Array to Tree: Crafting Balanced BSTs from Sorted Arrays

Reza Shokrzad
3 min readJul 16, 2024


Digital illustration showing a sorted array morphing into a height-balanced binary search tree, highlighting structural balance and depth.
the Conversion from a Sorted Array to a Balanced Binary Search Tree

Welcome back to my enlightening series on computer algorithms where we dissect complex problems to enhance our understanding and problem-solving skills. Today, we’ll tackle a fascinating challenge: converting a sorted array into a height-balanced binary search tree (BST). Continuing our journey into more complex data structures, this post will demonstrate how to efficiently transform linear data into a dynamic tree structure, ensuring balance for optimal operations.

About the Conversion Challenge

“Sequential diagrams showing the conversion of sorted arrays into height-balanced binary search trees, highlighting initial unbalanced configurations and their transitions to balanced states.”
the Conversion of Sorted Arrays to Height-Balanced BSTs, Demonstrating Initial and Final Tree States with Transition Arrows

The goal is to convert a sorted integer array into a height-balanced binary search tree. A height-balanced BST is one where the depth of the two subtrees of every node never differs by more than one, which ensures that the tree remains as compact as possible, thereby optimizing search, insert, and delete operations. This problem is particularly interesting because it involves both understanding the properties of binary trees and applying algorithms to ensure the tree remains balanced based on sorted input data.

Solutions to the Problem

Simplest Solution: Recursive Approach

def sortedArrayToBST(nums):
if not nums:
return None

mid = len(nums) // 2
node = TreeNode(nums[mid]) # Create a node with the middle element
node.left = sortedArrayToBST(nums[:mid]) # Recursively build the left subtree
node.right = sortedArrayToBST(nums[mid+1:]) # Recursively build the right subtree

return node

This recursive method divides the sorted array into two halves around the median value which becomes the root, ensuring balanced height as the tree is constructed. The process is repeated for each half, effectively building a balanced tree from the ground up.

Optimized Solution: Iterative Approach

There isn’t a straightforward iterative approach for this specific problem due to the recursive nature of dividing the array and constructing subtrees, but an explanation of how an iterative method might work theoretically could be discussed.

Complexity Analysis

Recursive Solution:

  • Time Complexity: O(n) — Each element in the array is used exactly once to create a node.
  • Space Complexity: O(logn) — The recursion stack depth corresponds to the height of the tree, which is log(n) in the best case of a balanced BST.


Converting a sorted array into a height-balanced BST is an excellent exercise in understanding how linear data structures can be transformed into non-linear ones to improve efficiency and balance. This problem not only tests algorithmic thinking but also bridges practical data structure transformations that are crucial in software development and optimization tasks.

Previous discussions:

efficient numerical operations in “Two Sum”,
integer manipulations in “Reverse Integer”,
string reversals in “Palindrome Number”,
numeric conversions in “Roman to Integer”,
sequence comparisons in “Longest Common Prefix”,
bracket validation in “Valid Parentheses”,
list merging techniques in “Merge Two Sorted Lists”,
array deduplication in “Remove Duplicates in Place”,
efficient data restructuring in “Optimized In-Place Element Removal from Arrays”,
binary search in action “Insert Position Determination”,
Kadane’s Algorithm in “A Path to Maximum Subarray”,
Breaking Down Strings in “the Length of the Last Word”,
Array plus one in “Navigating Integer Arrays”,
Ascending Algorithms in “Different Ways to Climb Stairs”,
A Guide to Inorder Traversal “Navigating Binary Tree Nodes”,
Decoding Tree Structures “Same Tree”,
Understanding Mirrored Binary Trees “Tree Symmetry”,
Determining the Longest Path from Root to Leaf “Binary Tree Depth”.

