Without Exception, There’s a Silver Lining In Every Cloud.

You just have to be open to it.

Purusha Radha
5 min readOct 6, 2023

A long time ago, I heard a proverb that really got my attention:

“There’s a silver lining in every cloud.”¹

A series of one bad thing after another had been parading through my life. I wanted these words to be true.

That statement pierced my consciousness, thank God. It pierced my belief system and opened a door that once held misery and darkness inside.

Kabbalah² has another way of putting it.

Its wisdom teaches that every dark thing that happens to us holds the seed of Light. The darker the event, the greater the Light within it. We simply have to let it come forward.

We have to allow, even expect it.

Amid my tears so long ago, I had an exquisite aha moment. I finally had ears to really and truly hear these wise words.

Maybe it’s because you finally can hear truth when you’re tired of feeling shattered.

My example of how the silver lining works.

The silver lining has proven true over and over again in my life. In fact, it’s so consistent…

I actually get a little excited when something bad happens.

It’s not that I deny the bad times. But I do now know there’s something wonderful waiting for me just around the corner.

My life companion recently passed. I thought I’d be resilient with my grief once he had gone, but it was difficult.

He’d suffered so long and you know that goes. All you want is for the person you love to be freed of that torture.

I thought I’d feel relief when he passed and I did for a short while. But then a shroud of aloneness, almost feeling abandoned, crept over me.

He had been so big in my life. Always there for me, dependable, thinking the best of me, funny and good to me… I now felt completely alone.

For some reason, friends chose to leave me to myself. They decided that was better for me but all I wanted to do was connect with somebody. (Maybe they weren’t all that great of friends. I see that now.)

So I had to go through my grieving process alone.

I might not have liked my friends’ decisions but it forced me to reach within myself to my Great Spirit. It forced me to listen to my Divine Oversoul. I had to go to God the Infinite for comfort.

I was forced to spend time in solitude and out of it came great ideas and guidance for my work in writing.

And I arrived at a palpably new and higher platform on my spiritual journey. Now I was much more psychically tuned in, clear and able.

And then one day after about three months, I was just totally good once again.

Dark times are often much needed wake-up calls.

We’ve all heard stories about people who who lose their jobs only to get much better ones or start a business that takes off.

Breaking up with a romantic partner is usually the best thing that ever happened to people. We realize maybe how codependent we were and it inspires us to get more mentally healthy.

Those dark times are wake-up calls and we’re lucky to have them.

I got caught in a speed trap a couple months ago and hadn’t had a ticket in decades. But I have to admit, it woke me up to driving habits that had eroded over time.

I took the Driver’s Course to prevent points on my record. And I have to say both ticket and course made me a way better driver. I’m actually grateful to that cop, not that I’d ever tell him that.

“Every cloud has a silver lining; and He who wove it knows when to turn it out. So, after every night, however long or dark, there shall yet come a golden morning. Your noblest powers are never developed in prosperity…” — American writer Sarah Payton Parton, 1853

A graphic representation of the sine and cosine wave in mathematics.

We can’t have all sunshine in our lives or we won’t grow.

Just like plants, we need darkness and rain to grow too. It’s so often in the darkness that we learn best. And then we get to have the light again soon after. Such a wonderful, warm and fuzzy reward.

Silver is cool and it is radiant. It shines and reflects light.

In another of my articles, I talked about yin and yang energies.

According to ancient Chinese philosophy, yang energy is active, bright, outward, loud, hard, fast, warm and masculine. Yang is gold.

Yin, on the other hand, is passive, dark, inward, quiet, soft, slow, cold and feminine. Yin is silver.

And yin or the silver energy is very healing.

The dark clouds that cover the sunlight of our lives bring us gifts. They invite us to go inward, to get more acquainted with our Great Spirit, our Oversoul.

No matter how hard we try, we’ll never have 100% completely sunshiny lives.

And that’s okay especially if you believe in the great silver lining inside the darkness.

We live like the mathematical sine and cosine wave with peaks and valleys. Both are necessary for balance. And balance brings vitality to our lives.

Make it your mantra.

There’s a silver lining in every cloud.

This is my mantra. I live by it.

When dark times happen, maybe speak this mantra many times. Let it carry you through. Make this mantra a very mindful habit or prayer.

It will change the way you respond to life’s darkness. And you’ll be able to live a very bright life even in the dark.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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¹ “Every cloud has a silver lining:” An 1849 New Monthly Belle Assemblée entry appears to be the first use of the proverb as we use it today.

² Kabbalah, derived from Judaism, is an ancient spiritual wisdom over 4,000 years old. The literal translation of Kabbalah means to receive. Kabbalah teaches that every human being was created to receive complete joy and fulfillment.

