. E.

