Your Word Is God And It Is Alchemy.

Purusha Radha
6 min readOct 16, 2023


Most of us are far too casual with our words. Flippant, frivolous, shallow, irresponsible, destructive. We don’t get or we forget that our words have power, even authority.

Phrases like “it sucks,” “piece of sh–t,” “she’s garbage” are super low vibration. We think they affect the person we’re naming but that low frequency comes right back on us.

Hey, everybody else does it, why can’t I?

Are our minds so weak and unfocused that we so easily cave in to outside influences?

Does our word mean anything these days?

Who says what they mean and means what they say anymore?

I guess there are a few people, thank God.

When you make a verbal agreement, follow through. Keep your word.

Sometimes life comes up and you can’t keep your word. That’s very understandable. Just tell the other person straightaway you can’t keep the agreement. Make a new agreement or cancel it altogether.

I get confused when I tell someone I’ll be there and they call or text me the day before to ask if I’m still coming. Of course, I’m coming. I told you I would.

I think this happens because they so often don’t keep their word. And so they expect that I won’t either.

On the other hand, be careful with promises. Don’t be wishy-washy with your words but don’t back yourself into a corner with promises you can’t keep.

Some people speak very confining marriage vows and intend them to last for decades. How is that possible when life is constantly evolving and we right along with it?

We need to be conscious of the words we speak. It’s a matter of being conscious rather than on auto-pilot. Do we really say what we feel or do we parrot the same old same old?

This is what magic is. It’s being able to speak in a voice which makes things happen, being able to speak in a voice which causes facts to be beheld by groups of people in a way that has been purged from profane language…

— Terrence McKenna

If you don’t have your word you have nothing.

And I hear people say that all the time… hollowly.

I knew a person a few years ago who never followed through on a single thing he said. He didn’t seem to know what it meant to keep his word.

Nevertheless he mouthed the platitude to me, “My word is all I have. Without my word, I have nothing.”

He was right.

Without integrity of your word, you lack integrity of self and self-respect. This isn’t to mention you also lack respect for others.

You go on throwing words around that mean so little soon nobody really pays attention to you anymore. No one can count on you so why would they invest in you?

You show them what you’re made of with either your conscious words of truth or fake and patronizing platitudes.

Either way,

Your word is God.

And that statement has multidimensional meanings. It means that your word:

  • rules your life
  • has power to create
  • is sacred so you honor agreements and other people
  • uplifts, not destroys or dishonors
  • is your identity.

It takes a bit of energy and attention to speak words of truth, consciousness and creation. You have to put the work in.

The path to the ‘kingdom of heaven’ is narrow so most people out of laziness or denial don’t take it.

In the words of the Master Jesus himself:

Then will they know the vision I saw when I said, ‘Many shall seek to enter in and shall not, for strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to eternal life.’*

Understand that your words are constantly creating your life.

Your words are a manifestation of your thoughts and feelings. Even when our words come out fake and inauthentic, they’re lining up with who we are in that moment — fake and inauthentic.

Your words go hand in hand with thought.

You think the thought. Then the thought’s corresponding words provoke Divine Substance to go into action to create what you say. Essentially, every word, phrase or sentence you speak is a creative decree.

This is law. There is no other way.

Remember that above I said: Your word is God. In Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East,¹ the Himalayan Siddha² Master Emil says:

You have all power to speak the word of authority… Now you can say definitely and knowingly, ‘There is no greater power than the Christ within me. I now send forth my Christ-endowed word; it does accomplish all things instantly. There is no greater driving force than my Christ-endowed word. I praise, bless, and send it forth with abundance, harmony, and perfection.’

You have first spoken the word (God) which represents your true desire. Never go back again to the asking (this attitude engenders doubt); but go on, recall what you have done. You have put forth your Christ word; you are in command. The thing is finished and complete; it is in divine order.

For a fuller understanding of what it means to be a Christ, I’ve written this article:

To consciously create anything, we don’t just think it, desire it, imagine it. We also focus our spoken word and decree it.

Again, in Jesus’ own words:

Through the concentration of the spoken word, they will multiply the loaves and fishes; and as they break the bread or pour the oil for the multitude, it will never diminish but there will always be an abundance left. They will calm the raging sea or tempest by their command and gravitation will be overruled by levitation, for their command is the command of God…

All who believe they can do the works that I do and will come forth and do them may do even greater works than I have done. They will know that it is a process of living the life, believing and knowing; then absolutely nothing is impossible to them.*

Now I know that multiplying loaves and fishes or calming a tempest sounds like a tall order for you right now. It does for me too.

To do those things you have to know you’re a Christ. You have to live as a Christ. And you have to know right down to the belly of your soul that you are God.

That knowing is charged with enormously powerful energy. In that understanding of Self, your words now have potency to the hundredth power or more.

This is how the tempest is calmed and the loaves multiplied.

Think you that you are no more than human?

If you believe God the Infinite created you, then you are a son or daughter of God. This means you’ve inherited God’s essence and attributes. And it means you too are God.

And it’s actually our decrees—our spoken language—and our thought that gets us to that place of knowing we are God. We begin where we are and where we can and that’s with our everyday spoken word.

Some of those decrees will be simple and some will and should be lofty. But by flooding our consciousness with higher velocity language we begin to see our lives transform. We see evidence of it every single day and it picks up momentum as we go.

No longer do we receive the mirror reflection of the awful disempowering words we used to mete out to other people — words and energy that came right back to us whether we knew it or not.

Our words and agreements are no longer puny and limp. They represent the person we know inside ourselves to be.

We become impeccable persons.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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¹ From Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Vol. 1. N.p., DeVorss & Company, 1935.

²Siddha is a term widely in Hinduism and Hindu culture. It means “one who is accomplished.” It refers to highly evolved Masters who have achieved physical and spiritual Mastery and enlightenment. Siddha also refer to a Master who has attained a siddhi or paranormal capability such as levitation, teleportation, or manifesting objects out of thin air.

