9 Surprising Facts About Discipline in Ancient India (And How to Apply Them Today)

Rabitta Shahbaz
5 min readSep 10, 2023


Hey everyone, This is History Mystery, Once again back with a new topic as beautiful as the picture below!

Similar to the parenting approach in Ancient Greece, Athens. Parenting in ancient India was characterized by authoritative parenting, a blend of authority and guidance. Parents held the status of authority figures of respect and were responsible for teaching children moral values, life skills, and cultural norms.

Yet, this authority and discipline in ancient India was tempered with empathy and understanding, nurturing a harmonious parent-child relationship. Discipline in ancient India encompassed a blend of correction, guidance, and moral teachings, ensuring the holistic development of children.

Let’s delve into the methods parents employed to discipline their children in ancient India, shedding light on their approach to disobedience.

Open Communication

Parents would start by communicating with the child, effective communication in ancient Indian parenting helped kids understand better why their behavior was unacceptable. This allowed children to understand the reasoning behind the rules and expectations.

Stories and Moral Addresses

Moral teachings in ancient Indian parenting played the role of a motivating force driving kids towards submission and obedience. Parents often used stories from epics like the Ramayana and Mahabharata to highlight virtues such as honesty, humility, compassion, and respect for elders.

These stories acted as cautionary tales, teaching children about the importance of making ethical choices.

Withdrawal of Affection

Children were taught to listen to and obey their parents, teachers, and other authority figures. This value was considered essential for maintaining social harmony and family cohesion.

As for disobedient children, parents might apply discipline methods like temporary withdrawal of affection as a form of consequence.

This emotional distance served as a gentle reminder of the importance of adhering to values and expectations.

Loss of Privileges:

Children might lose certain privileges, such as playtime or special treats, as a result of their disobedience. In some cases, parents might withhold rewards or treats they had promised like pocket money or any promised winning reward if they completed an assigned task.

this disciplinary method Zero privileges for disobedience was also practiced in ancient Egypt. The loss of privileges and promised rewards would help ancient Indian kids understand that such luxuries are only earned through good behavior.

Verbal Reprimand:

Parents would reprimand children verbally, emphasizing the importance of obedience and respect for authority figures. The emphasis and serious focus on respecting authority and elders in ancient India reflect the authoritarian parenting practices in the first-ever civilization, ancient Mesopotamia.

Verbal reprimands in ancient India were often combined with explanations of the consequences of their actions.

Mild Physical Punishments:

Mild physical punishments in ancient India comprised light taps or spankings to correct behavior. It was intended to be a gentle reminder not to cause harm.

While parents nurtured a warm and affectionate bond with their children, they also recognized the need for discipline.

For instance, a child who spoke back to an elder might receive a light tap on the hand. These mild punishments contradict significantly the authoritarian parenting style of Ancient Rome, all about strict parenting and punishments!

Self-Reflection and Apology

Now that is new! Children were encouraged to practice Self-reflection apologize for their misbehavior and offer sincere apologies. This practice instilled a sense of accountability and empathy.

Time-Out or Isolation

Temporary isolation from group activities or playtime was sometimes used as a consequence. This encouraged children to reflect on their actions and consider the impact of their behavior on others.

Community Involvement/ Panchayat

In close-knit regions, community involvement in disciplining children was a common practice. Elders and local councils might get involved in disciplining children. The Panchayat reinforces the importance of societal values and norms.


It’s important to note that ancient Indian discipline methods were rooted in the cultural and social context of the time. While some ancient Indian methods of discipline might seem strict by modern standards, they offer valuable lessons that can be applied to modern parenting.

Effective communication, moral storytelling, withdrawal of privileges, verbal guidance, self-reflection, time-outs, and community involvement remain relevant tools for nurturing well-rounded, respectful, and empathetic individuals today.

By blending authority with understanding and guidance, we can forge strong parent-child relationships and contribute to holistic child development.

Which one of the above is your favorite authoritative disciplinary method? Do let me know in the comments. Until next time Bye!



Rabitta Shahbaz

I'm here to unravel the fascinating evolution of parenting , in short, how the parents have gone soft over time and much more!"