The strengths and limitations of Donald Miller’s StoryBrand approach.

Larry Kaul
6 min readJun 28, 2024


Becoming a StoryBrand came into my life at the right time. My years of positioning companies had exhausted me. Something new was needed.

It came from a simple concept. Tell people the story of their lives and profit from the telling. This idea worked in a marketplace craving novelty.

Millions of marketers struggled to evolve past the stage of website designer, lead generator, or content attractor. Donald Miller gave them a holy grail.

Check out the StoryBrand program on Donald Miller’s website.

The wall of limitation crushed my dreams of becoming a StoryBrand. It became obvious after a few years of attempts the method was not for me.

I’d surrounded myself with its acolytes, hosted well-attended events for them, and learned why in this next phase of business it’s a dead approach.

The world tires of hearing about itself when the aim is profit. Novelty feels fresh in the beginning and then becomes old as it exhausts itself.

When the train of business storytelling comes into view I’m able to tell you the name of each “buy my stuff” stop on the trip.

The collective yawn over this twice-baked potato ended its novelty, effectiveness, and social impact a few years ago.

It takes time for the world to notice. More appear to teach these methods than profit from them. It’s a drop of sameness in the red ocean today.

Image of Joseph Campbell who inspired Donald Miller’s innovation that became convention.

The principles of storytelling work. My definition of work differs from how Donald define success. Learn more in this article how to focus direction.

Works carries a deeper connection. It’s what Joseph Campbell teaches. He buried himself into the myths of humanity to discover truth not marketing.

Let’s go back to the stories. That way we simplify them. Then use them to share experience. In the new economy it’s your experience that matters.

STAGE ONE — The Journey Within

The hero of the journey is not the customer. You’ve been called to adventure for a purpose. Without this you are a hat with no cattle.

Know that purpose, who it’s for in the world, and why it matters to the evolution of humanity. Be not concerned for outcomes, sales, or results.

STAGE TWO — Revelation

Your story starts at the end. You know something important. It’s a mix of your life experience, observations, and self-directed purpose.

This plunge into the depths storyline becomes your StoryBrand. It’s not about finding a way to reflect back on the customer their desire.

STAGE THREE — Remembrances

The anecdotes, snippets, and storylines that come from your mythic quest become your conversational, content, and experience-sharing focus.

Know your people, why you matter in the world, and what resonates. Use this method to gain confidence. Then speak from the heart. Don’t market.

STAGE FOUR — Transformation

Your hero’s journey was no accident. You accepted the call to adventure, left the matrix, and followed the white rabbit into Alice’s wonderland.

Talk about this. Be inspirational. Be significant. Be yourself. Any techniques, how-to methods, or business approaches crush success.

STAGE FIVE — Atonement

The purpose of your dark night of the soul journey came clear. If not you have no story to tell. This makes you an expert in your domain.

If you are not don’t force things. You will be marketing a pig with lipstick. The measure of your being comes from the truth of your advancement.

STAGE SIX — Return

The end of the journey means you are ready for stage six. This becomes your product, company, or offering. It’s constructed from your being.

The story of the Hero Journey replaces all those constructed for marketing purposes. There is no longer the need to convince, explain, or show.

There is no need to construct complex storylines. The best way to succeed comes from simplicity. Be the expert that you are rather than convince others of it.

The days of business storytelling, elevator messages, and constructed epiphany bridge tales died with funnel marketing and influencer bullshit.

I’m happy to offer a few frameworks to get started. Throw them away when you are ready. These are owned by Red Pill Pathway. All rights are reserved.


Replace your canned networking pitch. Play in the sandbox of your history. Imagine yourself talking to your people. Do this long enough to get it real.

Then know yourself well enough to be natural. It’s about context. When people ask what you do the answer is different depending on the situation.


When writing or speaking speak from the heart. Connect with people by being who you are fully. Avoid jargon, convincing, or fear. Flow the words.

Krishna told Arjuna in the Gita not to disrupt the mind’s process. Rather than figure out what works know how your people think by knowing them.

Bigger stages require different versions. When you know the answer the structure becomes a hindrance. It’s part of the process to use frameworks.

Beware of how-to methods. Those are sold by marketers. It’s easier to sell one than ask people to find their own way. That’s why canned is common.


Becoming a legend in your market requires being one. The pathway to that is the Red Pill Pathway. It’s not mine. It’s the journey into the heart of self.

Without that experience don’t attempt this advanced framework. For those who feel called to a Luke Skywalker style hero’s journey this is for you.

You can’t market greatness. It comes from being complete. Those who get there will move mountains. Without clarity you will fall short.

The biggest flywheel to success in the universe fails when it’s impossible to find. Learn your unique pathway to becoming visible. Life will support you.

Kevin got it right. Marketers hate this line. If it’s true the industry dies. Given that it is the truth listen for the bugle as it will blow taps on them.

You will need to become visible but do it your way and ignore the marketers.

Red Pill Pathway offers entrepreneurs, supporting coaches, and service providers More Money Now Approaches and Prosperity Strategies. Attend supportive peer groups, expert workshops, coaching or collaboration sessions, or work on projects.

We spend less time climbing social media mountains and more on creating a business that leads to lasting freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and wealth. Rather than get the answer, I’ll share how to create your ideal entrepreneur experience.

Entrepreneur Vision Clarity Session: You feel the pain of being an entrepreneur and want to focus, get clarity, and get faster results.

Red Pill Pathway Programs: You desire an easier path to freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and prosperity but don’t want to be a marketer.

Entrepreneur Experience: You are tired of playing the client pursuit game for your coaching or service provider business and don’t want to do sales.

More Money Now: You want fast results while you figure out your prosperity strategy and are tired of marketing and social media games.

Change Agent Board: You want a Return on Impact (ROI) for your wealth and desire to transform your market, industry, or company.

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Warmest Regards,





Larry Kaul

💡 My study of the world's greatest minds and how they would help entrepreneurs like us find freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and results 🔑