Weight loss story: I Lost 29 Pounds in 6 Months — And Gained 33 in Next 6

I failed at weight loss but won at life.

Romi Rafiq
5 min readOct 13, 2022
Image by Laura from Pixabay

Weight loss is the one topic that never seems to lose popularity, isn’t it? It certainly took up 90% of my brain in the last year!

Having had enough of the comments I was getting about my body, the way I ate and hearing endless advice on how I needed to think seriously about my weight, I set off on this journey.

First things first, I did not succeed in terms of weight. But I did learn a lot of things that have now made me confident, empowered and more successful in life so I would say the failure was worth it.

If you’re leaving here, that makes me sad but do let me know why I wasn’t able to hold your interest. I promise I will improve myself because it would be lovely to have you as a long-term reader.

To the ones staying, now that you know what is coming, let’s dive right into it.

The first thing I did

I turned myself in to a kangaroo, always jumping around, walking and running. Food was secondary at this point because I thought I’m just going to burn it all off anyway.

2 weeks was all it took for me to realize I was going in the wrong direction! That’s exactly what you were going to comment, wasn’t it? Well, I read your mind!

Wait, don’t leave just yet, the story of my journey hasn’t even started.

After I transformed from a kangaroo into a girl again, I heard my family friends talking about keto. I was intrigued. How can eating fat burn fat?

I started my research. That makes me wonder if you have read my story about keto diet making me a blogger? Do check it out and let me know your thoughts.

Anyways, so I liked what I saw on the internet and decided to give it a shot.

I started the keto diet

To say that I was going through torture would be an understatement. It was so hard to eat like a rabbit. Well, a carnivorous rabbit!

And don’t even get me started on the cauliflower. Who knew there were so many ways to eat it! But every time I tried to make a pizza base or tortilla out of cauliflower, I always managed to burn it.

Which means I was basically left with the option of using cabbage as a base for everything. And boy, was I grateful that my taste buds developed a friendship with it.

My regular lunch and dinner looked like this: Grilled chicken, chopped up cabbage and bell peppers with cheese sauce. Like, everyday! I was also doing intermittent fasting which meant no breakfast for me.

Fast forward to the results

Photo by i yunmai on Unsplash

I lost 29 pounds in 6 months. I admit, I had become the best version of myself. People started complementing me and everyone wanted to be my friend.

But I had to leave the keto diet because the side effects I was experiencing were far too scary than people telling me to lose weight.

And I figured I’ve already lost weight. Now if I go off keto and just maintain my weight through portion control and exercise, I’ll be fine.

But guess what? Due to the extreme restriction during keto, I started eating like a maniac. The weight came on slowly hence I wasn’t able to realize what was happening.

6 months later, when I checked my weight, I had gained 33 pounds! 4 pounds heavier than when I first started weight loss!

The comments started again

But this time, I had a job I loved to distract me. I focused on polishing my skills rather than obsessing over my weight.

I also wrote this story on the 5 things that I learned from 15 years of being body shamed. I hope my journey inspires people like me. Do let me know your thoughts.

This small exercise made me realize; I didn’t really have to lose weight. I’m not obese, just a bit chubby for my age and my weight was not affecting my energy or health then why should I care?

Just because the society wanted me to care. But on what grounds? What rights did they have over me?

These questions made me look at myself from a whole new perspective and I was able to overcome the hate. This time, whenever anyone told me to lose weight, I confronted them with my success.

I told them to keep their noses out of my life and start worrying about their own. I told them to find a job, so they’ll have a distraction from being jealous of my life.

I stopped worrying about what people would think of me and whether I will have any friends or not. And slowly, very slowly, things started to fall in place.

I now have two amazing and genuine friends Muhammad Usman and Malikusama who don’t care about the way I look. Who celebrate my small successes and who make me feel like the princess that I am. I couldn’t ask for anything more.

I have even started losing a bit of weight by not always obsessing over it and just trying to remain active while eating less junk.

If you are struggling with your weight because of people’s comments, trust me darling, they’re not worth it. You are a gem who has a unique quality that hasn’t yet been discovered.

But when it is revealed, you will find yourself surrounded by genuine, non-toxic people. Just focus on your dreams and show the world your worth.

I’m going to go finish up that landing page I needed a distraction from, but I’m here if you need support or have questions or just enjoyed my story. :)



Romi Rafiq

Blogger and copywriter at Alifya Studio. Obsessed with books and skincare. Open for freelance writing. Reach out: romirafiq505@gmail.com