What Are You Creating for Your Future In This Now?

Purusha Radha
4 min readOct 26, 2023


This simple maxim doesn’t make sense to everyone but it does to those who believe we create every speck of our lives:

You create your future in the Now.

The only thing is, most of us get so caught up in “life” we toss that adage right out the window.

And then we wonder why we have never-ending problems and unhappiness in our lives.

The story of my friend illustrates just how conscious we need to be in the Now. It creates all our future experience.

My friend is very difficult to listen to. Her talk is so negative I had to cut her off several months ago.

Recently, the words, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” came to me. And they sort of hounded me.

I kept thinking about my friend. I knew she was very alone and struggling physically too. No one wants to listen to her woeful litanies anymore.

People have tried to get through to her. It hasn’t ever worked.

And I understand this is her spiritual journey, not mine. So it’s not for me to preach or step in as some sort of teacher.

So knowing she is lonely, I reached out to her again. I did so with the resolve not to let her negative talk affect me.

She was thrilled that I had called.

And the conversation went as usual. It was mostly about her debilitating back pain, weight gain, fear of the end of the world. She tells me all her obstacles to exercise. She abhors Halloween because somewhere she’s read it’s the devil and evil out to get her. Spending tons of time on the internet, she’s filling her mind with other peoples’ fear agenda.

This is the true meaning of small talk. It was all small talk but debilitating talk at the same time.

This lady, who has no idea of how wonderful she is, even demeans me here and there in the conversation. I guess at this point it comes naturally to her. All her thoughts are running through dirty filters.

And here I am reaching out to her for a number of weeks and she tells me she has no one to talk to. Hello?

The truth is any molecule in the physical body can change in alignment with our intent.

My friend can have physical vitality but her thoughts feed her cells and hormonal system to the opposite. It’s definitely possible, by changing her mind and speech, to at least turn some of her challenges around.

But at this point, it’s gone so far, it would take incredible discipline for her to retrain her mind. Instead she focuses her mind on other lesser things.

Her focus is on “what is,” what she perceives. In her mind and world, this is all there is.

She’s a dramatic actor in her script—not the Director.

Emotion has become her God. Emotions have a narcotic effect on the body and she’s an addict. She derives some sort of high — a sick charge or payoff — from all this negative emotion.

And she can’t hear herself talk because like addicts, she’s in denial. She has to keep the highs going.

Her body is self-destructing because of the harmful emotions that send signals throughout to shut down and destroy.

When we don’t check in with ourselves frequently and honestly, we dishonor ourselves. Sometimes we need to make a certain mental shift.

We want to make mental shifts that uplift and build, not dampen and destroy our bodies and spirits.

If we perpetuate negative thoughts, emotions, attitudes and behaviors they only get stronger, prolific and damaging over time.

So yesterday, I realized the conversation I was having with my friend was shallow.

Sometimes a surface conversation is fine but I don’t like having them all the time. To me, it’s a waste. It’s not genuine or meaningful.

On top of that, I feel for her. I’m watching her ability to walk and be mobile degrade over time. She has no family who want to talk to her and if she ends up needing care, I’m concerned about how that will go.

I’m not going to abandon this lady again but without preaching I’m going to try something different.

And what I’m going to inject into the conversation is the title of this article. I’ll be saying to her:

Yes, but what are you creating for your future in this Now?

I wouldn’t ask her this question if I didn’t ask myself the same every day. And I have no idea if it will penetrate even the most superficial layer of her hard veneer.

Priorities and Choices for Living

Living life full out isn’t about television shows and movies, fashion and sports. It’s not about thrill seeking or being a foodie.

Living life full out is about…

training your mind to be crystal pure and sharp.

Thoughts that come out of a mind like that are creative and constructive for your body and your life.

Aspire, reach for your greatness and get to intimately know your true God Self. These are what create a grand life — a life of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual vitality.

This is what living life full out is truly all about.

I wish all this for my friend and I know that in the end it’s all her choice.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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