The Debriefing — Episode 5: Merry Checkmas!

3 min readDec 30, 2015


The Debriefing is a series of blogisodes wherein I, Anton Beza, discuss what I’ve learned, loved and not-loved-so-much after the completion of a user-created mission from the app Checkverse. To go on your own adventures download Checkverse for iPhone today!

I wish I could have done this debriefing last week, it would have been more in-line with the spirit of the season, but it makes no sense to write about a mission you haven’t completed yet. So here it is now, my debriefing of alison5800's extremely popular, 29-objective, whopper-of-a-mission: Celebrate Christmas.

As per usual, here’s the evidence (in wide-screen!):

You may have noticed, I finally got a haircut.

The Debriefing

Twas the month before Christmas,

And all through December,

A grand holiday mission,

Made it one to remember.

First off, this was the most fun I’ve had completing a mission. Usually long missions are daunting, but this one was well designed and really made it the best Christmas season ever.

Here are my other take-aways:

  • This year, more than any other, involved a lot of online shopping. The majority of my gift purchases were made on my phone or from a laptop. This led me to have to work from home for the week before Christmas to be around to sign for all of the packages.
  • A lot of this mission had scavenger-hunt-style objectives (e.g. Photograph a reindeer). This was a ton of fun and had me enjoying the Christmas decorations more this year than any other. “Lights in the park” or in our case “Lights on the lake” was a great way to get a lot of the objectives checked off.
  • Santa was probably a little creeped out by the two adults photographing him from a distance trying to get the perfect shot. Soon more people will know what we’re up to ;)
  • I don’t usually make Christmas cookies or gingerbread houses, but both activities were a lot of fun and I’m looking forward to doing those things again. I especially enjoyed making the cookies. I made a crescent moon, 8-bit Mario, Spider-man and the Grinch. I didn’t have the heart to eat them after making them so I left them at my sister’s house for her family to perform the executions. For the gingerbread house, I made a pyramid. It was a PITA to get the walls to stick together.
  • Egg nog is great! I’d never had it before and always assumed it was gross (just check out my pic of it before it hits my tongue). Turns out it’s actually really good. Can’t wait for egg nog next year!
  • Kissing under the mistletoe was hard for two reasons 1) it’s incredibly hard to find in the wild 2) it’s awkward. If there was a final boss for this mission, “Kiss under mistletoe” would be it.

Overall this was the most fun I’ve had so far in a mission and I feel super accomplished. A lot of people took on this mission and it was really cool to see the unique ways other people accomplished the assortment of objectives. I really enjoy doing these season/holiday-themed objectives along with other people. I like it so much, I’m going to do it again! For the first time in The Debriefing history, here’s the epic reveal of next week’s The Debriefing mission: Celebrate New Year’s Eve 2015–2016 by lyssadee! If you haven’t already, take it on and celebrate New Year’s Eve with me LIVE!

Till next time,


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