Virtual Reality— It will affect us all in the future

4 min readNov 1, 2015


by ronatory

Photo Credit: Seb Zurcher

People will spend the majority of Waking Time in Virtual Reality by 2020 — Zack Kanter

Which device do you use most of the time every day? Yes, your smartphone. You use it for gaming, education, sport, office, communication, shopping, etc.

Virtual Reality is another technology which we will use also every day in some years like our smartphones in at least the same use cases as mentioned above. Most known is currently Oculus with their products Rift or Gear VR. It’s not surprising that Facebook bought the startup for $2bn.

Wikipedia — Oculus Rift @ Gamescom 2014

I will list some use cases below how virtual reality will us affect all of us in the future and already affect us today


The most common use case is gaming. Developers created already games with Dev Kit 1, Dev Kit 2 and Crescent Bay. The Oculus Rift consumer edition will go on sale in 2016. Watch an example below how PewDiePie played some VR Games.


Pupils for example will go to virtual reality classroom to have collaborations and interact there with their teacher and classmates.


You can meet your friends in a virtual reality room an watch together on a big TV screen movies, shows, etc. Streaming services like Netflix and Hulu are already released apps that will give users the ability to consume content in 3D on a virtual couch while wearing their VR headset.


Training athletes trough virtual reality. Here is an example, how virtual reality can be used to train quarterbacks in almost all positions.


If someone work remote and will meet up with the team which is spread across the world, in the future you will sitting next to them to plan face to face new concepts or ideas.


Oculus VR CEO Brendan Iribe said “We really believe the ultimate application for this is actually social communications. That’s where it’s long-term going to go.” He continued “I want to have this conversation with you face-to-face, and I’m in Irvine, [Orange County] and you’re in San Francisco or New York or wherever you live. And you believe I’m here and I believe you’re there and we have this kind of interaction, but if I went like this [swipes hand forward], I can put my hand through you. But aside from that, my brain would say we’re really in whatever space we wanted to be in. And when we hit that, and we’ll hit it soon, when we hit that, it can fundamentally change communication. Billions of people communicate, and want communication devices, so that’s where we see it going.”


How often do you have time to do a shopping tour in a big city mall or visit different stores local compared to buying online clothes. Both parts have advantages. Why don’t combine them. Go from store to store and buy them from home. Virtual reality can and will make this happen. Watch the video below to see a demo.

These are only few use cases for virtual reality. Here you can find a list with 25 virtual reality use cases and their different leading innovators.




Why wouldn’t you try to make the future better if you’re going to be a part of it